blob: f49e72fabee84c4e471c1c0bc09f373b602bd997 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- examples/flang-omp-report-plugin/flang-omp-report-visitor.cpp -----===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "flang-omp-report-visitor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
bool operator<(const ClauseInfo &a, const ClauseInfo &b) {
return a.clause < b.clause;
bool operator==(const ClauseInfo &a, const ClauseInfo &b) {
return a.clause == b.clause && a.clauseDetails == b.clauseDetails;
bool operator!=(const ClauseInfo &a, const ClauseInfo &b) { return !(a == b); }
bool operator==(const LogRecord &a, const LogRecord &b) {
return a.file == b.file && a.line == b.line && a.construct == b.construct &&
a.clauses == b.clauses;
bool operator!=(const LogRecord &a, const LogRecord &b) { return !(a == b); }
std::string OpenMPCounterVisitor::normalize_construct_name(std::string s) {
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(),
[](unsigned char c) { return llvm::toLower(c); });
return s;
ClauseInfo OpenMPCounterVisitor::normalize_clause_name(
const llvm::StringRef s) {
std::size_t start = s.find('(');
std::size_t end = s.find(')');
std::string clauseName;
if (start != llvm::StringRef::npos && end != llvm::StringRef::npos) {
clauseName = s.substr(0, start);
clauseDetails = s.substr(start + 1, end - start - 1);
} else {
clauseName = s;
std::transform(clauseName.begin(), clauseName.end(), clauseName.begin(),
[](unsigned char c) { return llvm::toLower(c); });
std::transform(clauseDetails.begin(), clauseDetails.end(),
clauseDetails.begin(), [](unsigned char c) { return llvm::toLower(c); });
return ClauseInfo{clauseName, clauseDetails};
SourcePosition OpenMPCounterVisitor::getLocation(const OmpWrapperType &w) {
if (auto *val = std::get_if<const OpenMPConstruct *>(&w)) {
const OpenMPConstruct *o{*val};
return getLocation(*o);
return getLocation(*std::get<const OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct *>(w));
SourcePosition OpenMPCounterVisitor::getLocation(
const OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct &c) {
return std::visit(
[&](const auto &o) -> SourcePosition {
return parsing->allCooked().GetSourcePositionRange(o.source)->first;
SourcePosition OpenMPCounterVisitor::getLocation(const OpenMPConstruct &c) {
return std::visit(
[&](const OpenMPStandaloneConstruct &c) -> SourcePosition {
return parsing->allCooked().GetSourcePositionRange(c.source)->first;
// OpenMPSectionsConstruct, OpenMPLoopConstruct,
// OpenMPBlockConstruct, OpenMPCriticalConstruct Get the source from
// the directive field.
[&](const auto &c) -> SourcePosition {
const CharBlock &source{std::get<0>(c.t).source};
return (parsing->allCooked().GetSourcePositionRange(source))->first;
[&](const OpenMPAtomicConstruct &c) -> SourcePosition {
return std::visit(
[&](const auto &o) -> SourcePosition {
const CharBlock &source{std::get<Verbatim>(o.t).source};
return parsing->allCooked()
std::string OpenMPCounterVisitor::getName(const OmpWrapperType &w) {
if (auto *val = std::get_if<const OpenMPConstruct *>(&w)) {
const OpenMPConstruct *o{*val};
return getName(*o);
return getName(*std::get<const OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct *>(w));
std::string OpenMPCounterVisitor::getName(const OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct &c) {
return std::visit(
[&](const auto &o) -> std::string {
const CharBlock &source{std::get<Verbatim>(o.t).source};
return normalize_construct_name(source.ToString());
std::string OpenMPCounterVisitor::getName(const OpenMPConstruct &c) {
return std::visit(
[&](const OpenMPStandaloneConstruct &c) -> std::string {
return std::visit(
[&](const auto &c) {
// Get source from the directive or verbatim fields
const CharBlock &source{std::get<0>(c.t).source};
return normalize_construct_name(source.ToString());
[&](const OpenMPExecutableAllocate &c) -> std::string {
const CharBlock &source{std::get<0>(c.t).source};
return normalize_construct_name(source.ToString());
[&](const OpenMPDeclarativeAllocate &c) -> std::string {
const CharBlock &source{std::get<0>(c.t).source};
return normalize_construct_name(source.ToString());
[&](const OpenMPAtomicConstruct &c) -> std::string {
return std::visit(
[&](const auto &c) {
// Get source from the verbatim fields
const CharBlock &source{std::get<Verbatim>(c.t).source};
return "atomic-" +
// OpenMPSectionsConstruct, OpenMPLoopConstruct,
