blob: 6ab3e5e24588439a14b579d6447b5421fb250c9b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- include/flang/Semantics/tools.h -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Simple predicates and look-up functions that are best defined
// canonically for use in semantic checking.
#include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/expression.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/shape.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/type.h"
#include "flang/Evaluate/variable.h"
#include "flang/Parser/message.h"
#include "flang/Parser/parse-tree.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/attr.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/expression.h"
#include "flang/Semantics/semantics.h"
#include <functional>
namespace Fortran::semantics {
class DeclTypeSpec;
class DerivedTypeSpec;
class Scope;
class Symbol;
// Note: Here ProgramUnit includes internal subprograms while TopLevelUnit
// does not. "program-unit" in the Fortran standard matches TopLevelUnit.
const Scope &GetTopLevelUnitContaining(const Scope &);
const Scope &GetTopLevelUnitContaining(const Symbol &);
const Scope &GetProgramUnitContaining(const Scope &);
const Scope &GetProgramUnitContaining(const Symbol &);
const Scope *FindModuleContaining(const Scope &);
const Scope *FindModuleFileContaining(const Scope &);
const Scope *FindPureProcedureContaining(const Scope &);
const Scope *FindPureProcedureContaining(const Symbol &);
const Symbol *FindPointerComponent(const Scope &);
const Symbol *FindPointerComponent(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
const Symbol *FindPointerComponent(const DeclTypeSpec &);
const Symbol *FindPointerComponent(const Symbol &);
const Symbol *FindInterface(const Symbol &);
const Symbol *FindSubprogram(const Symbol &);
const Symbol *FindFunctionResult(const Symbol &);
const Symbol *FindOverriddenBinding(const Symbol &);
const DeclTypeSpec *FindParentTypeSpec(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
const DeclTypeSpec *FindParentTypeSpec(const DeclTypeSpec &);
const DeclTypeSpec *FindParentTypeSpec(const Scope &);
const DeclTypeSpec *FindParentTypeSpec(const Symbol &);
const EquivalenceSet *FindEquivalenceSet(const Symbol &);
enum class Tristate { No, Yes, Maybe };
inline Tristate ToTristate(bool x) { return x ? Tristate::Yes : Tristate::No; }
// Is this a user-defined assignment? If both sides are the same derived type
// (and the ranks are okay) the answer is Maybe.
Tristate IsDefinedAssignment(
const std::optional<evaluate::DynamicType> &lhsType, int lhsRank,
const std::optional<evaluate::DynamicType> &rhsType, int rhsRank);
// Test for intrinsic unary and binary operators based on types and ranks
bool IsIntrinsicRelational(common::RelationalOperator,
const evaluate::DynamicType &, int, const evaluate::DynamicType &, int);
bool IsIntrinsicNumeric(const evaluate::DynamicType &);
bool IsIntrinsicNumeric(
const evaluate::DynamicType &, int, const evaluate::DynamicType &, int);
bool IsIntrinsicLogical(const evaluate::DynamicType &);
bool IsIntrinsicLogical(
const evaluate::DynamicType &, int, const evaluate::DynamicType &, int);
bool IsIntrinsicConcat(
const evaluate::DynamicType &, int, const evaluate::DynamicType &, int);
bool IsGenericDefinedOp(const Symbol &);
bool IsDefinedOperator(SourceName);
std::string MakeOpName(SourceName);
bool DoesScopeContain(const Scope *maybeAncestor, const Scope &maybeDescendent);
bool DoesScopeContain(const Scope *, const Symbol &);
bool IsUseAssociated(const Symbol &, const Scope &);
bool IsHostAssociated(const Symbol &, const Scope &);
inline bool IsStmtFunction(const Symbol &symbol) {
const auto *subprogram{symbol.detailsIf<SubprogramDetails>()};
return subprogram && subprogram->stmtFunction();
bool IsInStmtFunction(const Symbol &);
bool IsStmtFunctionDummy(const Symbol &);
bool IsStmtFunctionResult(const Symbol &);
bool IsPointerDummy(const Symbol &);
bool IsBindCProcedure(const Symbol &);
bool IsBindCProcedure(const Scope &);
bool IsProcName(const Symbol &); // proc-name
bool IsFunctionResultWithSameNameAsFunction(const Symbol &);
bool IsOrContainsEventOrLockComponent(const Symbol &);
bool CanBeTypeBoundProc(const Symbol *);
// Does a non-PARAMETER symbol have explicit initialization with =value or
// =>target in its declaration (but not in a DATA statement)? (Being
// ALLOCATABLE or having a derived type with default component initialization
// doesn't count; it must be a variable initialization that implies the SAVE
// attribute, or a derived type component default value.)
