blob: 487f8b0fe485fdf6c75ff8dc2bc075d9cfe385b6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h -- FIR types ----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Coding style:
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinTypes.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/"
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
class StringRef;
template <typename>
class ArrayRef;
class hash_code;
} // namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
class DialectAsmParser;
class DialectAsmPrinter;
class ComplexType;
class FloatType;
} // namespace mlir
namespace fir {
class FIROpsDialect;
using KindTy = unsigned;
namespace detail {
struct BoxTypeStorage;
struct BoxCharTypeStorage;
struct BoxProcTypeStorage;
struct CharacterTypeStorage;
struct ComplexTypeStorage;
struct FieldTypeStorage;
struct HeapTypeStorage;
struct IntegerTypeStorage;
struct LenTypeStorage;
struct LogicalTypeStorage;
struct PointerTypeStorage;
struct RealTypeStorage;
struct RecordTypeStorage;
struct ReferenceTypeStorage;
struct SequenceTypeStorage;
struct ShapeShiftTypeStorage;
struct SliceTypeStorage;
struct TypeDescTypeStorage;
struct VectorTypeStorage;
} // namespace detail
// These isa_ routines follow the precedent of llvm::isa_or_null<>
/// Is `t` any of the FIR dialect types?
bool isa_fir_type(mlir::Type t);
/// Is `t` any of the Standard dialect types?
bool isa_std_type(mlir::Type t);
/// Is `t` any of the FIR dialect or Standard dialect types?
bool isa_fir_or_std_type(mlir::Type t);
/// Is `t` a FIR dialect type that implies a memory (de)reference?
bool isa_ref_type(mlir::Type t);
/// Is `t` a type that is always trivially pass-by-reference? Specifically, this
/// is testing if `t` is a ReferenceType or any box type. Compare this to
/// conformsWithPassByRef(), which includes pointers and allocatables.
bool isa_passbyref_type(mlir::Type t);
/// Is `t` a boxed type?
bool isa_box_type(mlir::Type t);
/// Is `t` a type that can conform to be pass-by-reference? Depending on the
/// context, these types may simply demote to pass-by-reference or a reference
/// to them may have to be passed instead.
inline bool conformsWithPassByRef(mlir::Type t) {
return isa_ref_type(t) || isa_box_type(t);
/// Is `t` a FIR dialect aggregate type?
bool isa_aggregate(mlir::Type t);
/// Extract the `Type` pointed to from a FIR memory reference type. If `t` is
/// not a memory reference type, then returns a null `Type`.
mlir::Type dyn_cast_ptrEleTy(mlir::Type t);
// Intrinsic types
/// Model of the Fortran CHARACTER intrinsic type, including the KIND type
/// parameter. The model optionally includes a LEN type parameter. A
/// CharacterType is thus the type of both a single character value and a
/// character with a LEN parameter.
class CharacterType
: public mlir::Type::TypeBase<CharacterType, mlir::Type,
detail::CharacterTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using LenType = std::int64_t;
static CharacterType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind, LenType len);
/// Return unknown length CHARACTER type.
static CharacterType getUnknownLen(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
return get(ctxt, kind, unknownLen());
/// Return length 1 CHARACTER type.
static CharacterType getSingleton(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind) {
return get(ctxt, kind, singleton());
KindTy getFKind() const;
/// CHARACTER is a singleton and has a LEN of 1.
static constexpr LenType singleton() { return 1; }
/// CHARACTER has an unknown LEN property.
static constexpr LenType unknownLen() { return -1; }
/// Access to a CHARACTER's LEN property. Defaults to 1.
LenType getLen() const;
/// Model of a Fortran COMPLEX intrinsic type, including the KIND type
/// parameter. COMPLEX is a floating point type with a real and imaginary
/// member.
class ComplexType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<fir::ComplexType, mlir::Type,
detail::ComplexTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static fir::ComplexType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind);
/// Get the corresponding fir.real<k> type.
mlir::Type getElementType() const;
KindTy getFKind() const;
/// Model of a Fortran INTEGER intrinsic type, including the KIND type
/// parameter.
class IntegerType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<fir::IntegerType, mlir::Type,
detail::IntegerTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static fir::IntegerType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind);
KindTy getFKind() const;
/// Model of a Fortran LOGICAL intrinsic type, including the KIND type
/// parameter.
class LogicalType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<LogicalType, mlir::Type,
detail::LogicalTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static LogicalType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind);
KindTy getFKind() const;
/// Model of a Fortran REAL (and DOUBLE PRECISION) intrinsic type, including the
/// KIND type parameter.
