blob: 83b5bbb71f5212375170085b6bb0f29a0ecaff85 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- driver.cpp - Clang GCC-Compatible Driver --------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is the entry point to the clang driver; it is a thin wrapper
// for functionality in the Driver clang library.
#include "clang/Driver/Driver.h"
#include "clang/Basic/DiagnosticOptions.h"
#include "clang/Basic/HeaderInclude.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Stack.h"
#include "clang/Config/config.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
#include "clang/Driver/DriverDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
#include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/ChainedDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/SerializedDiagnosticPrinter.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
#include "llvm/Option/ArgList.h"
#include "llvm/Option/OptTable.h"
#include "llvm/Option/Option.h"
#include "llvm/Support/BuryPointer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
#include "llvm/Support/LLVMDriver.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Process.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
#include "llvm/Support/StringSaver.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TargetSelect.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Timer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TargetParser/Host.h"
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <system_error>
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::driver;
using namespace llvm::opt;
std::string GetExecutablePath(const char *Argv0, bool CanonicalPrefixes) {
if (!CanonicalPrefixes) {
SmallString<128> ExecutablePath(Argv0);
// Do a PATH lookup if Argv0 isn't a valid path.
if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(ExecutablePath))
if (llvm::ErrorOr<std::string> P =
ExecutablePath = *P;
return std::string(ExecutablePath);
// This just needs to be some symbol in the binary; C++ doesn't
// allow taking the address of ::main however.
void *P = (void*) (intptr_t) GetExecutablePath;
return llvm::sys::fs::getMainExecutable(Argv0, P);
static const char *GetStableCStr(llvm::StringSet<> &SavedStrings, StringRef S) {
return SavedStrings.insert(S).first->getKeyData();
extern int cc1_main(ArrayRef<const char *> Argv, const char *Argv0,
void *MainAddr);
extern int cc1as_main(ArrayRef<const char *> Argv, const char *Argv0,
void *MainAddr);
extern int cc1gen_reproducer_main(ArrayRef<const char *> Argv,
const char *Argv0, void *MainAddr,
const llvm::ToolContext &);
static void insertTargetAndModeArgs(const ParsedClangName &NameParts,
SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &ArgVector,
llvm::StringSet<> &SavedStrings) {
// Put target and mode arguments at the start of argument list so that
// arguments specified in command line could override them. Avoid putting
// them at index 0, as an option like '-cc1' must remain the first.
int InsertionPoint = 0;
if (ArgVector.size() > 0)
if (NameParts.DriverMode) {
// Add the mode flag to the arguments.
ArgVector.insert(ArgVector.begin() + InsertionPoint,
GetStableCStr(SavedStrings, NameParts.DriverMode));
if (NameParts.TargetIsValid) {
const char *arr[] = {"-target", GetStableCStr(SavedStrings,
ArgVector.insert(ArgVector.begin() + InsertionPoint,
std::begin(arr), std::end(arr));
static void getCLEnvVarOptions(std::string &EnvValue, llvm::StringSaver &Saver,
SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &Opts) {
llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine(EnvValue, Saver, Opts);
// The first instance of '#' should be replaced with '=' in each option.
for (const char *Opt : Opts)
if (char *NumberSignPtr = const_cast<char *>(::strchr(Opt, '#')))
*NumberSignPtr = '=';
template <class T>
static T checkEnvVar(const char *EnvOptSet, const char *EnvOptFile,
std::string &OptFile) {
const char *Str = ::getenv(EnvOptSet);
if (!Str)
return T{};
T OptVal = Str;
if (const char *Var = ::getenv(EnvOptFile))
OptFile = Var;
return OptVal;
static bool SetBackdoorDriverOutputsFromEnvVars(Driver &TheDriver) {
TheDriver.CCPrintOptions =
TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFilename)) {
TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFormat = HIFMT_Textual;
TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFiltering = HIFIL_None;
} else {
std::string EnvVar = checkEnvVar<std::string>(
if (!EnvVar.empty()) {
TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFormat =
if (!TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFormat) {
<< 0 << EnvVar;
return false;
const char *FilteringStr = ::getenv("CC_PRINT_HEADERS_FILTERING");
HeaderIncludeFilteringKind Filtering;
if (!stringToHeaderIncludeFiltering(FilteringStr, Filtering)) {
<< 1 << FilteringStr;
return false;
if ((TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFormat == HIFMT_Textual &&
Filtering != HIFIL_None) ||
(TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFormat == HIFMT_JSON &&
Filtering != HIFIL_Only_Direct_System)) {
<< EnvVar << FilteringStr;
return false;
TheDriver.CCPrintHeadersFiltering = Filtering;
TheDriver.CCLogDiagnostics =
TheDriver.CCPrintProcessStats =
TheDriver.CCPrintInternalStats =
return true;
static void FixupDiagPrefixExeName(TextDiagnosticPrinter *DiagClient,
const std::string &Path) {
// If the clang binary happens to be named cl.exe for compatibility reasons,
// use clang-cl.exe as the prefix to avoid confusion between clang and MSVC.