bool HasDeclarationInitializer(const Symbol &);
// Is the symbol explicitly or implicitly initialized in any way?
bool IsInitialized(const Symbol &, bool ignoreDATAstatements = false);
// Is the symbol a component subject to deallocation or finalization?
bool IsDestructible(const Symbol &, const Symbol *derivedType = nullptr);
bool HasIntrinsicTypeName(const Symbol &);
bool IsSeparateModuleProcedureInterface(const Symbol *);
bool HasAlternateReturns(const Symbol &);
bool InCommonBlock(const Symbol &);
// Return an ultimate component of type that matches predicate, or nullptr.
const Symbol *FindUltimateComponent(const DerivedTypeSpec &type,
const std::function<bool(const Symbol &)> &predicate);
const Symbol *FindUltimateComponent(
const Symbol &symbol, const std::function<bool(const Symbol &)> &predicate);
// Returns an immediate component of type that matches predicate, or nullptr.
// An immediate component of a type is one declared for that type or is an
// immediate component of the type that it extends.
const Symbol *FindImmediateComponent(
const DerivedTypeSpec &, const std::function<bool(const Symbol &)> &);
inline bool IsPointer(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::POINTER);
inline bool IsAllocatable(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::ALLOCATABLE);
inline bool IsAllocatableOrPointer(const Symbol &symbol) {
return IsPointer(symbol) || IsAllocatable(symbol);
inline bool IsSave(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::SAVE);
inline bool IsNamedConstant(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::PARAMETER);
inline bool IsOptional(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::OPTIONAL);
inline bool IsIntentIn(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::INTENT_IN);
inline bool IsIntentInOut(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::INTENT_INOUT);
inline bool IsIntentOut(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::INTENT_OUT);
inline bool IsProtected(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.attrs().test(Attr::PROTECTED);
inline bool IsImpliedDoIndex(const Symbol &symbol) {
return symbol.owner().kind() == Scope::Kind::ImpliedDos;
bool IsFinalizable(
const Symbol &, std::set<const DerivedTypeSpec *> * = nullptr);
bool IsFinalizable(
const DerivedTypeSpec &, std::set<const DerivedTypeSpec *> * = nullptr);
bool HasImpureFinal(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
bool IsCoarray(const Symbol &);
bool IsInBlankCommon(const Symbol &);
inline bool IsAssumedSizeArray(const Symbol &symbol) {
const auto *details{symbol.detailsIf<ObjectEntityDetails>()};
return details && details->IsAssumedSize();
bool IsAssumedLengthCharacter(const Symbol &);
bool IsExternal(const Symbol &);
bool IsModuleProcedure(const Symbol &);
// Is the symbol modifiable in this scope
std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> WhyNotModifiable(
const Symbol &, const Scope &);
std::optional<parser::Message> WhyNotModifiable(SourceName, const SomeExpr &,
const Scope &, bool vectorSubscriptIsOk = false);
const Symbol *IsExternalInPureContext(const Symbol &, const Scope &);
bool HasCoarray(const parser::Expr &);
bool IsPolymorphicAllocatable(const Symbol &);
// Return an error if component symbol is not accessible from scope (
std::optional<parser::MessageFormattedText> CheckAccessibleComponent(
const semantics::Scope &, const Symbol &);
// Analysis of image control statements
bool IsImageControlStmt(const parser::ExecutableConstruct &);
// Get the location of the image control statement in this ExecutableConstruct
parser::CharBlock GetImageControlStmtLocation(
const parser::ExecutableConstruct &);
// Image control statements that reference coarrays need an extra message
// to clarify why they're image control statements. This function returns
// std::nullopt for ExecutableConstructs that do not require an extra message.
std::optional<parser::MessageFixedText> GetImageControlStmtCoarrayMsg(
const parser::ExecutableConstruct &);
// Returns the complete list of derived type parameter symbols in
// the order in which their declarations appear in the derived type
// definitions (parents first).
