blob: 3ff06cc15a8a33b24f8dbb9636d849bf0f807e84 [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: %S/ %s %t %flang_fc1
! REQUIRES: shell
integer :: unit10 = 10
integer :: unit11 = 11
integer, parameter :: const_stat = 6666
integer(kind=1) :: stat1
integer(kind=8) :: stat8
character(len=55) :: msg
close(unit=unit11, err=9, iomsg=msg, iostat=stat1)
close(12, status='Keep')
close(iostat=stat8, 11) ! nonstandard
!ERROR: CLOSE statement must have a UNIT number specifier
!ERROR: Duplicate UNIT specifier
close(13, unit=14, err=9)
!ERROR: Duplicate ERR specifier
close(err=9, unit=15, err=9, iostat=stat8)
!ERROR: Invalid STATUS value 'kept'
close(status='kept', unit=16)
!ERROR: Invalid STATUS value 'old'
close(status='old', unit=17)
!ERROR: IOSTAT variable 'const_stat' must be definable
close(14, iostat=const_stat)
9 continue