blob: 55859696be52f28961b18ac3c99dd2172ea30bfd [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- include/flang/Semantics/symbol.h ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "type.h"
#include "flang/Common/Fortran.h"
#include "flang/Common/enum-set.h"
#include "flang/Common/reference.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
#include <array>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace Fortran::semantics {
/// A Symbol consists of common information (name, owner, and attributes)
/// and details information specific to the kind of symbol, represented by the
/// *Details classes.
class Scope;
class Symbol;
class ProgramTree;
using SymbolRef = common::Reference<const Symbol>;
using SymbolVector = std::vector<SymbolRef>;
using MutableSymbolRef = common::Reference<Symbol>;
using MutableSymbolVector = std::vector<MutableSymbolRef>;
// A module or submodule.
class ModuleDetails {
ModuleDetails(bool isSubmodule = false) : isSubmodule_{isSubmodule} {}
bool isSubmodule() const { return isSubmodule_; }
const Scope *scope() const { return scope_; }
const Scope *ancestor() const; // for submodule; nullptr for module
const Scope *parent() const; // for submodule; nullptr for module
void set_scope(const Scope *);
bool isSubmodule_;
const Scope *scope_{nullptr};
class MainProgramDetails {
class SubprogramDetails {
bool isFunction() const { return result_ != nullptr; }
bool isInterface() const { return isInterface_; }
void set_isInterface(bool value = true) { isInterface_ = value; }
Scope *entryScope() { return entryScope_; }
const Scope *entryScope() const { return entryScope_; }
void set_entryScope(Scope &scope) { entryScope_ = &scope; }
MaybeExpr bindName() const { return bindName_; }
void set_bindName(MaybeExpr &&expr) { bindName_ = std::move(expr); }
const Symbol &result() const {
return *result_;
void set_result(Symbol &result) {
result_ = &result;
const std::vector<Symbol *> &dummyArgs() const { return dummyArgs_; }
void add_dummyArg(Symbol &symbol) { dummyArgs_.push_back(&symbol); }
void add_alternateReturn() { dummyArgs_.push_back(nullptr); }
const MaybeExpr &stmtFunction() const { return stmtFunction_; }
void set_stmtFunction(SomeExpr &&expr) { stmtFunction_ = std::move(expr); }
bool isInterface_{false}; // true if this represents an interface-body
MaybeExpr bindName_;
std::vector<Symbol *> dummyArgs_; // nullptr -> alternate return indicator
Symbol *result_{nullptr};
Scope *entryScope_{nullptr}; // if ENTRY, points to subprogram's scope
MaybeExpr stmtFunction_;
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
llvm::raw_ostream &, const SubprogramDetails &);
// For SubprogramNameDetails, the kind indicates whether it is the name
// of a module subprogram or internal subprogram.
ENUM_CLASS(SubprogramKind, Module, Internal)
// Symbol with SubprogramNameDetails is created when we scan for module and
// internal procedure names, to record that there is a subprogram with this
// name. Later they are replaced by SubprogramDetails with dummy and result
// type information.
class SubprogramNameDetails {
SubprogramNameDetails(SubprogramKind kind, ProgramTree &node)
: kind_{kind}, node_{node} {}
SubprogramNameDetails() = delete;
SubprogramKind kind() const { return kind_; }
ProgramTree &node() const { return *node_; }
SubprogramKind kind_;
common::Reference<ProgramTree> node_;
// A name from an entity-decl -- could be object or function.
class EntityDetails {
explicit EntityDetails(bool isDummy = false) : isDummy_{isDummy} {}
const DeclTypeSpec *type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &);
void ReplaceType(const DeclTypeSpec &);
bool isDummy() const { return isDummy_; }
void set_isDummy(bool value = true) { isDummy_ = value; }
bool isFuncResult() const { return isFuncResult_; }
void set_funcResult(bool x) { isFuncResult_ = x; }
MaybeExpr bindName() const { return bindName_; }
void set_bindName(MaybeExpr &&expr) { bindName_ = std::move(expr); }
bool isDummy_{false};
bool isFuncResult_{false};
const DeclTypeSpec *type_{nullptr};
MaybeExpr bindName_;
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
llvm::raw_ostream &, const EntityDetails &);
// Symbol is associated with a name or expression in a SELECT TYPE or ASSOCIATE.