SymbolVector OrderParameterDeclarations(const Symbol &);
// Returns the complete list of derived type parameter names in the
// order defined by
std::list<SourceName> OrderParameterNames(const Symbol &);
// Return an existing or new derived type instance
const DeclTypeSpec &FindOrInstantiateDerivedType(Scope &, DerivedTypeSpec &&,
DeclTypeSpec::Category = DeclTypeSpec::TypeDerived);
// When a subprogram defined in a submodule defines a separate module
// procedure whose interface is defined in an ancestor (sub)module,
// returns a pointer to that interface, else null.
const Symbol *FindSeparateModuleSubprogramInterface(const Symbol *);
// Determines whether an object might be visible outside a
// pure function (C1594); returns a non-null Symbol pointer for
// diagnostic purposes if so.
const Symbol *FindExternallyVisibleObject(const Symbol &, const Scope &);
template <typename A>
const Symbol *FindExternallyVisibleObject(const A &, const Scope &) {
return nullptr; // default base case
template <typename T>
const Symbol *FindExternallyVisibleObject(
const evaluate::Designator<T> &designator, const Scope &scope) {
if (const Symbol * symbol{designator.GetBaseObject().symbol()}) {
return FindExternallyVisibleObject(*symbol, scope);
} else if (std::holds_alternative<evaluate::CoarrayRef>(designator.u)) {
// Coindexed values are visible even if their image-local objects are not.
return designator.GetBaseObject().symbol();
} else {
return nullptr;
template <typename T>
const Symbol *FindExternallyVisibleObject(
const evaluate::Expr<T> &expr, const Scope &scope) {
return std::visit(
[&](const auto &x) { return FindExternallyVisibleObject(x, scope); },
// Apply GetUltimate(), then if the symbol is a generic procedure shadowing a
// specific procedure of the same name, return it instead.
const Symbol &BypassGeneric(const Symbol &);
using SomeExpr = evaluate::Expr<evaluate::SomeType>;
bool ExprHasTypeCategory(
const SomeExpr &expr, const common::TypeCategory &type);
bool ExprTypeKindIsDefault(
const SomeExpr &expr, const SemanticsContext &context);
struct GetExprHelper {
// Specializations for parse tree nodes that have a typedExpr member.
static const SomeExpr *Get(const parser::Expr &);
static const SomeExpr *Get(const parser::Variable &);
static const SomeExpr *Get(const parser::DataStmtConstant &);
static const SomeExpr *Get(const parser::AllocateObject &);
static const SomeExpr *Get(const parser::PointerObject &);
template <typename T>
static const SomeExpr *Get(const common::Indirection<T> &x) {
return Get(x.value());
template <typename T> static const SomeExpr *Get(const std::optional<T> &x) {
return x ? Get(*x) : nullptr;
template <typename T> static const SomeExpr *Get(const T &x) {
!parser::HasTypedExpr<T>::value, "explicit Get overload must be added");
if constexpr (ConstraintTrait<T>) {
return Get(x.thing);
} else if constexpr (WrapperTrait<T>) {
return Get(x.v);
} else {
return nullptr;
template <typename T> const SomeExpr *GetExpr(const T &x) {
return GetExprHelper{}.Get(x);
const evaluate::Assignment *GetAssignment(const parser::AssignmentStmt &);
const evaluate::Assignment *GetAssignment(
const parser::PointerAssignmentStmt &);
template <typename T> std::optional<std::int64_t> GetIntValue(const T &x) {
if (const auto *expr{GetExpr(x)}) {
return evaluate::ToInt64(*expr);
} else {
return std::nullopt;
template <typename T> bool IsZero(const T &expr) {
auto value{GetIntValue(expr)};
return value && *value == 0;
// 15.2.2
enum class ProcedureDefinitionClass {
ProcedureDefinitionClass ClassifyProcedure(const Symbol &);
// Returns a list of storage associations due to EQUIVALENCE in a
// scope; each storage association is a list of symbol references
// in ascending order of scope offset. Note that the scope may have
// more EquivalenceSets than this function's result has storage
// associations; these are closures over equivalences.
std::list<std::list<SymbolRef>> GetStorageAssociations(const Scope &);
// Derived type component iterator that provides a C++ LegacyForwardIterator
// iterator over the Ordered, Direct, Ultimate or Potential components of a
// DerivedTypeSpec. These iterators can be used with STL algorithms
// accepting LegacyForwardIterator.
// The kind of component is a template argument of the iterator factory
// ComponentIterator.
// - Ordered components are the components from the component order defined
// in, except that the parent component IS added between the parent
// component order and the components in order of declaration.
// This "deviation" is important for structure-constructor analysis.
