blob: f065bf6404f1a36dbd39f8ff500567b4c1a5d3df [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: %python %S/ %s %flang_fc1
! This test checks for semantic errors in atomic_define subroutine calls based on
! the interface defined in section 16.9.23 of the Fortran 2018 standard.
program test_atomic_define
use iso_fortran_env, only: atomic_int_kind, atomic_logical_kind
implicit none
integer(kind=atomic_int_kind) :: scalar_coarray[*], non_scalar_coarray(10)[*], val, non_coarray
integer(kind=atomic_int_kind) :: repeated_atom[*], repeated_val, array(10)
integer :: status, default_kind_coarray[*], coindexed_status[*], extra_arg, repeated_status, status_array(10), default_int_val
real :: non_integer_coarray[*], non_int_or_logical
logical(kind=atomic_logical_kind) :: atom_logical[*], val_logical, non_scalar_logical_coarray(10)[*], non_coarray_logical
logical :: non_integer, default_kind_logical_coarray[*], default_logical_val
! These variables are used in this test based on the assumption that atomic_int_kind is not equal to kind=1
! This is true at the time of writing of the test, but of course is not guaranteed to stay the same
integer(kind=1) :: kind1_coarray[*]
logical(kind=1) :: kind1_logical_coarray[*]
!___ standard-conforming calls ___
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val)
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, default_int_val)
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray[1], val)
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, default_int_val, status)
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray[1], val, status)
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, default_int_val, stat=status)
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, value=val, stat=status)
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, value=default_int_val)
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, value=val, stat=status)
call atomic_define(stat=status, value=default_int_val, atom=scalar_coarray)
call atomic_define(atom_logical, val_logical)
call atomic_define(atom_logical, default_logical_val)
call atomic_define(atom_logical[1], val_logical)
call atomic_define(atom_logical, val_logical, status)
call atomic_define(atom_logical[1], val_logical, status)
call atomic_define(atom_logical, val_logical, stat=status)
call atomic_define(atom_logical, value=val_logical, stat=status)
call atomic_define(atom=atom_logical, value=val_logical)
call atomic_define(atom=atom_logical, value=val_logical, stat=status)
call atomic_define(stat=status, value=val_logical, atom=atom_logical)
!___ non-standard-conforming calls ___
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(non_scalar_coarray, val)
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(non_scalar_coarray[1], val)
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(non_scalar_logical_coarray, val_logical)
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(non_scalar_logical_coarray[1], val_logical)
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(non_coarray, val)
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(non_coarray_logical, val_logical)
!ERROR: 'atom=' argument must be a scalar coarray or coindexed object for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(array, val)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'atom=' must have kind=atomic_int_kind or atomic_logical_kind, but is 'INTEGER(4)'
call atomic_define(default_kind_coarray, val)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'atom=' must have kind=atomic_int_kind or atomic_logical_kind, but is 'INTEGER(1)'
call atomic_define(kind1_coarray, val)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'atom=' must have kind=atomic_int_kind or atomic_logical_kind, but is 'LOGICAL(4)'
call atomic_define(default_kind_logical_coarray, val_logical)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'atom=' must have kind=atomic_int_kind or atomic_logical_kind, but is 'LOGICAL(1)'
call atomic_define(kind1_logical_coarray, val_logical)
!ERROR: 'value=' argument to 'atomic_define' must have same type as 'atom=', but is 'LOGICAL(8)'
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val_logical)
!ERROR: 'value=' argument to 'atomic_define' must have same type as 'atom=', but is 'INTEGER(8)'
call atomic_define(atom_logical, val)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'atom=' has bad type 'REAL(4)'
call atomic_define(non_integer_coarray, val)
!ERROR: 'value=' argument has unacceptable rank 1
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, array)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'value=' has bad type 'REAL(4)'
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, non_int_or_logical)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'value=' has bad type 'REAL(4)'
call atomic_define(atom_logical, non_int_or_logical)
!ERROR: Actual argument for 'stat=' has bad type 'LOGICAL(4)'
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, non_integer)
!ERROR: 'stat=' argument has unacceptable rank 1
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, status_array)
!ERROR: 'stat' argument to 'atomic_define' may not be a coindexed object
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, coindexed_status[1])
!ERROR: Actual argument associated with INTENT(OUT) dummy argument 'stat=' is not definable
!BECAUSE: '1_4' is not a variable or pointer
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, 1)
!ERROR: missing mandatory 'atom=' argument
call atomic_define()
!ERROR: missing mandatory 'atom=' argument
call atomic_define(value=val, stat=status)
!ERROR: missing mandatory 'value=' argument
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray)
!ERROR: missing mandatory 'value=' argument
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, stat=status)
!ERROR: too many actual arguments for intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, status, extra_arg)
!ERROR: repeated keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, atom=repeated_atom, value=val, stat=status)
!ERROR: repeated keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, value=val, value=repeated_val, stat=status)
!ERROR: repeated keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, value=val, stat=status, stat=repeated_status)
!ERROR: unknown keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(atomic=scalar_coarray, value=val, stat=status)
!ERROR: unknown keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, values=val, stat=status)
!ERROR: unknown keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define'
call atomic_define(atom=scalar_coarray, value=val, status=status)
!ERROR: keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define' was supplied positionally by an earlier actual argument
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, atom=repeated_atom)
!ERROR: keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define' was supplied positionally by an earlier actual argument
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, value=repeated_val)
!ERROR: keyword argument to intrinsic 'atomic_define' was supplied positionally by an earlier actual argument
call atomic_define(scalar_coarray, val, status, stat=repeated_status)
end program test_atomic_define