class RealType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<RealType, mlir::Type,
detail::RealTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static RealType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind);
KindTy getFKind() const;
// FIR support types
/// The type of a Fortran descriptor. Descriptors are tuples of information that
/// describe an entity being passed from a calling context. This information
/// might include (but is not limited to) whether the entity is an array, its
/// size, or what type it has.
class BoxType
: public mlir::Type::TypeBase<BoxType, mlir::Type, detail::BoxTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static BoxType get(mlir::Type eleTy, mlir::AffineMapAttr map = {});
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
mlir::AffineMapAttr getLayoutMap() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult
verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location, mlir::Type eleTy,
mlir::AffineMapAttr map);
/// The type of a pair that describes a CHARACTER variable. Specifically, a
/// CHARACTER consists of a reference to a buffer (the string value) and a LEN
/// type parameter (the runtime length of the buffer).
class BoxCharType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<BoxCharType, mlir::Type,
detail::BoxCharTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static BoxCharType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, KindTy kind);
CharacterType getEleTy() const;
/// The type of a pair that describes a PROCEDURE reference. Pointers to
/// internal procedures must carry an additional reference to the host's
/// variables that are referenced.
class BoxProcType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<BoxProcType, mlir::Type,
detail::BoxProcTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static BoxProcType get(mlir::Type eleTy);
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location,
mlir::Type eleTy);
/// Type of a vector of runtime values that define the shape and the origin of a
/// multidimensional array object. The vector is of pairs, origin offset and
/// extent, of each array dimension. The rank of a ShapeShiftType must be at
/// least 1.
class ShapeShiftType
: public mlir::Type::TypeBase<ShapeShiftType, mlir::Type,
detail::ShapeShiftTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static ShapeShiftType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, unsigned rank);
unsigned getRank() const;
/// Type of a vector that represents an array slice operation on an array.
/// Fortran slices are triples of lower bound, upper bound, and stride. The rank
/// of a SliceType must be at least 1.
class SliceType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<SliceType, mlir::Type,
detail::SliceTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static SliceType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctx, unsigned rank);
unsigned getRank() const;
/// The type of a field name. Implementations may defer the layout of a Fortran
/// derived type until runtime. This implies that the runtime must be able to
/// determine the offset of fields within the entity.
class FieldType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<FieldType, mlir::Type,
detail::FieldTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static FieldType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt);
/// The type of a heap pointer. Fortran entities with the ALLOCATABLE attribute
/// may be allocated on the heap at runtime. These pointers are explicitly
/// distinguished to disallow the composition of multiple levels of
/// indirection. For example, an ALLOCATABLE POINTER is invalid.
class HeapType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<HeapType, mlir::Type,
detail::HeapTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static HeapType get(mlir::Type elementType);
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location,
mlir::Type eleTy);
/// The type of a LEN parameter name. Implementations may defer the layout of a
/// Fortran derived type until runtime. This implies that the runtime must be
/// able to determine the offset of LEN type parameters related to an entity.
class LenType
: public mlir::Type::TypeBase<LenType, mlir::Type, detail::LenTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static LenType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt);
/// The type of entities with the POINTER attribute. These pointers are
/// explicitly distinguished to disallow the composition of multiple levels of
/// indirection. For example, an ALLOCATABLE POINTER is invalid.
class PointerType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<PointerType, mlir::Type,
detail::PointerTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static PointerType get(mlir::Type elementType);
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location,
mlir::Type eleTy);
/// The type of a reference to an entity in memory.
class ReferenceType
: public mlir::Type::TypeBase<ReferenceType, mlir::Type,
detail::ReferenceTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static ReferenceType get(mlir::Type elementType);
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location,
mlir::Type eleTy);
/// A sequence type is a multi-dimensional array of values. The sequence type
/// may have an unknown number of dimensions or the extent of dimensions may be
/// unknown. A sequence type models a Fortran array entity, giving it a type in
/// FIR. A sequence type is assumed to be stored in a column-major order, which
/// differs from LLVM IR and other dialects of MLIR.
class SequenceType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<SequenceType, mlir::Type,
detail::SequenceTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using Extent = int64_t;
using Shape = llvm::SmallVector<Extent, 8>;
/// Return a sequence type with the specified shape and element type
static SequenceType get(const Shape &shape, mlir::Type elementType,
mlir::AffineMapAttr map = {});
/// The element type of this sequence
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
/// The shape of the sequence. If the sequence has an unknown shape, the shape
/// returned will be empty.