// For this kind of iterator, the component tree is recursively visited in the
// following order:
// - first, the Ordered components of the parent type (if relevant)
// - then, the parent component (if relevant, different from!)
// - then, the components in declaration order (without visiting subcomponents)
// - Ultimate, Direct and Potential components are as defined in 7.5.1.
// - Ultimate components of a derived type are the closure of its components
// of intrinsic type, its ALLOCATABLE or POINTER components, and the
// ultimate components of its non-ALLOCATABLE non-POINTER derived type
// components. (No ultimate component has a derived type unless it is
// - Direct components of a derived type are all of its components, and all
// of the direct components of its non-ALLOCATABLE non-POINTER derived type
// components. (Direct components are always present.)
// - Potential subobject components of a derived type are the closure of
// its non-POINTER components and the potential subobject components of
// its non-POINTER derived type components. (The lifetime of each
// potential subobject component is that of the entire instance.)
// Parent and procedure components are considered against these definitions.
// For this kind of iterator, the component tree is recursively visited in the
// following order:
// - the parent component first (if relevant)
// - then, the components of the parent type (if relevant)
// + visiting the component and then, if it is derived type data component,
// visiting the subcomponents before visiting the next
// component in declaration order.
// - then, components in declaration order, similarly to components of parent
// type.
// Here, the parent component is visited first so that search for a component
// verifying a property will never descend into a component that already
// verifies the property (this helps giving clearer feedback).
// ComponentIterator::const_iterator remain valid during the whole lifetime of
// the DerivedTypeSpec passed by reference to the ComponentIterator factory.
// Their validity is independent of the ComponentIterator factory lifetime.
// For safety and simplicity, the iterators are read only and can only be
// incremented. This could be changed if desired.
// Note that iterators are made in such a way that one can easily test and build
// info message in the following way:
// ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::...> comp{derived}
// if (auto it{std::find_if(comp.begin(), comp.end(), predicate)}) {
// msg = it.BuildResultDesignatorName() + " verifies predicates";
// const Symbol *component{*it};
// ....
// }
ENUM_CLASS(ComponentKind, Ordered, Direct, Ultimate, Potential, Scope)
template <ComponentKind componentKind> class ComponentIterator {
ComponentIterator(const DerivedTypeSpec &derived) : derived_{derived} {}
class const_iterator {
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = SymbolRef;
using difference_type = void;
using pointer = const Symbol *;
using reference = const Symbol &;
static const_iterator Create(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
const_iterator &operator++() {
return *this;
const_iterator operator++(int) {
const_iterator tmp(*this);
return tmp;
reference operator*() const {
return DEREF(componentPath_.back().component());
pointer operator->() const { return &**this; }
bool operator==(const const_iterator &other) const {
return componentPath_ == other.componentPath_;
bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other) const {
return !(*this == other);
// bool() operator indicates if the iterator can be dereferenced without
// having to check against an end() iterator.
explicit operator bool() const { return !componentPath_.empty(); }
// Builds a designator name of the referenced component for messages.
// The designator helps when the component referred to by the iterator
// may be "buried" into other components. This gives the full
// path inside the iterated derived type: e.g "%a%b%c%ultimate"
// when it->name() only gives "ultimate". Parent components are
// part of the path for clarity, even though they could be
// skipped.
std::string BuildResultDesignatorName() const;
using name_iterator =
std::conditional_t<componentKind == ComponentKind::Scope,
typename Scope::const_iterator,
typename std::list<SourceName>::const_iterator>;
class ComponentPathNode {
explicit ComponentPathNode(const DerivedTypeSpec &derived)
: derived_{derived} {
if constexpr (componentKind == ComponentKind::Scope) {
const Scope &scope{DEREF(derived.scope())};
nameIterator_ = scope.cbegin();
nameEnd_ = scope.cend();
} else {
const std::list<SourceName> &nameList{
nameIterator_ = nameList.cbegin();
nameEnd_ = nameList.cend();
const Symbol *component() const { return component_; }
void set_component(const Symbol &component) { component_ = &component; }
bool visited() const { return visited_; }
void set_visited(bool yes) { visited_ = yes; }
bool descended() const { return descended_; }
void set_descended(bool yes) { descended_ = yes; }
name_iterator &nameIterator() { return nameIterator_; }
name_iterator nameEnd() { return nameEnd_; }
const Symbol &GetTypeSymbol() const { return derived_->typeSymbol(); }
const Scope &GetScope() const {
return derived_->scope() ? *derived_->scope()
: DEREF(GetTypeSymbol().scope());
bool operator==(const ComponentPathNode &that) const {
return &*derived_ == &*that.derived_ &&
nameIterator_ == that.nameIterator_ &&
component_ == that.component_;
common::Reference<const DerivedTypeSpec> derived_;
name_iterator nameEnd_;
name_iterator nameIterator_;
const Symbol *component_{nullptr}; // until Increment()
bool visited_{false};
bool descended_{false};
const DerivedTypeSpec *PlanComponentTraversal(
const Symbol &component) const;
// Advances to the next relevant symbol, if any. Afterwards, the
// iterator will either be at its end or contain no null component().
