blob: fab520098f13e824cab3035670cef2fd63aa09b3 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SarifDiagnostics.cpp - Sarif Diagnostics for Paths -----*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the SarifDiagnostics object.
#include "clang/Analysis/MacroExpansionContext.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/PathDiagnostic.h"
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Sarif.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathDiagnosticConsumers.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace clang;
using namespace ento;
namespace {
class SarifDiagnostics : public PathDiagnosticConsumer {
std::string OutputFile;
const LangOptions &LO;
SarifDocumentWriter SarifWriter;
SarifDiagnostics(const std::string &Output, const LangOptions &LO,
const SourceManager &SM)
: OutputFile(Output), LO(LO), SarifWriter(SM) {}
~SarifDiagnostics() override = default;
void FlushDiagnosticsImpl(std::vector<const PathDiagnostic *> &Diags,
FilesMade *FM) override;
StringRef getName() const override { return "SarifDiagnostics"; }
PathGenerationScheme getGenerationScheme() const override { return Minimal; }
bool supportsLogicalOpControlFlow() const override { return true; }
bool supportsCrossFileDiagnostics() const override { return true; }
} // end anonymous namespace
void ento::createSarifDiagnosticConsumer(
PathDiagnosticConsumerOptions DiagOpts, PathDiagnosticConsumers &C,
const std::string &Output, const Preprocessor &PP,
const cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext &CTU,
const MacroExpansionContext &MacroExpansions) {
// TODO: Emit an error here.
if (Output.empty())
new SarifDiagnostics(Output, PP.getLangOpts(), PP.getSourceManager()));
createTextMinimalPathDiagnosticConsumer(std::move(DiagOpts), C, Output, PP,
CTU, MacroExpansions);
static StringRef getRuleDescription(StringRef CheckName) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<StringRef>(CheckName)
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/"
#undef CHECKER
static StringRef getRuleHelpURIStr(StringRef CheckName) {
return llvm::StringSwitch<StringRef>(CheckName)
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/"
#undef CHECKER
static ThreadFlowImportance
calculateImportance(const PathDiagnosticPiece &Piece) {
switch (Piece.getKind()) {
case PathDiagnosticPiece::Call:
case PathDiagnosticPiece::Macro:
case PathDiagnosticPiece::Note:
case PathDiagnosticPiece::PopUp:
// FIXME: What should be reported here?
case PathDiagnosticPiece::Event:
return Piece.getTagStr() == "ConditionBRVisitor"
? ThreadFlowImportance::Important
: ThreadFlowImportance::Essential;
case PathDiagnosticPiece::ControlFlow:
return ThreadFlowImportance::Unimportant;
return ThreadFlowImportance::Unimportant;
/// Accepts a SourceRange corresponding to a pair of the first and last tokens
/// and converts to a Character granular CharSourceRange.
static CharSourceRange convertTokenRangeToCharRange(const SourceRange &R,
const SourceManager &SM,
const LangOptions &LO) {
// Caret diagnostics have the first and last locations pointed at the same
// location, return these as-is.
if (R.getBegin() == R.getEnd())
return CharSourceRange::getCharRange(R);
SourceLocation BeginCharLoc = R.getBegin();
// For token ranges, the raw end SLoc points at the first character of the
// last token in the range. This must be moved to one past the end of the
// last character using the lexer.
SourceLocation EndCharLoc =
Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(R.getEnd(), /* Offset = */ 0, SM, LO);
return CharSourceRange::getCharRange(BeginCharLoc, EndCharLoc);
static SmallVector<ThreadFlow, 8> createThreadFlows(const PathDiagnostic *Diag,
const LangOptions &LO) {
SmallVector<ThreadFlow, 8> Flows;
const PathPieces &Pieces = Diag->path.flatten(false);
for (const auto &Piece : Pieces) {
auto Range = convertTokenRangeToCharRange(
Piece->getLocation().asRange(), Piece->getLocation().getManager(), LO);
auto Flow = ThreadFlow::create()
return Flows;
static StringMap<uint32_t>
createRuleMapping(const std::vector<const PathDiagnostic *> &Diags,
SarifDocumentWriter &SarifWriter) {
StringMap<uint32_t> RuleMapping;
llvm::StringSet<> Seen;
for (const PathDiagnostic *D : Diags) {
StringRef CheckName = D->getCheckerName();
std::pair<llvm::StringSet<>::iterator, bool> P = Seen.insert(CheckName);
if (P.second) {
auto Rule = SarifRule::create()
size_t RuleIdx = SarifWriter.createRule(Rule);
RuleMapping[CheckName] = RuleIdx;
return RuleMapping;
static SarifResult createResult(const PathDiagnostic *Diag,
const StringMap<uint32_t> &RuleMapping,
const LangOptions &LO) {
StringRef CheckName = Diag->getCheckerName();
uint32_t RuleIdx = RuleMapping.lookup(CheckName);
auto Range = convertTokenRangeToCharRange(
Diag->getLocation().asRange(), Diag->getLocation().getManager(), LO);
SmallVector<ThreadFlow, 8> Flows = createThreadFlows(Diag, LO);
auto Result = SarifResult::create(RuleIdx)
return Result;
void SarifDiagnostics::FlushDiagnosticsImpl(
std::vector<const PathDiagnostic *> &Diags, FilesMade *) {
// We currently overwrite the file if it already exists. However, it may be
// useful to add a feature someday that allows the user to append a run to an
// existing SARIF file. One danger from that approach is that the size of the
// file can become large very quickly, so decoding into JSON to append a run
// may be an expensive operation.
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream OS(OutputFile, EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_TextWithCRLF);
if (EC) {
llvm::errs() << "warning: could not create file: " << EC.message() << '\n';
std::string ToolVersion = getClangFullVersion();
SarifWriter.createRun("clang", "clang static analyzer", ToolVersion);
StringMap<uint32_t> RuleMapping = createRuleMapping(Diags, SarifWriter);
for (const PathDiagnostic *D : Diags) {
SarifResult Result = createResult(D, RuleMapping, LO);
auto Document = SarifWriter.createDocument();
OS << llvm::formatv("{0:2}\n", json::Value(std::move(Document)));