blob: d7022e697e1109e95c0d13fd6ebb7fbe780f6853 [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: %python %S/ %s %flang_fc1
! Allow the same external or intrinsic procedure to be use-associated
! by multiple paths when they are unambiguous.
module m1
intrinsic :: sin
intrinsic :: iabs
subroutine ext1(a, b)
integer, intent(in) :: a(:)
real, intent(in) :: b(:)
end subroutine
subroutine ext2(a, b)
real, intent(in) :: a(:)
integer, intent(in) :: b(:)
end subroutine
end interface
end module m1
module m2
intrinsic :: sin, tan
intrinsic :: iabs, idim
subroutine ext1(a, b)
integer, intent(in) :: a(:)
real, intent(in) :: b(:)
end subroutine
subroutine ext2(a, b)
real, intent(in) :: a(:)
integer, intent(in) :: b(:)
end subroutine
end interface
end module m2
subroutine s2a
use m1
use m2
procedure(sin), pointer :: p1 => sin
procedure(iabs), pointer :: p2 => iabs
procedure(ext1), pointer :: p3 => ext1
procedure(ext2), pointer :: p4 => ext2
end subroutine
subroutine s2b
use m1, only: x1 => sin, x2 => iabs, x3 => ext1, x4 => ext2
use m2, only: x1 => sin, x2 => iabs, x3 => ext1, x4 => ext2
use m1, only: iface1 => sin, iface2 => iabs, iface3 => ext1, iface4 => ext2
procedure(iface1), pointer :: p1 => x1
procedure(iface2), pointer :: p2 => x2
procedure(iface3), pointer :: p3 => x3
procedure(iface4), pointer :: p4 => x4
end subroutine
module m3
use m1
use m2
end module
subroutine s3
use m3
procedure(sin), pointer :: p1 => sin
procedure(iabs), pointer :: p2 => iabs
procedure(ext1), pointer :: p3 => ext1
procedure(ext2), pointer :: p4 => ext2
end subroutine
module m4
use m1, only: x1 => sin, x2 => iabs, x3 => ext1, x4 => ext2
use m2, only: x1 => sin, x2 => iabs, x3 => ext1, x4 => ext2
end module
subroutine s4
use m4
use m1, only: iface1 => sin, iface2 => iabs, iface3 => ext1, iface4 => ext2
procedure(iface1), pointer :: p1 => x1
procedure(iface2), pointer :: p2 => x2
procedure(iface3), pointer :: p3 => x3
procedure(iface4), pointer :: p4 => x4
end subroutine
subroutine s5
use m1, only: x1 => sin, x2 => iabs, x3 => ext1, x4 => ext2
use m2, only: x1 => tan, x2 => idim, x3 => ext2, x4 => ext1
use m1, only: iface1 => sin, iface2 => iabs, iface3 => ext1, iface4 => ext2
!ERROR: Reference to 'x1' is ambiguous
procedure(iface1), pointer :: p1 => x1
!ERROR: Reference to 'x2' is ambiguous
procedure(iface2), pointer :: p2 => x2
!ERROR: Reference to 'x3' is ambiguous
procedure(iface3), pointer :: p3 => x3
!ERROR: Reference to 'x4' is ambiguous
procedure(iface4), pointer :: p4 => x4
end subroutine