Shape getShape() const;
mlir::AffineMapAttr getLayoutMap() const;
/// The number of dimensions of the sequence
unsigned getDimension() const { return getShape().size(); }
/// Number of rows of constant extent
unsigned getConstantRows() const;
/// Is the shape of the sequence constant?
bool hasConstantShape() const { return getConstantRows() == getDimension(); }
/// Does the sequence have unknown shape? (`array<* x T>`)
bool hasUnknownShape() const { return getShape().empty(); }
/// Is the interior of the sequence constant? Check if the array is
/// one of constant shape (`array<C...xCxT>`), unknown shape
/// (`array<*xT>`), or rows with shape and ending with column(s) of
/// unknown extent (`array<C...xCx?...x?xT>`).
bool hasConstantInterior() const;
/// The value `-1` represents an unknown extent for a dimension
static constexpr Extent getUnknownExtent() { return -1; }
static mlir::LogicalResult
verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location loc, const Shape &shape,
mlir::Type eleTy, mlir::AffineMapAttr map);
bool operator==(const SequenceType::Shape &, const SequenceType::Shape &);
llvm::hash_code hash_value(const SequenceType::Extent &);
llvm::hash_code hash_value(const SequenceType::Shape &);
/// The type of a type descriptor object. The runtime may generate type
/// descriptor objects to determine the type of an entity at runtime, etc.
class TypeDescType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<TypeDescType, mlir::Type,
detail::TypeDescTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static TypeDescType get(mlir::Type ofType);
mlir::Type getOfTy() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location,
mlir::Type ofType);
// Derived types
/// Model of Fortran's derived type, TYPE. The name of the TYPE includes any
/// KIND type parameters. The record includes runtime slots for LEN type
/// parameters and for data components.
class RecordType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<RecordType, mlir::Type,
detail::RecordTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
using TypePair = std::pair<std::string, mlir::Type>;
using TypeList = std::vector<TypePair>;
llvm::StringRef getName();
TypeList getTypeList();
TypeList getLenParamList();
mlir::Type getType(llvm::StringRef ident);
mlir::Type getType(unsigned index) {
assert(index < getNumFields());
return getTypeList()[index].second;
unsigned getNumFields() { return getTypeList().size(); }
unsigned getNumLenParams() { return getLenParamList().size(); }
static RecordType get(mlir::MLIRContext *ctxt, llvm::StringRef name);
void finalize(llvm::ArrayRef<TypePair> lenPList,
llvm::ArrayRef<TypePair> typeList);
detail::RecordTypeStorage const *uniqueKey() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location,
llvm::StringRef name);
/// Is `t` a FIR Real or MLIR Float type?
inline bool isa_real(mlir::Type t) {
return t.isa<fir::RealType>() || t.isa<mlir::FloatType>();
/// Is `t` an integral type?
inline bool isa_integer(mlir::Type t) {
return t.isa<mlir::IndexType>() || t.isa<mlir::IntegerType>() ||
/// Replacement for the builtin vector type.
/// The FIR vector type is always rank one. It's size is always a constant.
/// A vector's element type must be real or integer.
class VectorType : public mlir::Type::TypeBase<fir::VectorType, mlir::Type,
detail::VectorTypeStorage> {
using Base::Base;
static fir::VectorType get(uint64_t len, mlir::Type eleTy);
mlir::Type getEleTy() const;
uint64_t getLen() const;
static mlir::LogicalResult
verifyConstructionInvariants(mlir::Location, uint64_t len, mlir::Type eleTy);
static bool isValidElementType(mlir::Type t) {
return isa_real(t) || isa_integer(t);
mlir::Type parseFirType(FIROpsDialect *, mlir::DialectAsmParser &parser);
void printFirType(FIROpsDialect *, mlir::Type ty, mlir::DialectAsmPrinter &p);
/// Guarantee `type` is a scalar integral type (standard Integer, standard
/// Index, or FIR Int). Aborts execution if condition is false.
void verifyIntegralType(mlir::Type type);
/// Is `t` a FIR or MLIR Complex type?
inline bool isa_complex(mlir::Type t) {
return t.isa<fir::ComplexType>() || t.isa<mlir::ComplexType>();
inline bool isa_char_string(mlir::Type t) {
if (auto ct = t.dyn_cast_or_null<fir::CharacterType>())
return ct.getLen() != fir::CharacterType::singleton();
return false;
/// Is `t` a box type for which it is not possible to deduce the box size.
/// It is not possible to deduce the size of a box that describes an entity
/// of unknown rank or type.
bool isa_unknown_size_box(mlir::Type t);
} // namespace fir