blob: 66bdf5e67602ba2a4e5bfa75ab93de1fc16d7eed [file] [log] [blame]
//=== ClangTypeNodesEmitter.cpp - Generate type node tables -----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This tblgen backend emits the node table (the .def file) for Clang
// type nodes.
// This file defines the AST type info database. Each type node is
// enumerated by providing its name (e.g., "Builtin" or "Enum") and
// base class (e.g., "Type" or "TagType"). Depending on where in the
// abstract syntax tree the type will show up, the enumeration uses
// one of five different macros:
// TYPE(Class, Base) - A type that can show up anywhere in the AST,
// and might be dependent, canonical, or non-canonical. All clients
// will need to understand these types.
// ABSTRACT_TYPE(Class, Base) - An abstract class that shows up in
// the type hierarchy but has no concrete instances.
// NON_CANONICAL_TYPE(Class, Base) - A type that can show up
// anywhere in the AST but will never be a part of a canonical
// type. Clients that only need to deal with canonical types
// (ignoring, e.g., typedefs and other type aliases used for
// pretty-printing) can ignore these types.
// DEPENDENT_TYPE(Class, Base) - A type that will only show up
// within a C++ template that has not been instantiated, e.g., a
// type that is always dependent. Clients that do not need to deal
// with uninstantiated C++ templates can ignore these types.
// is non-canonical unless it is dependent. Defaults to TYPE because
// it is neither reliably dependent nor reliably non-canonical.
// There is a sixth macro, independent of the others. Most clients
// will not need to use it.
// LEAF_TYPE(Class) - A type that never has inner types. Clients
// which can operate on such types more efficiently may wish to do so.
#include "ASTTableGen.h"
#include "TableGenBackends.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::tblgen;
// These are spellings in the generated output.
#define TypeMacroName "TYPE"
#define AbstractTypeMacroName "ABSTRACT_TYPE"
#define DependentTypeMacroName "DEPENDENT_TYPE"
#define NonCanonicalTypeMacroName "NON_CANONICAL_TYPE"
#define NonCanonicalUnlessDependentTypeMacroName "NON_CANONICAL_UNLESS_DEPENDENT_TYPE"
#define TypeMacroArgs "(Class, Base)"
#define LastTypeMacroName "LAST_TYPE"
#define LeafTypeMacroName "LEAF_TYPE"
#define TypeClassName "Type"
namespace {
class TypeNodeEmitter {
RecordKeeper &Records;
raw_ostream &Out;
const std::vector<Record*> Types;
std::vector<StringRef> MacrosToUndef;
TypeNodeEmitter(RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &out)
: Records(records), Out(out),
Types(Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions(TypeNodeClassName)) {
void emit();
void emitFallbackDefine(StringRef macroName, StringRef fallbackMacroName,
StringRef args);
void emitNodeInvocations();
void emitLastNodeInvocation(TypeNode lastType);
void emitLeafNodeInvocations();
void addMacroToUndef(StringRef macroName);
void emitUndefs();
void TypeNodeEmitter::emit() {
if (Types.empty())
PrintFatalError("no Type records in input!");
emitSourceFileHeader("An x-macro database of Clang type nodes", Out, Records);
// Preamble
emitFallbackDefine(AbstractTypeMacroName, TypeMacroName, TypeMacroArgs);
emitFallbackDefine(NonCanonicalTypeMacroName, TypeMacroName, TypeMacroArgs);
emitFallbackDefine(DependentTypeMacroName, TypeMacroName, TypeMacroArgs);
emitFallbackDefine(NonCanonicalUnlessDependentTypeMacroName, TypeMacroName,
// Invocations.
// Postmatter
void TypeNodeEmitter::emitFallbackDefine(StringRef macroName,
StringRef fallbackMacroName,
StringRef args) {
Out << "#ifndef " << macroName << "\n";
Out << "# define " << macroName << args
<< " " << fallbackMacroName << args << "\n";
Out << "#endif\n";
void TypeNodeEmitter::emitNodeInvocations() {
TypeNode lastType;
visitASTNodeHierarchy<TypeNode>(Records, [&](TypeNode type, TypeNode base) {
// If this is the Type node itself, skip it; it can't be handled
// uniformly by metaprograms because it doesn't have a base.
if (!base) return;
// Figure out which macro to use.
StringRef macroName;
auto setMacroName = [&](StringRef newName) {
if (!macroName.empty())
Twine("conflict when computing macro name for "
"Type node: trying to use both \"")
+ macroName + "\" and \"" + newName + "\"");
macroName = newName;
if (type.isSubClassOf(AlwaysDependentClassName))
if (type.isSubClassOf(NeverCanonicalClassName))
if (type.isSubClassOf(NeverCanonicalUnlessDependentClassName))
if (type.isAbstract())
if (macroName.empty())
macroName = TypeMacroName;
// Generate the invocation line.
Out << macroName << "(" << type.getId() << ", "
<< base.getClassName() << ")\n";
lastType = type;
void TypeNodeEmitter::emitLastNodeInvocation(TypeNode type) {
// We check that this is non-empty earlier.
Out << "#ifdef " LastTypeMacroName "\n"
LastTypeMacroName "(" << type.getId() << ")\n"
"#undef " LastTypeMacroName "\n"
void TypeNodeEmitter::emitLeafNodeInvocations() {
Out << "#ifdef " LeafTypeMacroName "\n";
for (TypeNode type : Types) {
if (!type.isSubClassOf(LeafTypeClassName)) continue;
Out << LeafTypeMacroName "(" << type.getId() << ")\n";
Out << "#undef " LeafTypeMacroName "\n"
void TypeNodeEmitter::addMacroToUndef(StringRef macroName) {
void TypeNodeEmitter::emitUndefs() {
for (auto &macroName : MacrosToUndef) {
Out << "#undef " << macroName << "\n";
void clang::EmitClangTypeNodes(RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &out) {
TypeNodeEmitter(records, out).emit();