blob: 80e695d52e4f10e14657b5ca970b2a08e90667bd [file] [log] [blame]
// REQUIRES: lldb
// UNSUPPORTED: system-windows
// RUN: %dexter --fail-lt 1.0 -w --debugger lldb \
// RUN: --builder clang-c --cflags "-O2 -glldb" -- %s
//// Check that we give good locations to a variable ('local') which is escaped
//// down some control paths and not others. This example is handled well currently.
int g;
void leak(int *ptr) {
g = *ptr;
*ptr = 2;
int fun(int cond) {
int local = 0; // DexLabel('s1')
if (cond)
local = 1;
return local; // DexLabel('s2')
int main() {
int a = fun(1);
int b = fun(0);
return a + b;
//// fun(1) fun(0)
// DexExpectWatchValue('local', '0', '0', on_line='s1')
// DexExpectWatchValue('local', '2', '1', on_line='s2')