blob: 339927c165fe000ff1078c4bb8b907e61bc341e9 [file] [log] [blame]
//== BitwiseShiftChecker.cpp ------------------------------------*- C++ -*--==//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines BitwiseShiftChecker, which is a path-sensitive checker
// that looks for undefined behavior when the operands of the bitwise shift
// operators '<<' and '>>' are invalid (negative or too large).
#include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "clang/AST/CharUnits.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Checkers/BuiltinCheckerRegistration.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporter.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugType.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/Checker.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/APSIntType.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/CheckerContext.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SVals.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include <memory>
using namespace clang;
using namespace ento;
using llvm::formatv;
namespace {
enum class OperandSide { Left, Right };
using BugReportPtr = std::unique_ptr<PathSensitiveBugReport>;
struct NoteTagTemplate {
llvm::StringLiteral SignInfo;
llvm::StringLiteral UpperBoundIntro;
constexpr NoteTagTemplate NoteTagTemplates[] = {
{"", "right operand of bit shift is less than "},
{"left operand of bit shift is non-negative", " and right operand is less than "},
{"right operand of bit shift is non-negative", " but less than "},
{"both operands of bit shift are non-negative", " and right operand is less than "}
/// An implementation detail class which is introduced to split the checker
/// logic into several methods while maintaining a consistently updated state
/// and access to other contextual data.
class BitwiseShiftValidator {
CheckerContext &Ctx;
ProgramStateRef FoldedState;
const BinaryOperator *const Op;
const BugType &BT;
const bool PedanticFlag;
// The following data members are only used for note tag creation:
enum { NonNegLeft = 1, NonNegRight = 2 };
unsigned NonNegOperands = 0;
std::optional<unsigned> UpperBoundBitCount = std::nullopt;
BitwiseShiftValidator(const BinaryOperator *O, CheckerContext &C,
const BugType &B, bool P)
: Ctx(C), FoldedState(C.getState()), Op(O), BT(B), PedanticFlag(P) {}
void run();
const Expr *operandExpr(OperandSide Side) const {
return Side == OperandSide::Left ? Op->getLHS() : Op->getRHS();
bool shouldPerformPedanticChecks() const {
// The pedantic flag has no effect under C++20 because the affected issues
// are no longer undefined under that version of the standard.
return PedanticFlag && !Ctx.getASTContext().getLangOpts().CPlusPlus20;
bool assumeRequirement(OperandSide Side, BinaryOperator::Opcode Cmp, unsigned Limit);
void recordAssumption(OperandSide Side, BinaryOperator::Opcode Cmp, unsigned Limit);
const NoteTag *createNoteTag() const;
BugReportPtr createBugReport(StringRef ShortMsg, StringRef Msg) const;
BugReportPtr checkOvershift();
BugReportPtr checkOperandNegative(OperandSide Side);
BugReportPtr checkLeftShiftOverflow();
bool isLeftShift() const { return Op->getOpcode() == BO_Shl; }
StringRef shiftDir() const { return isLeftShift() ? "left" : "right"; }
static StringRef pluralSuffix(unsigned n) { return n <= 1 ? "" : "s"; }
static StringRef verbSuffix(unsigned n) { return n <= 1 ? "s" : ""; }
void BitwiseShiftValidator::run() {
// Report a bug if the right operand is >= the bit width of the type of the
// left operand:
if (BugReportPtr BR = checkOvershift()) {
// Report a bug if the right operand is negative:
if (BugReportPtr BR = checkOperandNegative(OperandSide::Right)) {
if (shouldPerformPedanticChecks()) {
// Report a bug if the left operand is negative:
if (BugReportPtr BR = checkOperandNegative(OperandSide::Left)) {
// Report a bug when left shift of a concrete signed value overflows:
if (BugReportPtr BR = checkLeftShiftOverflow()) {
// No bugs detected, update the state and add a single note tag which
// summarizes the new assumptions.