class AssocEntityDetails : public EntityDetails {
AssocEntityDetails() {}
explicit AssocEntityDetails(SomeExpr &&expr) : expr_{std::move(expr)} {}
AssocEntityDetails(const AssocEntityDetails &) = default;
AssocEntityDetails(AssocEntityDetails &&) = default;
AssocEntityDetails &operator=(const AssocEntityDetails &) = default;
AssocEntityDetails &operator=(AssocEntityDetails &&) = default;
const MaybeExpr &expr() const { return expr_; }
void set_rank(int rank);
std::optional<int> rank() const { return rank_; }
MaybeExpr expr_;
std::optional<int> rank_;
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const AssocEntityDetails &);
// An entity known to be an object.
class ObjectEntityDetails : public EntityDetails {
explicit ObjectEntityDetails(EntityDetails &&);
ObjectEntityDetails(const ObjectEntityDetails &) = default;
ObjectEntityDetails &operator=(const ObjectEntityDetails &) = default;
ObjectEntityDetails(bool isDummy = false) : EntityDetails(isDummy) {}
MaybeExpr &init() { return init_; }
const MaybeExpr &init() const { return init_; }
void set_init(MaybeExpr &&expr) { init_ = std::move(expr); }
ArraySpec &shape() { return shape_; }
const ArraySpec &shape() const { return shape_; }
ArraySpec &coshape() { return coshape_; }
const ArraySpec &coshape() const { return coshape_; }
void set_shape(const ArraySpec &);
void set_coshape(const ArraySpec &);
const Symbol *commonBlock() const { return commonBlock_; }
void set_commonBlock(const Symbol &commonBlock) {
commonBlock_ = &commonBlock;
bool IsArray() const { return !shape_.empty(); }
bool IsCoarray() const { return !coshape_.empty(); }
bool IsAssumedShape() const { return isDummy() && shape_.IsAssumedShape(); }
bool IsDeferredShape() const {
return !isDummy() && shape_.IsDeferredShape();
bool IsAssumedSize() const { return isDummy() && shape_.IsAssumedSize(); }
bool IsAssumedRank() const { return isDummy() && shape_.IsAssumedRank(); }
MaybeExpr init_;
ArraySpec shape_;
ArraySpec coshape_;
const Symbol *commonBlock_{nullptr}; // common block this object is in
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
llvm::raw_ostream &, const ObjectEntityDetails &);
// Mixin for details with passed-object dummy argument.
// If a procedure pointer component or type-bound procedure does not have
// the NOPASS attribute on its symbol, then PASS is assumed; the name
// is optional; if it is missing, the first dummy argument of the procedure's
// interface is the passed-object dummy argument.
class WithPassArg {
std::optional<SourceName> passName() const { return passName_; }
void set_passName(const SourceName &passName) { passName_ = passName; }
std::optional<SourceName> passName_;
// A procedure pointer, dummy procedure, or external procedure
class ProcEntityDetails : public EntityDetails, public WithPassArg {
ProcEntityDetails() = default;
explicit ProcEntityDetails(EntityDetails &&d);
const ProcInterface &interface() const { return interface_; }
ProcInterface &interface() { return interface_; }
void set_interface(const ProcInterface &interface) { interface_ = interface; }
bool IsInterfaceSet() {
return interface_.symbol() != nullptr || interface_.type() != nullptr;
inline bool HasExplicitInterface() const;
// Be advised: !init().has_value() => uninitialized pointer,
// while *init() == nullptr => explicit NULL() initialization.
std::optional<const Symbol *> init() const { return init_; }
void set_init(const Symbol &symbol) { init_ = &symbol; }
void set_init(std::nullptr_t) { init_ = nullptr; }
ProcInterface interface_;
std::optional<const Symbol *> init_;
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
llvm::raw_ostream &, const ProcEntityDetails &);
// These derived type details represent the characteristics of a derived
// type definition that are shared by all instantiations of that type.
