blob: dd70c3b1ff5efd97a9e30352020af1934c7f6d01 [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: %python %S/ %s %flang_fc1
module m
attributes(device) subroutine devsub
!ERROR: Statement may not appear in device code
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do k=1,10
end do
program main
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (1) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do while (.false.)
end do
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (1) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
end do
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (1) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do concurrent (j=1:10)
end do
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do 1 j=1,10
1 continue ! ok
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j=1,10
end do ! ok
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j=1,10
!ERROR: Statement may not appear in device code
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do k=1,10
end do
end do
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (-1): loop nesting depth must be positive
!$cuf kernel do (-1) <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j=1,10
end do
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (1) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (2) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do (2) <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j=1,10
end do
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (2) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do (2) <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j=1,10
end do
!ERROR: !$CUF KERNEL DO (2) must be followed by a DO construct with tightly nested outer levels of counted DO loops
!$cuf kernel do (2) <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j=1,10
do k=1,10
end do
end do
!$cuf kernel do <<< 1, 2 >>>
do j = 1, 10
!ERROR: 'foo' may not be called in device code
call foo
!ERROR: 'bar' may not be called in device code
x = bar()
!ERROR: 'ifunc' may not be called in device code
if (ifunc() /= 0) continue
!ERROR: 'ifunc' may not be called in device code
if (ifunc() /= 0) then
!ERROR: 'ifunc' may not be called in device code
else if (ifunc() /= 1) then
end if
end do