void Increment();
std::vector<ComponentPathNode> componentPath_;
const_iterator begin() { return cbegin(); }
const_iterator end() { return cend(); }
const_iterator cbegin() { return const_iterator::Create(derived_); }
const_iterator cend() { return const_iterator{}; }
const DerivedTypeSpec &derived_;
extern template class ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Ordered>;
extern template class ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Direct>;
extern template class ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Ultimate>;
extern template class ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Potential>;
extern template class ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Scope>;
using OrderedComponentIterator = ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Ordered>;
using DirectComponentIterator = ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Direct>;
using UltimateComponentIterator = ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Ultimate>;
using PotentialComponentIterator = ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Potential>;
using ScopeComponentIterator = ComponentIterator<ComponentKind::Scope>;
// Common component searches, the iterator returned is referring to the first
// component, according to the order defined for the related ComponentIterator,
// that verifies the property from the name.
// If no component verifies the property, an end iterator (casting to false)
// is returned. Otherwise, the returned iterator casts to true and can be
// dereferenced.
PotentialComponentIterator::const_iterator FindEventOrLockPotentialComponent(
const DerivedTypeSpec &);
UltimateComponentIterator::const_iterator FindCoarrayUltimateComponent(
const DerivedTypeSpec &);
UltimateComponentIterator::const_iterator FindPointerUltimateComponent(
const DerivedTypeSpec &);
UltimateComponentIterator::const_iterator FindAllocatableUltimateComponent(
const DerivedTypeSpec &);
FindPolymorphicAllocatableUltimateComponent(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
FindPolymorphicAllocatableNonCoarrayUltimateComponent(const DerivedTypeSpec &);
// The LabelEnforce class (given a set of labels) provides an error message if
// there is a branch to a label which is not in the given set.
class LabelEnforce {
LabelEnforce(SemanticsContext &context, std::set<parser::Label> &&labels,
parser::CharBlock constructSourcePosition, const char *construct)
: context_{context}, labels_{labels},
constructSourcePosition_{constructSourcePosition}, construct_{
construct} {}
template <typename T> bool Pre(const T &) { return true; }
template <typename T> bool Pre(const parser::Statement<T> &statement) {
currentStatementSourcePosition_ = statement.source;
return true;
template <typename T> void Post(const T &) {}
void Post(const parser::GotoStmt &gotoStmt);
void Post(const parser::ComputedGotoStmt &computedGotoStmt);
void Post(const parser::ArithmeticIfStmt &arithmeticIfStmt);
void Post(const parser::AssignStmt &assignStmt);
void Post(const parser::AssignedGotoStmt &assignedGotoStmt);
void Post(const parser::AltReturnSpec &altReturnSpec);
void Post(const parser::ErrLabel &errLabel);
void Post(const parser::EndLabel &endLabel);
void Post(const parser::EorLabel &eorLabel);
void checkLabelUse(const parser::Label &labelUsed);
SemanticsContext &context_;
std::set<parser::Label> labels_;
parser::CharBlock currentStatementSourcePosition_{nullptr};
parser::CharBlock constructSourcePosition_{nullptr};
const char *construct_{nullptr};
parser::MessageFormattedText GetEnclosingConstructMsg();
void SayWithConstruct(SemanticsContext &context,
parser::CharBlock stmtLocation, parser::MessageFormattedText &&message,
parser::CharBlock constructLocation);
// Return the (possibly null) name of the ConstructNode
const std::optional<parser::Name> &MaybeGetNodeName(
const ConstructNode &construct);
// Convert evaluate::GetShape() result into an ArraySpec
std::optional<ArraySpec> ToArraySpec(
evaluate::FoldingContext &, const evaluate::Shape &);
std::optional<ArraySpec> ToArraySpec(
evaluate::FoldingContext &, const std::optional<evaluate::Shape> &);
} // namespace Fortran::semantics