blob: 0329e74979433c4bdcbdff61596e898b0293728a [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Lower/AbstractConverter.h -------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Coding style:
#include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
#include "flang/Lower/LoweringOptions.h"
#include "flang/Lower/PFTDefs.h"
#include "flang/Optimizer/Builder/BoxValue.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/symbol.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
namespace fir {
class KindMapping;
class FirOpBuilder;
} // namespace fir
namespace fir {
class KindMapping;
class FirOpBuilder;
} // namespace fir
namespace Fortran {
namespace common {
template <typename>
class Reference;
namespace evaluate {
struct DataRef;
template <typename>
class Expr;
class FoldingContext;
struct SomeType;
} // namespace evaluate
namespace parser {
class CharBlock;
namespace semantics {
class Symbol;
class DerivedTypeSpec;
} // namespace semantics
namespace lower {
namespace pft {
struct Variable;
using SomeExpr = Fortran::evaluate::Expr<Fortran::evaluate::SomeType>;
using SymbolRef = Fortran::common::Reference<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol>;
class StatementContext;
// AbstractConverter interface
/// The abstract interface for converter implementations to lower Fortran
/// front-end fragments such as expressions, types, etc. to the FIR dialect of
/// MLIR.
class AbstractConverter {
// Symbols
/// Get the mlir instance of a symbol.
virtual mlir::Value getSymbolAddress(SymbolRef sym) = 0;
virtual fir::ExtendedValue
getSymbolExtendedValue(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) = 0;
/// Get the binding of an implied do variable by name.
virtual mlir::Value impliedDoBinding(llvm::StringRef name) = 0;
/// Copy the binding of src to target symbol.
virtual void copySymbolBinding(SymbolRef src, SymbolRef target) = 0;
/// Binds the symbol to an fir extended value. The symbol binding will be
/// added or replaced at the inner-most level of the local symbol map.
virtual void bindSymbol(SymbolRef sym, const fir::ExtendedValue &exval) = 0;
/// Get the label set associated with a symbol.
virtual bool lookupLabelSet(SymbolRef sym, pft::LabelSet &labelSet) = 0;
/// Get the code defined by a label
virtual pft::Evaluation *lookupLabel(pft::Label label) = 0;
/// For a given symbol which is host-associated, create a clone using
/// parameters from the host-associated symbol.
virtual bool
createHostAssociateVarClone(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym) = 0;
virtual void copyHostAssociateVar(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &sym,
mlir::Block *lastPrivBlock = nullptr) = 0;
/// Collect the set of ultimate symbols of symbols with \p flag in \p eval
/// region if \p isUltimateSymbol is true. Otherwise, collect the set of
/// symbols with \p flag.
virtual void collectSymbolSet(
pft::Evaluation &eval,
llvm::SetVector<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *> &symbolSet,
Fortran::semantics::Symbol::Flag flag, bool isUltimateSymbol = true) = 0;
// Expressions
/// Generate the address of the location holding the expression, \p expr.
/// If \p expr is a Designator that is not compile time contiguous, the
/// address returned is the one of a contiguous temporary storage holding the
/// expression value. The clean-up for this temporary is added to \p context.
virtual fir::ExtendedValue genExprAddr(const SomeExpr &expr,
StatementContext &context,
mlir::Location *loc = nullptr) = 0;
/// Generate the address of the location holding the expression, \p expr.
fir::ExtendedValue genExprAddr(mlir::Location loc, const SomeExpr *expr,
StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
return genExprAddr(*expr, stmtCtx, &loc);
fir::ExtendedValue genExprAddr(mlir::Location loc, const SomeExpr &expr,
StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
return genExprAddr(expr, stmtCtx, &loc);
/// Generate the computations of the expression to produce a value.
virtual fir::ExtendedValue genExprValue(const SomeExpr &expr,
StatementContext &context,
mlir::Location *loc = nullptr) = 0;
/// Generate the computations of the expression, \p expr, to produce a value.
fir::ExtendedValue genExprValue(mlir::Location loc, const SomeExpr *expr,
StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
return genExprValue(*expr, stmtCtx, &loc);
fir::ExtendedValue genExprValue(mlir::Location loc, const SomeExpr &expr,
StatementContext &stmtCtx) {
return genExprValue(expr, stmtCtx, &loc);
/// Generate or get a describing the expression. If SomeExpr is
/// a Designator, the describes an entity over the Designator base
/// storage without making a temporary.
virtual fir::ExtendedValue genExprBox(mlir::Location loc,
const SomeExpr &expr,
StatementContext &stmtCtx) = 0;
/// Generate the address of the box describing the variable designated
/// by the expression. The expression must be an allocatable or pointer
/// designator.
virtual fir::MutableBoxValue genExprMutableBox(mlir::Location loc,
const SomeExpr &expr) = 0;
/// Get FoldingContext that is required for some expression
/// analysis.
virtual Fortran::evaluate::FoldingContext &getFoldingContext() = 0;
/// Host associated variables are grouped as a tuple. This returns that value,
/// which is itself a reference. Use bindTuple() to set this value.
virtual mlir::Value hostAssocTupleValue() = 0;
/// Record a binding for the ssa-value of the host assoications tuple for this
/// function.
virtual void bindHostAssocTuple(mlir::Value val) = 0;
// Types
/// Generate the type of an Expr
virtual mlir::Type genType(const SomeExpr &) = 0;
/// Generate the type of a Symbol
virtual mlir::Type genType(SymbolRef) = 0;
/// Generate the type from a category
virtual mlir::Type genType(Fortran::common::TypeCategory tc) = 0;
/// Generate the type from a category and kind and length parameters.
virtual mlir::Type
genType(Fortran::common::TypeCategory tc, int kind,
llvm::ArrayRef<std::int64_t> lenParameters = llvm::None) = 0;
/// Generate the type from a DerivedTypeSpec.
virtual mlir::Type genType(const Fortran::semantics::DerivedTypeSpec &) = 0;
/// Generate the type from a Variable
virtual mlir::Type genType(const pft::Variable &) = 0;
/// Register a runtime derived type information object symbol to ensure its
/// object will be generated as a global.
virtual void registerRuntimeTypeInfo(mlir::Location loc,
SymbolRef typeInfoSym) = 0;
// Locations
/// Get the converter's current location
virtual mlir::Location getCurrentLocation() = 0;
/// Generate a dummy location
virtual mlir::Location genUnknownLocation() = 0;
/// Generate the location as converted from a CharBlock
virtual mlir::Location genLocation(const Fortran::parser::CharBlock &) = 0;
/// Get the OpBuilder
virtual fir::FirOpBuilder &getFirOpBuilder() = 0;
/// Get the ModuleOp
virtual mlir::ModuleOp &getModuleOp() = 0;
/// Get the MLIRContext
virtual mlir::MLIRContext &getMLIRContext() = 0;
/// Unique a symbol
virtual std::string mangleName(const Fortran::semantics::Symbol &) = 0;
/// Get the KindMap.
virtual const fir::KindMapping &getKindMap() = 0;
AbstractConverter(const Fortran::lower::LoweringOptions &loweringOptions)
: loweringOptions(loweringOptions) {}
virtual ~AbstractConverter() = default;
// Miscellaneous
/// Return options controlling lowering behavior.
const Fortran::lower::LoweringOptions &getLoweringOptions() const {
return loweringOptions;
/// Options controlling lowering behavior.
const Fortran::lower::LoweringOptions &loweringOptions;
} // namespace lower
} // namespace Fortran