// The DerivedTypeSpec instances whose type symbols share these details
// each own a scope into which the components' symbols have been cloned
// and specialized for each distinct set of type parameter values.
class DerivedTypeDetails {
const std::list<SourceName> &paramNames() const { return paramNames_; }
const SymbolVector &paramDecls() const { return paramDecls_; }
bool sequence() const { return sequence_; }
std::map<SourceName, SymbolRef> &finals() { return finals_; }
const std::map<SourceName, SymbolRef> &finals() const { return finals_; }
bool isForwardReferenced() const { return isForwardReferenced_; }
void add_paramName(const SourceName &name) { paramNames_.push_back(name); }
void add_paramDecl(const Symbol &symbol) { paramDecls_.push_back(symbol); }
void add_component(const Symbol &);
void set_sequence(bool x = true) { sequence_ = x; }
void set_isForwardReferenced() { isForwardReferenced_ = true; }
const std::list<SourceName> &componentNames() const {
return componentNames_;
// If this derived type extends another, locate the parent component's symbol.
const Symbol *GetParentComponent(const Scope &) const;
std::optional<SourceName> GetParentComponentName() const {
if (componentNames_.empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
} else {
return componentNames_.front();
const Symbol *GetFinalForRank(int) const;
// These are (1) the names of the derived type parameters in the order
// in which they appear on the type definition statement(s), and (2) the
// symbols that correspond to those names in the order in which their
// declarations appear in the derived type definition(s).
std::list<SourceName> paramNames_;
SymbolVector paramDecls_;
// These are the names of the derived type's components in component
// order. A parent component, if any, appears first in this list.
std::list<SourceName> componentNames_;
std::map<SourceName, SymbolRef> finals_; // FINAL :: subr
bool sequence_{false};
bool isForwardReferenced_{false};
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(
llvm::raw_ostream &, const DerivedTypeDetails &);
class ProcBindingDetails : public WithPassArg {
explicit ProcBindingDetails(const Symbol &symbol) : symbol_{symbol} {}
const Symbol &symbol() const { return symbol_; }
SymbolRef symbol_; // procedure bound to; may be forward
class NamelistDetails {
const SymbolVector &objects() const { return objects_; }
void add_object(const Symbol &object) { objects_.push_back(object); }
void add_objects(const SymbolVector &objects) {
objects_.insert(objects_.end(), objects.begin(), objects.end());
SymbolVector objects_;
class CommonBlockDetails {
MutableSymbolVector &objects() { return objects_; }
const MutableSymbolVector &objects() const { return objects_; }
void add_object(Symbol &object) { objects_.emplace_back(object); }
MaybeExpr bindName() const { return bindName_; }
void set_bindName(MaybeExpr &&expr) { bindName_ = std::move(expr); }
std::size_t alignment() const { return alignment_; }
void set_alignment(std::size_t alignment) { alignment_ = alignment; }
MutableSymbolVector objects_;
MaybeExpr bindName_;
std::size_t alignment_{0}; // required alignment in bytes
class MiscDetails {
ENUM_CLASS(Kind, None, ConstructName, ScopeName, PassName, ComplexPartRe,
ComplexPartIm, KindParamInquiry, LenParamInquiry, SelectRankAssociateName,
SelectTypeAssociateName, TypeBoundDefinedOp);
MiscDetails(Kind kind) : kind_{kind} {}
Kind kind() const { return kind_; }
Kind kind_;
class TypeParamDetails {
explicit TypeParamDetails(common::TypeParamAttr attr) : attr_{attr} {}
TypeParamDetails(const TypeParamDetails &) = default;
common::TypeParamAttr attr() const { return attr_; }
MaybeIntExpr &init() { return init_; }
const MaybeIntExpr &init() const { return init_; }
void set_init(MaybeIntExpr &&expr) { init_ = std::move(expr); }
const DeclTypeSpec *type() const { return type_; }
void set_type(const DeclTypeSpec &);
void ReplaceType(const DeclTypeSpec &);
common::TypeParamAttr attr_;
MaybeIntExpr init_;
const DeclTypeSpec *type_{nullptr};
// Record the USE of a symbol: location is where (USE statement or renaming);
// symbol is in the USEd module.