// OpenMPBlockConstruct, OpenMPCriticalConstruct Get the source from
// the directive field of the begin directive or from the verbatim
// field of the begin directive in Critical
[&](const auto &c) -> std::string {
const CharBlock &source{std::get<0>(std::get<0>(c.t).t).source};
return normalize_construct_name(source.ToString());
bool OpenMPCounterVisitor::Pre(const OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct &c) {
OmpWrapperType *ow{new OmpWrapperType(&c)};
return true;
bool OpenMPCounterVisitor::Pre(const OpenMPConstruct &c) {
OmpWrapperType *ow{new OmpWrapperType(&c)};
return true;
bool OpenMPCounterVisitor::Pre(const OmpEndLoopDirective &c) { return true; }
bool OpenMPCounterVisitor::Pre(const DoConstruct &) {
return true;
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OpenMPDeclarativeConstruct &) {
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OpenMPConstruct &) {
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::PostConstructsCommon() {
OmpWrapperType *curConstruct = ompWrapperStack.back();
clauseStrings[curConstruct].begin(), clauseStrings[curConstruct].end());
SourcePosition s{getLocation(*curConstruct)};
LogRecord r{s.file.path(), s.line, getName(*curConstruct),
// Keep track of loop log records if it can potentially have the
// nowait clause added on later.
if (const auto *oc = std::get_if<const OpenMPConstruct *>(curConstruct)) {
if (const auto *olc = std::get_if<OpenMPLoopConstruct>(&(*oc)->u)) {
const auto &beginLoopDir{
const auto &beginDir{
if (beginDir.v == llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_do ||
beginDir.v == llvm::omp::Directive::OMPD_do_simd) {
curLoopLogRecord = &constructClauses.back();
auto it = clauseStrings.find(curConstruct);
delete curConstruct;
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpEndLoopDirective &c) {}
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpProcBindClause::Type &c) {
clauseDetails += "type=" + OmpProcBindClause::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpDefaultClause::Type &c) {
clauseDetails += "type=" + OmpDefaultClause::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(
const OmpDefaultmapClause::ImplicitBehavior &c) {
clauseDetails +=
"implicit_behavior=" + OmpDefaultmapClause::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(
const OmpDefaultmapClause::VariableCategory &c) {
clauseDetails +=
"variable_category=" + OmpDefaultmapClause::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpScheduleModifierType::ModType &c) {
clauseDetails += "modifier=" + OmpScheduleModifierType::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpLinearModifier::Type &c) {
clauseDetails += "modifier=" + OmpLinearModifier::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpDependenceType::Type &c) {
clauseDetails += "type=" + OmpDependenceType::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpMapType::Type &c) {
clauseDetails += "type=" + OmpMapType::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpScheduleClause::ScheduleType &c) {
clauseDetails += "type=" + OmpScheduleClause::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpIfClause::DirectiveNameModifier &c) {
clauseDetails += "name_modifier=" + OmpIfClause::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpCancelType::Type &c) {
clauseDetails += "type=" + OmpCancelType::EnumToString(c) + ";";
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const OmpClause &c) {
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::PostClauseCommon(const ClauseInfo &ci) {
// The end loop construct (!$omp end do) can contain a nowait clause.
// The flang parser does not parse the end loop construct as part of
// the OpenMP construct for the loop construct. So the end loop is left
// hanging as a separate executable construct. If a nowait clause is seen in
// an end loop construct we have to find the associated loop construct and
// add nowait to its list of clauses. Note: This is not a bug in flang, the
// parse tree is corrected during semantic analysis.
if (ci.clause == "nowait") {
assert(curLoopLogRecord &&
"loop Construct should be visited before a nowait clause");
} else {
assert(!ompWrapperStack.empty() &&
"Construct should be visited before clause");
void OpenMPCounterVisitor::Post(const DoConstruct &) {
curLoopLogRecord = loopLogRecordStack.back();
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran