blob: 4710e025419c5bcf5ab16d6256d11a7176d2a496 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- FirBuilder.h -- FIR operation builder -------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Builder routines for constructing the FIR dialect of MLIR. As FIR is a
// dialect of MLIR, it makes extensive use of MLIR interfaces and MLIR's coding
// style ( is used in this
// module.
#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIROps.h"
#include "flang/Optimizer/Dialect/FIRType.h"
#include "flang/Optimizer/Support/KindMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
namespace fir {
class ExtendedValue;
// FirOpBuilder
/// Extends the MLIR OpBuilder to provide methods for building common FIR
/// patterns.
class FirOpBuilder : public mlir::OpBuilder {
explicit FirOpBuilder(mlir::Operation *op, const fir::KindMapping &kindMap)
: OpBuilder{op}, kindMap{kindMap} {}
explicit FirOpBuilder(mlir::OpBuilder &builder,
const fir::KindMapping &kindMap)
: OpBuilder{builder}, kindMap{kindMap} {}
/// Get the current Region of the insertion point.
mlir::Region &getRegion() { return *getBlock()->getParent(); }
/// Get the current Module
mlir::ModuleOp getModule() {
return getRegion().getParentOfType<mlir::ModuleOp>();
/// Get a reference to the kind map.
const fir::KindMapping &getKindMap() { return kindMap; }
/// Safely create a reference type to the type `eleTy`.
mlir::Type getRefType(mlir::Type eleTy);
/// Create a sequence of `eleTy` with `rank` dimensions of unknown size.
mlir::Type getVarLenSeqTy(mlir::Type eleTy, unsigned rank = 1);
/// Get character length type
mlir::Type getCharacterLengthType() { return getIndexType(); }
/// Get the integer type whose bit width corresponds to the width of pointer
/// types, or is bigger.
mlir::Type getIntPtrType() {
// TODO: Delay the need of such type until codegen or find a way to use
// llvm::DataLayout::getPointerSizeInBits here.
return getI64Type();
/// Get the mlir real type that implements fortran REAL(kind).
mlir::Type getRealType(int kind);
/// Create a null constant memory reference of type \p ptrType.
/// If \p ptrType is not provided, !fir.ref<none> type will be used.
mlir::Value createNullConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type ptrType = {});
/// Create an integer constant of type \p type and value \p i.
mlir::Value createIntegerConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type integerType,
std::int64_t i);
/// Create a real constant from an integer value.
mlir::Value createRealConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type realType,
llvm::APFloat::integerPart val);
/// Create a real constant from an APFloat value.
mlir::Value createRealConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type realType,
const llvm::APFloat &val);
/// Create a real constant of type \p realType with a value zero.
mlir::Value createRealZeroConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type realType) {
return createRealConstant(loc, realType, 0u);
/// Create a global value.
fir::GlobalOp createGlobal(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type type,
llvm::StringRef name,
mlir::StringAttr linkage = {},
mlir::Attribute value = {}, bool isConst = false);
fir::GlobalOp createGlobal(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type type,
llvm::StringRef name, bool isConst,
std::function<void(FirOpBuilder &)> bodyBuilder,
mlir::StringAttr linkage = {});
/// Create a global constant (read-only) value.
fir::GlobalOp createGlobalConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type type,
llvm::StringRef name,
mlir::StringAttr linkage = {},
mlir::Attribute value = {}) {
return createGlobal(loc, type, name, linkage, value, /*isConst=*/true);
createGlobalConstant(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type type,
llvm::StringRef name,
std::function<void(FirOpBuilder &)> bodyBuilder,
mlir::StringAttr linkage = {}) {
return createGlobal(loc, type, name, /*isConst=*/true, bodyBuilder,
/// Convert a StringRef string into a fir::StringLitOp.
fir::StringLitOp createStringLitOp(mlir::Location loc,
llvm::StringRef string);
// Linkage helpers (inline). The default linkage is external.
mlir::StringAttr createCommonLinkage() { return getStringAttr("common"); }
mlir::StringAttr createInternalLinkage() { return getStringAttr("internal"); }
mlir::StringAttr createLinkOnceLinkage() { return getStringAttr("linkonce"); }
mlir::StringAttr createWeakLinkage() { return getStringAttr("weak"); }
/// Cast the input value to IndexType.
mlir::Value convertToIndexType(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value val) {
return createConvert(loc, getIndexType(), val);
/// Get a function by name. If the function exists in the current module, it
/// is returned. Otherwise, a null FuncOp is returned.
mlir::FuncOp getNamedFunction(llvm::StringRef name) {
return getNamedFunction(getModule(), name);
static mlir::FuncOp getNamedFunction(mlir::ModuleOp module,
llvm::StringRef name);
fir::GlobalOp getNamedGlobal(llvm::StringRef name) {
return getNamedGlobal(getModule(), name);
static fir::GlobalOp getNamedGlobal(mlir::ModuleOp module,
llvm::StringRef name);
/// Lazy creation of fir.convert op.
mlir::Value createConvert(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Type toTy,
mlir::Value val);
/// Create a new FuncOp. If the function may have already been created, use
/// `addNamedFunction` instead.
mlir::FuncOp createFunction(mlir::Location loc, llvm::StringRef name,
mlir::FunctionType ty) {
return createFunction(loc, getModule(), name, ty);
static mlir::FuncOp createFunction(mlir::Location loc, mlir::ModuleOp module,
llvm::StringRef name,
mlir::FunctionType ty);
/// Determine if the named function is already in the module. Return the
/// instance if found, otherwise add a new named function to the module.
mlir::FuncOp addNamedFunction(mlir::Location loc, llvm::StringRef name,
mlir::FunctionType ty) {
if (auto func = getNamedFunction(name))
return func;
return createFunction(loc, name, ty);
static mlir::FuncOp addNamedFunction(mlir::Location loc,
mlir::ModuleOp module,
llvm::StringRef name,
mlir::FunctionType ty) {
if (auto func = getNamedFunction(module, name))
return func;
return createFunction(loc, module, name, ty);
/// Create constant i1 with value 1. if \p b is true or 0. otherwise
mlir::Value createBool(mlir::Location loc, bool b) {
return createIntegerConstant(loc, getIntegerType(1), b ? 1 : 0);
// If-Then-Else generation helper
/// Helper class to create if-then-else in a structured way:
/// Usage: genIfOp().genThen([&](){...}).genElse([&](){...}).end();
/// Alternatively, getResults() can be used instead of end() to end the ifOp
/// and get the ifOp results.
class IfBuilder {
IfBuilder(fir::IfOp ifOp, FirOpBuilder &builder)
: ifOp{ifOp}, builder{builder} {}
template <typename CC>
IfBuilder &genThen(CC func) {
return *this;
template <typename CC>
IfBuilder &genElse(CC func) {
assert(!ifOp.elseRegion().empty() && "must have else region");
return *this;
void end() { builder.setInsertionPointAfter(ifOp); }
/// End the IfOp and return the results if any.
mlir::Operation::result_range getResults() {
return ifOp.getResults();
fir::IfOp &getIfOp() { return ifOp; };
fir::IfOp ifOp;
FirOpBuilder &builder;
/// Create an IfOp and returns an IfBuilder that can generate the else/then
/// bodies.
IfBuilder genIfOp(mlir::Location loc, mlir::TypeRange results,
mlir::Value cdt, bool withElseRegion) {
auto op = create<fir::IfOp>(loc, results, cdt, withElseRegion);
return IfBuilder(op, *this);
/// Create an IfOp with no "else" region, and no result values.
/// Usage: genIfThen(loc, cdt).genThen(lambda).end();
IfBuilder genIfThen(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value cdt) {
auto op = create<fir::IfOp>(loc, llvm::None, cdt, false);
return IfBuilder(op, *this);
/// Create an IfOp with an "else" region, and no result values.
/// Usage: genIfThenElse(loc, cdt).genThen(lambda).genElse(lambda).end();
IfBuilder genIfThenElse(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value cdt) {
auto op = create<fir::IfOp>(loc, llvm::None, cdt, true);
return IfBuilder(op, *this);
/// Generate code testing \p addr is not a null address.
mlir::Value genIsNotNull(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value addr);
/// Generate code testing \p addr is a null address.
mlir::Value genIsNull(mlir::Location loc, mlir::Value addr);
const KindMapping &kindMap;
} // namespace fir
namespace fir::factory {
// String literal helper helpers
/// Create a !fir.char<1> string literal global and returns a
/// fir::CharBoxValue with its address and length.
fir::ExtendedValue createStringLiteral(fir::FirOpBuilder &, mlir::Location,
llvm::StringRef string);
/// Unique a compiler generated identifier. A short prefix should be provided
/// to hint at the origin of the identifier.
std::string uniqueCGIdent(llvm::StringRef prefix, llvm::StringRef name);
// Location helpers
/// Generate a string literal containing the file name and return its address
mlir::Value locationToFilename(fir::FirOpBuilder &, mlir::Location);
/// Generate a constant of the given type with the location line number
mlir::Value locationToLineNo(fir::FirOpBuilder &, mlir::Location, mlir::Type);
} // namespace fir::factory