Ctx.addTransition(FoldedState, createNoteTag());
/// This method checks a requirement that must be satisfied by the value on the
/// given Side of a bitwise shift operator in well-defined code. If the
/// requirement is incompatible with prior knowledge, this method reports
/// failure by returning false.
bool BitwiseShiftValidator::assumeRequirement(OperandSide Side,
BinaryOperator::Opcode Comparison,
unsigned Limit) {
SValBuilder &SVB = Ctx.getSValBuilder();
const SVal OperandVal = Ctx.getSVal(operandExpr(Side));
const auto LimitVal = SVB.makeIntVal(Limit, Ctx.getASTContext().IntTy);
// Note that the type of `LimitVal` must be a signed, because otherwise a
// negative `Val` could be converted to a large positive value.
auto ResultVal = SVB.evalBinOp(FoldedState, Comparison, OperandVal, LimitVal,
if (auto DURes = ResultVal.getAs<DefinedOrUnknownSVal>()) {
auto [StTrue, StFalse] = FoldedState->assume(DURes.value());
if (!StTrue) {
// We detected undefined behavior (the caller will report it).
FoldedState = StFalse;
return false;
// The code may be valid, so let's assume that it's valid:
FoldedState = StTrue;
if (StFalse) {
// Record note tag data for the assumption that we made
recordAssumption(Side, Comparison, Limit);
return true;
BugReportPtr BitwiseShiftValidator::checkOvershift() {
const QualType LHSTy = Op->getLHS()->getType();
const unsigned LHSBitWidth = Ctx.getASTContext().getIntWidth(LHSTy);
if (assumeRequirement(OperandSide::Right, BO_LT, LHSBitWidth))
return nullptr;
const SVal Right = Ctx.getSVal(operandExpr(OperandSide::Right));
std::string RightOpStr = "", LowerBoundStr = "";
if (auto ConcreteRight = Right.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>())
RightOpStr = formatv(" '{0}'", ConcreteRight->getValue());
else {
SValBuilder &SVB = Ctx.getSValBuilder();
if (const llvm::APSInt *MinRight = SVB.getMinValue(FoldedState, Right)) {
LowerBoundStr = formatv(" >= {0},", MinRight->getExtValue());
std::string ShortMsg = formatv(
"{0} shift{1}{2} overflows the capacity of '{3}'",
isLeftShift() ? "Left" : "Right", RightOpStr.empty() ? "" : " by",
RightOpStr, LHSTy.getAsString());
std::string Msg = formatv(
"The result of {0} shift is undefined because the right "
"operand{1} is{2} not smaller than {3}, the capacity of '{4}'",
shiftDir(), RightOpStr, LowerBoundStr, LHSBitWidth, LHSTy.getAsString());
return createBugReport(ShortMsg, Msg);
// Before C++20, at 5.8 [expr.shift] (N4296, 2014-11-19) the standard says
// 1. "... The behaviour is undefined if the right operand is negative..."
// 2. "The value of E1 << E2 ...
// if E1 has a signed type and non-negative value ...
// otherwise, the behavior is undefined."
// 3. "The value of E1 >> E2 ...
// If E1 has a signed type and a negative value,
// the resulting value is implementation-defined."
// However, negative left arguments work in practice and the C++20 standard
// eliminates conditions 2 and 3.
BugReportPtr BitwiseShiftValidator::checkOperandNegative(OperandSide Side) {
// If the type is unsigned, it cannot be negative
if (!operandExpr(Side)->getType()->isSignedIntegerType())
return nullptr;
// Main check: determine whether the operand is constrained to be negative
if (assumeRequirement(Side, BO_GE, 0))
return nullptr;
std::string ShortMsg = formatv("{0} operand is negative in {1} shift",
Side == OperandSide::Left ? "Left" : "Right",
std::string Msg = formatv("The result of {0} shift is undefined "
"because the {1} operand is negative",
Side == OperandSide::Left ? "left" : "right")
return createBugReport(ShortMsg, Msg);
BugReportPtr BitwiseShiftValidator::checkLeftShiftOverflow() {
// A right shift cannot be an overflowing left shift...
if (!isLeftShift())
return nullptr;
// In C++ it's well-defined to shift to the sign bit. In C however, it's UB.
