blob: 8e5c60d3aabf4a8f639b260d6e9f645a468f399d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -ast-dump %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
namespace a {
struct S;
template <typename T> T x = {};
namespace b {
using a::S;
// CHECK: UsingDecl {{.*}} a::S
// CHECK-NEXT: | `-NestedNameSpecifier Namespace {{.*}} 'a'
// CHECK-NEXT: UsingShadowDecl {{.*}} implicit CXXRecord {{.*}} 'S'
// CHECK-NEXT: `-RecordType {{.*}} 'a::S'
typedef S f; // to dump the introduced type
// CHECK: TypedefDecl
// CHECK-NEXT: `-ElaboratedType {{.*}} 'S' sugar
// CHECK-NEXT: `-UsingType [[TYPE_ADDR:.*]] 'a::S' sugar
// CHECK-NEXT: |-UsingShadow [[SHADOW_ADDR:.*]] 'S'
// CHECK-NEXT: `-RecordType {{.*}} 'a::S'
typedef S e; // check the same UsingType is reused.
// CHECK: TypedefDecl
// CHECK-NEXT: `-ElaboratedType {{.*}} 'S' sugar
// CHECK-NEXT: `-UsingType [[TYPE_ADDR]] 'a::S' sugar
// CHECK-NEXT: |-UsingShadow [[SHADOW_ADDR]] 'S'
// CHECK-NEXT: `-RecordType {{.*}} 'a::S'
using a::x;
void foo() {
x<int> = 3;
// CHECK: DeclRefExpr {{.*}} 'x' {{.*}} (UsingShadow {{.*}} 'x')