class UseDetails {
UseDetails(const SourceName &location, const Symbol &symbol)
: location_{location}, symbol_{symbol} {}
const SourceName &location() const { return location_; }
const Symbol &symbol() const { return symbol_; }
SourceName location_;
SymbolRef symbol_;
// A symbol with ambiguous use-associations. Record where they were so
// we can report the error if it is used.
class UseErrorDetails {
UseErrorDetails(const UseDetails &);
UseErrorDetails &add_occurrence(const SourceName &, const Scope &);
using listType = std::list<std::pair<SourceName, const Scope *>>;
const listType occurrences() const { return occurrences_; };
listType occurrences_;
// A symbol host-associated from an enclosing scope.
class HostAssocDetails {
HostAssocDetails(const Symbol &symbol) : symbol_{symbol} {}
const Symbol &symbol() const { return symbol_; }
bool implicitOrSpecExprError{false};
bool implicitOrExplicitTypeError{false};
SymbolRef symbol_;
// A GenericKind is one of: generic name, defined operator,
// defined assignment, intrinsic operator, or defined I/O.
struct GenericKind {
ENUM_CLASS(OtherKind, Name, DefinedOp, Assignment, Concat)
ENUM_CLASS(DefinedIo, // defined io
ReadFormatted, ReadUnformatted, WriteFormatted, WriteUnformatted)
GenericKind() : u{OtherKind::Name} {}
template <typename T> GenericKind(const T &x) { u = x; }
bool IsName() const { return Is(OtherKind::Name); }
bool IsAssignment() const { return Is(OtherKind::Assignment); }
bool IsDefinedOperator() const { return Is(OtherKind::DefinedOp); }
bool IsIntrinsicOperator() const;
bool IsOperator() const;
std::string ToString() const;
std::variant<OtherKind, common::NumericOperator, common::LogicalOperator,
common::RelationalOperator, DefinedIo>
template <typename T> bool Has() const {
return std::holds_alternative<T>(u);
bool Is(OtherKind) const;
// A generic interface or type-bound generic.
class GenericDetails {
GenericDetails() {}
GenericKind kind() const { return kind_; }
void set_kind(GenericKind kind) { kind_ = kind; }
const SymbolVector &specificProcs() const { return specificProcs_; }
const std::vector<SourceName> &bindingNames() const { return bindingNames_; }
void AddSpecificProc(const Symbol &, SourceName bindingName);
const SymbolVector &uses() const { return uses_; }
// specific and derivedType indicate a specific procedure or derived type
// with the same name as this generic. Only one of them may be set.
Symbol *specific() { return specific_; }
const Symbol *specific() const { return specific_; }
void set_specific(Symbol &specific);
Symbol *derivedType() { return derivedType_; }
const Symbol *derivedType() const { return derivedType_; }
void set_derivedType(Symbol &derivedType);
void AddUse(const Symbol &);
// Copy in specificProcs, specific, and derivedType from another generic
void CopyFrom(const GenericDetails &);
// Check that specific is one of the specificProcs. If not, return the
// specific as a raw pointer.
