blob: 060ff0d5fe7063d006e028064fa710a7c989b73f [file] [log] [blame]
// Purpose:
// Test that LimitStep commands can exist on the same from line.
// REQUIRES: system-linux
// RUN: %dexter_regression_test -- %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: limit_steps_same_line_conditional.cpp
int main() {
int val1 = 0;
int placeholder;
for(int ix = 0; ix != 4; ++ix) {
val1 = ix;
placeholder = ix; // DexLabel('from')
placeholder = ix;
val1 += 2; // DexLabel('to')
placeholder = ix; // DexLabel('extended_to')
return val1 + placeholder;
// DexExpectWatchValue('val1', 0, 1, 3, from_line='from', to_line='extended_to')
// DexLimitSteps('ix', 0, from_line='from', to_line='to')
// DexLimitSteps('ix', 1, from_line='from', to_line='extended_to')