blob: f40af5dd51cd2302dabfc623b3378c50bd0f3a35 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++17 -verify %s
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -std=c++17 -verify %s -fexperimental-new-constant-interpreter
// expected-no-diagnostics
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int a() {
const int x = 3;
static int z;
constexpr int *y = &z;
return []() { return __builtin_sub_overflow((int)x, (int)x, (int *)y); }();
int a2() {
const int x = 3;
static int z;
constexpr int *y = &z;
return []() { return __builtin_sub_overflow(x, x, y); }();
template<typename T>
struct Result {
bool B;
T Value;
constexpr bool operator==(const Result<T> &Other) {
return B == Other.B && Value == Other.Value;
template <typename RET, typename LHS, typename RHS>
constexpr Result<RET> add(LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs) {
RET sum{};
return {__builtin_add_overflow(lhs, rhs, &sum), sum};
static_assert(add<short>(static_cast<char>(120), static_cast<char>(10)) == Result<short>{false, 130});
static_assert(add<char>(static_cast<short>(120), static_cast<short>(10)) == Result<char>{true, -126});
static_assert(add<unsigned int>(INT_MAX, INT_MAX) == Result<unsigned int>{false, static_cast<unsigned int>(INT_MAX) * 2u});
static_assert(add<int>(static_cast<unsigned int>(INT_MAX), 1u) == Result<int>{true, INT_MIN});
static_assert(add<int>(17, 22) == Result<int>{false, 39});
static_assert(add<int>(INT_MAX - 22, 24) == Result<int>{true, INT_MIN + 1});
static_assert(add<int>(INT_MIN + 22, -23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MAX});
template <typename RET, typename LHS, typename RHS>
constexpr Result<RET> sub(LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs) {
RET sum{};
return {__builtin_sub_overflow(lhs, rhs, &sum), sum};
static_assert(sub<unsigned char>(static_cast<char>(0),static_cast<char>(1)) == Result<unsigned char>{true, UCHAR_MAX});
static_assert(sub<char>(static_cast<unsigned char>(0),static_cast<unsigned char>(1)) == Result<char>{false, -1});
static_assert(sub<unsigned short>(static_cast<short>(0),static_cast<short>(1)) == Result<unsigned short>{true, USHRT_MAX});
static_assert(sub<uint8_t>(static_cast<uint8_t>(255),static_cast<int>(100)) == Result<uint8_t>{false, 155});
static_assert(sub<int>(17,22) == Result<int>{false, -5});
static_assert(sub<int>(INT_MAX - 22, -23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MIN});
static_assert(sub<int>(INT_MIN + 22, 23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MAX});
template <typename RET, typename LHS, typename RHS>
constexpr Result<RET> mul(LHS &&lhs, RHS &&rhs) {
RET sum{};
return {__builtin_mul_overflow(lhs, rhs, &sum), sum};
static_assert(mul<int>(17,22) == Result<int>{false, 374});
static_assert(mul<int>(INT_MAX / 22, 23) == Result<int>{true, -2049870757});
static_assert(mul<int>(INT_MIN / 22, -23) == Result<int>{true, -2049870757});
constexpr Result<int> sadd(int lhs, int rhs) {
int sum{};
return {__builtin_sadd_overflow(lhs, rhs, &sum), sum};
static_assert(sadd(17,22) == Result<int>{false, 39});
static_assert(sadd(INT_MAX - 22, 23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MIN});
static_assert(sadd(INT_MIN + 22, -23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MAX});
constexpr Result<int> ssub(int lhs, int rhs) {
int sum{};
return {__builtin_ssub_overflow(lhs, rhs, &sum), sum};
static_assert(ssub(17,22) == Result<int>{false, -5});
static_assert(ssub(INT_MAX - 22, -23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MIN});
static_assert(ssub(INT_MIN + 22, 23) == Result<int>{true, INT_MAX});
constexpr Result<int> smul(int lhs, int rhs) {
int sum{};
return {__builtin_smul_overflow(lhs, rhs, &sum), sum};
static_assert(smul(17,22) == Result<int>{false, 374});
static_assert(smul(INT_MAX / 22, 23) == Result<int>{true, -2049870757});
static_assert(smul(INT_MIN / 22, -23) == Result<int>{true, -2049870757});
template<typename T>
struct CarryResult {
T CarryOut;
T Value;
constexpr bool operator==(const CarryResult<T> &Other) {
return CarryOut == Other.CarryOut && Value == Other.Value;
constexpr CarryResult<unsigned char> addcb(unsigned char lhs, unsigned char rhs, unsigned char carry) {
unsigned char carry_out{};
unsigned char sum{};
sum = __builtin_addcb(lhs, rhs, carry, &carry_out);
return {carry_out, sum};
static_assert(addcb(120, 10, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{0, 130});
static_assert(addcb(250, 10, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 4});
static_assert(addcb(255, 255, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 254});
static_assert(addcb(255, 255, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 255});
static_assert(addcb(255, 0, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 0});
static_assert(addcb(255, 1, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 0});
static_assert(addcb(255, 1, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 1});
// This is currently supported with the carry still producing a value of 1.
// If support for carry outside of 0-1 is removed, change this test to check
// that it is not supported.
static_assert(addcb(255, 255, 2) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 0});
constexpr CarryResult<unsigned char> subcb(unsigned char lhs, unsigned char rhs, unsigned char carry) {
unsigned char carry_out{};
unsigned char sum{};
sum = __builtin_subcb(lhs, rhs, carry, &carry_out);
return {carry_out, sum};
static_assert(subcb(20, 10, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{0, 10});
static_assert(subcb(10, 10, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{0, 0});
static_assert(subcb(10, 15, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 251});
// The carry is subtracted from the result
static_assert(subcb(10, 15, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 250});
static_assert(subcb(0, 0, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 255});
static_assert(subcb(0, 1, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 255});
static_assert(subcb(0, 1, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 254});
static_assert(subcb(0, 255, 0) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 1});
static_assert(subcb(0, 255, 1) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 0});
// This is currently supported with the carry still producing a value of 1.
// If support for carry outside of 0-1 is removed, change this test to check
// that it is not supported.
static_assert(subcb(0, 255, 2) == CarryResult<unsigned char>{1, 255});