const Symbol *CheckSpecific() const;
Symbol *CheckSpecific();
GenericKind kind_;
// all of the specific procedures for this generic
SymbolVector specificProcs_;
std::vector<SourceName> bindingNames_;
// Symbols used from other modules merged into this one
SymbolVector uses_;
// a specific procedure with the same name as this generic, if any
Symbol *specific_{nullptr};
// a derived type with the same name as this generic, if any
Symbol *derivedType_{nullptr};
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const GenericDetails &);
class UnknownDetails {};
using Details = std::variant<UnknownDetails, MainProgramDetails, ModuleDetails,
SubprogramDetails, SubprogramNameDetails, EntityDetails,
ObjectEntityDetails, ProcEntityDetails, AssocEntityDetails,
DerivedTypeDetails, UseDetails, UseErrorDetails, HostAssocDetails,
GenericDetails, ProcBindingDetails, NamelistDetails, CommonBlockDetails,
TypeParamDetails, MiscDetails>;
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const Details &);
std::string DetailsToString(const Details &);
class Symbol {
Function, // symbol is a function
Subroutine, // symbol is a subroutine
StmtFunction, // symbol is a statement function (Function is set too)
Implicit, // symbol is implicitly typed
ImplicitOrError, // symbol must be implicitly typed or it's an error
ModFile, // symbol came from .mod file
ParentComp, // symbol is the "parent component" of an extended type
CrayPointer, CrayPointee,
LocalityLocal, // named in LOCAL locality-spec
LocalityLocalInit, // named in LOCAL_INIT locality-spec
LocalityShared, // named in SHARED locality-spec
InDataStmt, // initialized in a DATA statement
InNamelist, // flag is set if the symbol is in Namelist statement
// OpenACC data-sharing attribute
AccPrivate, AccFirstPrivate, AccShared,
// OpenACC data-mapping attribute
AccCopyIn, AccCopyOut, AccCreate, AccDelete, AccPresent,
// OpenACC miscellaneous flags
AccCommonBlock, AccThreadPrivate, AccReduction, AccNone, AccPreDetermined,
// OpenMP data-sharing attribute
OmpShared, OmpPrivate, OmpLinear, OmpFirstPrivate, OmpLastPrivate,
// OpenMP data-mapping attribute
OmpMapTo, OmpMapFrom, OmpMapAlloc, OmpMapRelease, OmpMapDelete,
// OpenMP data-copying attribute
OmpCopyIn, OmpCopyPrivate,
// OpenMP miscellaneous flags
OmpCommonBlock, OmpReduction, OmpAllocate, OmpDeclareSimd,
OmpDeclareTarget, OmpThreadprivate, OmpDeclareReduction, OmpFlushed,
OmpCriticalLock, OmpIfSpecified, OmpNone, OmpPreDetermined, OmpAligned);
using Flags = common::EnumSet<Flag, Flag_enumSize>;
const Scope &owner() const { return *owner_; }
const SourceName &name() const { return name_; }
Attrs &attrs() { return attrs_; }
const Attrs &attrs() const { return attrs_; }
Flags &flags() { return flags_; }
const Flags &flags() const { return flags_; }
bool test(Flag flag) const { return flags_.test(flag); }
void set(Flag flag, bool value = true) { flags_.set(flag, value); }
// The Scope introduced by this symbol, if any.
Scope *scope() { return scope_; }
const Scope *scope() const { return scope_; }
void set_scope(Scope *scope) { scope_ = scope; }
std::size_t size() const { return size_; }
void set_size(std::size_t size) { size_ = size; }
std::size_t offset() const { return offset_; }
void set_offset(std::size_t offset) { offset_ = offset; }
// Give the symbol a name with a different source location but same chars.
void ReplaceName(const SourceName &);
// Does symbol have this type of details?
template <typename D> bool has() const {
return std::holds_alternative<D>(details_);
// Return a non-owning pointer to details if it is type D, else nullptr.
template <typename D> D *detailsIf() { return std::get_if<D>(&details_); }
template <typename D> const D *detailsIf() const {
return std::get_if<D>(&details_);
// Return a reference to the details which must be of type D.
template <typename D> D &get() {
return const_cast<D &>(const_cast<const Symbol *>(this)->get<D>());
template <typename D> const D &get() const {
const auto *p{detailsIf<D>()};
return *p;
Details &details() { return details_; }
const Details &details() const { return details_; }
// Assign the details of the symbol from one of the variants.