StringRef ExeBasename(llvm::sys::path::stem(Path));
if (ExeBasename.equals_insensitive("cl"))
ExeBasename = "clang-cl";
static int ExecuteCC1Tool(SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &ArgV,
const llvm::ToolContext &ToolContext) {
// If we call the cc1 tool from the clangDriver library (through
// Driver::CC1Main), we need to clean up the options usage count. The options
// are currently global, and they might have been used previously by the
// driver.
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator A;
llvm::cl::ExpansionContext ECtx(A, llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine);
if (llvm::Error Err = ECtx.expandResponseFiles(ArgV)) {
llvm::errs() << toString(std::move(Err)) << '\n';
return 1;
StringRef Tool = ArgV[1];
void *GetExecutablePathVP = (void *)(intptr_t)GetExecutablePath;
if (Tool == "-cc1")
return cc1_main(ArrayRef(ArgV).slice(1), ArgV[0], GetExecutablePathVP);
if (Tool == "-cc1as")
return cc1as_main(ArrayRef(ArgV).slice(2), ArgV[0], GetExecutablePathVP);
if (Tool == "-cc1gen-reproducer")
return cc1gen_reproducer_main(ArrayRef(ArgV).slice(2), ArgV[0],
GetExecutablePathVP, ToolContext);
// Reject unknown tools.
<< "error: unknown integrated tool '" << Tool << "'. "
<< "Valid tools include '-cc1', '-cc1as' and '-cc1gen-reproducer'.\n";
return 1;
int clang_main(int Argc, char **Argv, const llvm::ToolContext &ToolContext) {
llvm::setBugReportMsg("PLEASE submit a bug report to " BUG_REPORT_URL
" and include the crash backtrace, preprocessed "
"source, and associated run script.\n");
SmallVector<const char *, 256> Args(Argv, Argv + Argc);
if (llvm::sys::Process::FixupStandardFileDescriptors())
return 1;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator A;
llvm::StringSaver Saver(A);
const char *ProgName =
ToolContext.NeedsPrependArg ? ToolContext.PrependArg : ToolContext.Path;
bool ClangCLMode =
IsClangCL(getDriverMode(ProgName, llvm::ArrayRef(Args).slice(1)));
if (llvm::Error Err = expandResponseFiles(Args, ClangCLMode, A)) {
llvm::errs() << toString(std::move(Err)) << '\n';
return 1;
// Handle -cc1 integrated tools.
if (Args.size() >= 2 && StringRef(Args[1]).starts_with("-cc1"))
return ExecuteCC1Tool(Args, ToolContext);
// Handle options that need handling before the real command line parsing in
// Driver::BuildCompilation()
bool CanonicalPrefixes = true;
for (int i = 1, size = Args.size(); i < size; ++i) {
// Skip end-of-line response file markers
if (Args[i] == nullptr)
if (StringRef(Args[i]) == "-canonical-prefixes")
CanonicalPrefixes = true;
else if (StringRef(Args[i]) == "-no-canonical-prefixes")
CanonicalPrefixes = false;
// Handle CL and _CL_ which permits additional command line options to be
// prepended or appended.
if (ClangCLMode) {
// Arguments in "CL" are prepended.
std::optional<std::string> OptCL = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("CL");
if (OptCL) {
SmallVector<const char *, 8> PrependedOpts;
getCLEnvVarOptions(*OptCL, Saver, PrependedOpts);
// Insert right after the program name to prepend to the argument list.
Args.insert(Args.begin() + 1, PrependedOpts.begin(), PrependedOpts.end());
// Arguments in "_CL_" are appended.
std::optional<std::string> Opt_CL_ = llvm::sys::Process::GetEnv("_CL_");
if (Opt_CL_) {
SmallVector<const char *, 8> AppendedOpts;
getCLEnvVarOptions(*Opt_CL_, Saver, AppendedOpts);
// Insert at the end of the argument list to append.
Args.append(AppendedOpts.begin(), AppendedOpts.end());
llvm::StringSet<> SavedStrings;
// Handle CCC_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS, used for editing a command line behind the
// scenes.
if (const char *OverrideStr = ::getenv("CCC_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS")) {
// FIXME: Driver shouldn't take extra initial argument.
driver::applyOverrideOptions(Args, OverrideStr, SavedStrings,
std::string Path = GetExecutablePath(ToolContext.Path, CanonicalPrefixes);
// Whether the cc1 tool should be called inside the current process, or if we
// should spawn a new clang subprocess (old behavior).
