blob: 87f214a524b6e2227ac86595c2e99f284e12030a [file] [log] [blame]
! RUN: not %f18 -Mstandard %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
! Test extension: allow forward references to dummy arguments
! from specification expressions in scopes with IMPLICIT NONE(TYPE),
! as long as those symbols are eventually typed later with the
! same integer type they would have had without IMPLICIT NONE.
!CHECK: Dummy argument 'n1' was used without being explicitly typed
!CHECK: error: No explicit type declared for dummy argument 'n1'
subroutine foo1(a, n1)
implicit none
real a(n1)
!CHECK: Dummy argument 'n2' was used without being explicitly typed
subroutine foo2(a, n2)
implicit none
real a(n2)
!CHECK: error: The type of 'n2' has already been implicitly declared
double precision n2
!CHECK: Dummy argument 'n3' was used without being explicitly typed
!CHECK-NOT: error:
subroutine foo3(a, n3)
implicit none
real a(n3)
integer n3