// Only allowed in certain cases.
void set_details(Details &&);
// Can the details of this symbol be replaced with the given details?
bool CanReplaceDetails(const Details &details) const;
// Follow use-associations and host-associations to get the ultimate entity.
inline Symbol &GetUltimate();
inline const Symbol &GetUltimate() const;
inline DeclTypeSpec *GetType();
inline const DeclTypeSpec *GetType() const;
void SetType(const DeclTypeSpec &);
bool IsFuncResult() const;
bool IsObjectArray() const;
bool IsSubprogram() const;
bool IsFromModFile() const;
bool HasExplicitInterface() const {
return std::visit(common::visitors{
[](const SubprogramDetails &) { return true; },
[](const SubprogramNameDetails &) { return true; },
[&](const ProcEntityDetails &x) {
return attrs_.test(Attr::INTRINSIC) ||
[](const ProcBindingDetails &x) {
return x.symbol().HasExplicitInterface();
[](const UseDetails &x) {
return x.symbol().HasExplicitInterface();
[](const HostAssocDetails &x) {
return x.symbol().HasExplicitInterface();
[](const auto &) { return false; },
bool operator==(const Symbol &that) const { return this == &that; }
bool operator!=(const Symbol &that) const { return !(*this == that); }
bool operator<(const Symbol &that) const {
// For maps of symbols: collate them by source location
return name_.begin() < that.name_.begin();
int Rank() const {
return std::visit(
[](const SubprogramDetails &sd) {
return sd.isFunction() ? sd.result().Rank() : 0;
[](const GenericDetails &) {
return 0; /*TODO*/
[](const ProcBindingDetails &x) { return x.symbol().Rank(); },
[](const UseDetails &x) { return x.symbol().Rank(); },
[](const HostAssocDetails &x) { return x.symbol().Rank(); },
[](const ObjectEntityDetails &oed) { return oed.shape().Rank(); },
[](const AssocEntityDetails &aed) {
if (const auto &expr{aed.expr()}) {
if (auto assocRank{aed.rank()}) {
return *assocRank;
} else {
return expr->Rank();
} else {
return 0;
[](const auto &) { return 0; },
int Corank() const {
return std::visit(
[](const SubprogramDetails &sd) {
return sd.isFunction() ? sd.result().Corank() : 0;
[](const GenericDetails &) {
return 0; /*TODO*/
[](const UseDetails &x) { return x.symbol().Corank(); },
[](const HostAssocDetails &x) { return x.symbol().Corank(); },
[](const ObjectEntityDetails &oed) { return oed.coshape().Rank(); },
[](const auto &) { return 0; },
// If there is a parent component, return a pointer to its derived type spec.
// The Scope * argument defaults to this->scope_ but should be overridden
// for a parameterized derived type instantiation with the instance's scope.
const DerivedTypeSpec *GetParentTypeSpec(const Scope * = nullptr) const;
const Scope *owner_;
SourceName name_;
Attrs attrs_;
Flags flags_;
Scope *scope_{nullptr};
std::size_t size_{0}; // size in bytes
std::size_t offset_{0}; // byte offset in scope or common block
Details details_;
Symbol() {} // only created in class Symbols
const std::string GetDetailsName() const;
friend llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, const Symbol &);
friend llvm::raw_ostream &DumpForUnparse(
llvm::raw_ostream &, const Symbol &, bool);
// If a derived type's symbol refers to an extended derived type,
// return the parent component's symbol. The scope of the derived type
// can be overridden.
const Symbol *GetParentComponent(const Scope * = nullptr) const;
template <std::size_t> friend class Symbols;
template <class, std::size_t> friend struct std::array;
llvm::raw_ostream &operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &, Symbol::Flag);
// Manage memory for all symbols. BLOCK_SIZE symbols at a time are allocated.