// Not having an additional process saves some execution time of Windows,
// and makes debugging and profiling easier.
bool UseNewCC1Process = CLANG_SPAWN_CC1;
for (const char *Arg : Args)
UseNewCC1Process = llvm::StringSwitch<bool>(Arg)
.Case("-fno-integrated-cc1", true)
.Case("-fintegrated-cc1", false)
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts =
TextDiagnosticPrinter *DiagClient
= new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts);
FixupDiagPrefixExeName(DiagClient, ProgName);
IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs> DiagID(new DiagnosticIDs());
DiagnosticsEngine Diags(DiagID, &*DiagOpts, DiagClient);
if (!DiagOpts->DiagnosticSerializationFile.empty()) {
auto SerializedConsumer =
&*DiagOpts, /*MergeChildRecords=*/true);
Diags.setClient(new ChainedDiagnosticConsumer(
Diags.takeClient(), std::move(SerializedConsumer)));
ProcessWarningOptions(Diags, *DiagOpts, /*ReportDiags=*/false);
Driver TheDriver(Path, llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple(), Diags);
auto TargetAndMode = ToolChain::getTargetAndModeFromProgramName(ProgName);
// If -canonical-prefixes is set, GetExecutablePath will have resolved Path
// to the llvm driver binary, not clang. In this case, we need to use
// PrependArg which should be clang-*. Checking just CanonicalPrefixes is
// safe even in the normal case because PrependArg will be null so
// setPrependArg will be a no-op.
if (ToolContext.NeedsPrependArg || CanonicalPrefixes)
insertTargetAndModeArgs(TargetAndMode, Args, SavedStrings);
if (!SetBackdoorDriverOutputsFromEnvVars(TheDriver))
return 1;
if (!UseNewCC1Process) {
TheDriver.CC1Main = [ToolContext](SmallVectorImpl<const char *> &ArgV) {
return ExecuteCC1Tool(ArgV, ToolContext);
// Ensure the CC1Command actually catches cc1 crashes
std::unique_ptr<Compilation> C(TheDriver.BuildCompilation(Args));
Driver::ReproLevel ReproLevel = Driver::ReproLevel::OnCrash;
if (Arg *A = C->getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_gen_reproducer_eq)) {
auto Level =
.Case("off", Driver::ReproLevel::Off)
.Case("crash", Driver::ReproLevel::OnCrash)
.Case("error", Driver::ReproLevel::OnError)
.Case("always", Driver::ReproLevel::Always)
if (!Level) {
llvm::errs() << "Unknown value for " << A->getSpelling() << ": '"
<< A->getValue() << "'\n";
return 1;
ReproLevel = *Level;
ReproLevel = Driver::ReproLevel::Always;
int Res = 1;
bool IsCrash = false;
Driver::CommandStatus CommandStatus = Driver::CommandStatus::Ok;
// Pretend the first command failed if ReproStatus is Always.
const Command *FailingCommand = nullptr;
if (!C->getJobs().empty())
FailingCommand = &*C->getJobs().begin();
if (C && !C->containsError()) {
SmallVector<std::pair<int, const Command *>, 4> FailingCommands;
Res = TheDriver.ExecuteCompilation(*C, FailingCommands);
for (const auto &P : FailingCommands) {
int CommandRes = P.first;
FailingCommand = P.second;
if (!Res)
Res = CommandRes;
// If result status is < 0, then the driver command signalled an error.
// If result status is 70, then the driver command reported a fatal error.
// On Windows, abort will return an exit code of 3. In these cases,
// generate additional diagnostic information if possible.
IsCrash = CommandRes < 0 || CommandRes == 70;
#ifdef _WIN32
IsCrash |= CommandRes == 3;
// When running in integrated-cc1 mode, the CrashRecoveryContext returns
// the same codes as if the program crashed. See section "Exit Status for
// Commands":
IsCrash |= CommandRes > 128;
CommandStatus =
IsCrash ? Driver::CommandStatus::Crash : Driver::CommandStatus::Error;
if (IsCrash)
// Print the bug report message that would be printed if we did actually
// crash, but only if we're crashing due to FORCE_CLANG_DIAGNOSTICS_CRASH.
llvm::dbgs() << llvm::getBugReportMsg();
if (FailingCommand != nullptr &&
TheDriver.maybeGenerateCompilationDiagnostics(CommandStatus, ReproLevel,
*C, *FailingCommand))
Res = 1;
if (!UseNewCC1Process && IsCrash) {
// When crashing in -fintegrated-cc1 mode, bury the timer pointers, because
// the internal linked list might point to already released stack frames.
} else {
// If any timers were active but haven't been destroyed yet, print their
// results now. This happens in -disable-free mode.
#ifdef _WIN32
// Exit status should not be negative on Win32, unless abnormal termination.
// Once abnormal termination was caught, negative status should not be
// propagated.
if (Res < 0)
Res = 1;
// If we have multiple failing commands, we return the result of the first
// failing command.
return Res;