blob: a1579a541ed7ee21aaf019d86000227ff7ef799d [file] [log] [blame]
// Check the presence of interface symbols in compiled file.
// If you're changing this file, please also change
// ../Darwin/interface_symbols_darwin.cpp
// RUN: %clangxx -x c++-header -o - -E %p/../../../../lib/asan/ \
// RUN: %clangxx_asan -O2 %s -o %t.exe
// RUN: nm -D %t.exe | grep " [TWw] " \
// RUN: | grep -o "\(__asan_\|__ubsan_\|__sancov_\|__sanitizer_\)[^ ]*" \
// RUN: | grep -v "__sanitizer_syscall" \
// RUN: | grep -v "__sanitizer_weak_hook" \
// RUN: | grep -v "__sancov_lowest_stack" \
// RUN: | sed -e "s/__asan_version_mismatch_check_v[0-9]+/__asan_version_mismatch_check/" \
// RUN: > %t.exports
// RUN: grep -e "INTERFACE_\(WEAK_\)\?FUNCTION" \
// RUN: \
// RUN: %p/../../../../lib/ubsan/ \
// RUN: %p/../../../../lib/sanitizer_common/ \
// RUN: %p/../../../../lib/sanitizer_common/ \
// RUN: %p/../../../../lib/sanitizer_common/ \
// RUN: | grep -v "__sanitizer_weak_hook" \
// RUN: | sed -e "s/.*(//" -e "s/).*//" > %t.imports
// RUN: cat %t.imports | sort | uniq > %t.imports-sorted
// RUN: cat %t.exports | sort | uniq > %t.exports-sorted
// RUN: echo
// RUN: echo "=== NOTE === If you see a mismatch below, please update files."
// RUN: diff %t.imports-sorted %t.exports-sorted
// FIXME: nm -D on powerpc somewhy shows ASan interface symbols residing
// in "initialized data section".
// REQUIRES: x86-target-arch,asan-static-runtime
int main() { return 0; }