// Make() returns a reference to the next available one. They are never
// deleted.
template <std::size_t BLOCK_SIZE> class Symbols {
Symbol &Make(const Scope &owner, const SourceName &name, const Attrs &attrs,
Details &&details) {
Symbol &symbol = Get();
symbol.owner_ = &owner;
symbol.name_ = name;
symbol.attrs_ = attrs;
symbol.details_ = std::move(details);
return symbol;
using blockType = std::array<Symbol, BLOCK_SIZE>;
std::list<blockType *> blocks_;
std::size_t nextIndex_{0};
blockType *currBlock_{nullptr};
Symbol &Get() {
if (nextIndex_ == 0) {
blocks_.push_back(new blockType());
currBlock_ = blocks_.back();
Symbol &result = (*currBlock_)[nextIndex_];
if (++nextIndex_ >= BLOCK_SIZE) {
nextIndex_ = 0; // allocate a new block next time
return result;
// Define a few member functions here in the header so that they
// can be used by lib/Evaluate without inducing a dependence cycle
// between the two shared libraries.
inline bool ProcEntityDetails::HasExplicitInterface() const {
if (auto *symbol{interface_.symbol()}) {
return symbol->HasExplicitInterface();
return false;
inline Symbol &Symbol::GetUltimate() {
return const_cast<Symbol &>(const_cast<const Symbol *>(this)->GetUltimate());
inline const Symbol &Symbol::GetUltimate() const {
if (const auto *details{detailsIf<UseDetails>()}) {
return details->symbol().GetUltimate();
} else if (const auto *details{detailsIf<HostAssocDetails>()}) {
return details->symbol().GetUltimate();
} else {
return *this;
inline DeclTypeSpec *Symbol::GetType() {
return const_cast<DeclTypeSpec *>(
const_cast<const Symbol *>(this)->GetType());
inline const DeclTypeSpec *Symbol::GetType() const {
return std::visit(
[](const EntityDetails &x) { return x.type(); },
[](const ObjectEntityDetails &x) { return x.type(); },
[](const AssocEntityDetails &x) { return x.type(); },
[](const SubprogramDetails &x) {
return x.isFunction() ? x.result().GetType() : nullptr;
[](const ProcEntityDetails &x) {
const Symbol *symbol{x.interface().symbol()};
return symbol ? symbol->GetType() : x.interface().type();
[](const ProcBindingDetails &x) { return x.symbol().GetType(); },
[](const TypeParamDetails &x) { return x.type(); },
[](const UseDetails &x) { return x.symbol().GetType(); },
[](const HostAssocDetails &x) { return x.symbol().GetType(); },
[](const auto &) -> const DeclTypeSpec * { return nullptr; },
inline bool operator<(SymbolRef x, SymbolRef y) { return *x < *y; }
inline bool operator<(MutableSymbolRef x, MutableSymbolRef y) {
return *x < *y;
struct SymbolHash {
std::size_t operator()(SymbolRef symRef) const {
std::hash<std::string> hasher;
return hasher(symRef->name().ToString());
using SymbolSet = std::unordered_set<SymbolRef, SymbolHash>;
} // namespace Fortran::semantics
// Define required info so that SymbolRef can be used inside llvm::DenseMap.
namespace llvm {
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef> {
static inline Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef getEmptyKey() {
auto ptr = DenseMapInfo<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *>::getEmptyKey();
return *reinterpret_cast<Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef *>(&ptr);
static inline Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef getTombstoneKey() {
auto ptr =
DenseMapInfo<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *>::getTombstoneKey();
return *reinterpret_cast<Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef *>(&ptr);
static unsigned getHashValue(const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef &sym) {
return DenseMapInfo<const Fortran::semantics::Symbol *>::getHashValue(
static bool isEqual(const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef &LHS,
const Fortran::semantics::SymbolRef &RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;
} // namespace llvm