blob: d4e397bb812aa98b12eb0a5d6b7d51b8cbb036d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_analyze_cc1 -analyzer-checker=core,unix.Malloc -verify -analyzer-output=text %s
// This file tests that unix.Malloc can handle C++ code where e.g. malloc and
// free are declared within the namespace 'std' by the header <cstdlib>.
#include "Inputs/system-header-simulator-cxx.h"
void leak() {
int *p = static_cast<int*>(std::malloc(sizeof(int))); // expected-note{{Memory is allocated}}
} // expected-warning{{Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'p'}}
// expected-note@-1{{Potential leak of memory pointed to by 'p'}}
void no_leak() {
int *p = static_cast<int*>(std::malloc(sizeof(int)));
std::free(p); // no-warning
void invalid_free() {
int i;
int *p = &i;
//expected-note@+2{{Argument to free() is the address of the local variable 'i', which is not memory allocated by malloc()}}
//expected-warning@+1{{Argument to free() is the address of the local variable 'i', which is not memory allocated by malloc()}}