// 5.8.2 [expr.shift] (N4296, 2014-11-19)
const bool ShouldPreserveSignBit = !Ctx.getLangOpts().CPlusPlus;
const Expr *LHS = operandExpr(OperandSide::Left);
const QualType LHSTy = LHS->getType();
const unsigned LeftBitWidth = Ctx.getASTContext().getIntWidth(LHSTy);
assert(LeftBitWidth > 0);
// Quote "For unsigned lhs, the value of LHS << RHS is the value of LHS *
// 2^RHS, reduced modulo maximum value of the return type plus 1."
if (LHSTy->isUnsignedIntegerType())
return nullptr;
// We only support concrete integers as left operand.
const auto Left = Ctx.getSVal(LHS).getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>();
if (!Left.has_value())
return nullptr;
// We should have already reported a bug if the left operand of the shift was
// negative, so it cannot be negative here.
const unsigned LeftAvailableBitWidth =
LeftBitWidth - static_cast<unsigned>(ShouldPreserveSignBit);
const unsigned UsedBitsInLeftOperand = Left->getValue().getActiveBits();
assert(LeftBitWidth >= UsedBitsInLeftOperand);
const unsigned MaximalAllowedShift =
LeftAvailableBitWidth - UsedBitsInLeftOperand;
if (assumeRequirement(OperandSide::Right, BO_LT, MaximalAllowedShift + 1))
return nullptr;
const std::string CapacityMsg =
formatv("because '{0}' can hold only {1} bits ({2} the sign bit)",
LHSTy.getAsString(), LeftAvailableBitWidth,
ShouldPreserveSignBit ? "excluding" : "including");
const SVal Right = Ctx.getSVal(Op->getRHS());
std::string ShortMsg, Msg;
if (const auto ConcreteRight = Right.getAs<nonloc::ConcreteInt>()) {
// Here ConcreteRight must contain a small non-negative integer, because
// otherwise one of the earlier checks should've reported a bug.
const unsigned RHS = ConcreteRight->getValue().getExtValue();
assert(RHS > MaximalAllowedShift);
const unsigned OverflownBits = RHS - MaximalAllowedShift;
ShortMsg = formatv(
"The shift '{0} << {1}' overflows the capacity of '{2}'",
Left->getValue(), ConcreteRight->getValue(), LHSTy.getAsString());
Msg = formatv(
"The shift '{0} << {1}' is undefined {2}, so {3} bit{4} overflow{5}",
Left->getValue(), ConcreteRight->getValue(), CapacityMsg, OverflownBits,
pluralSuffix(OverflownBits), verbSuffix(OverflownBits));
} else {
ShortMsg = formatv("Left shift of '{0}' overflows the capacity of '{1}'",
Left->getValue(), LHSTy.getAsString());
Msg = formatv(
"Left shift of '{0}' is undefined {1}, so some bits overflow",
Left->getValue(), CapacityMsg);
return createBugReport(ShortMsg, Msg);
void BitwiseShiftValidator::recordAssumption(OperandSide Side,
BinaryOperator::Opcode Comparison,
unsigned Limit) {
switch (Comparison) {
case BO_GE:
assert(Limit == 0);
NonNegOperands |= (Side == OperandSide::Left ? NonNegLeft : NonNegRight);
case BO_LT:
assert(Side == OperandSide::Right);
if (!UpperBoundBitCount || Limit < UpperBoundBitCount.value())
UpperBoundBitCount = Limit;
llvm_unreachable("this checker does not use other comparison operators");
const NoteTag *BitwiseShiftValidator::createNoteTag() const {
if (!NonNegOperands && !UpperBoundBitCount)
return nullptr;
SmallString<128> Buf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Buf);
Out << "Assuming ";
NoteTagTemplate Templ = NoteTagTemplates[NonNegOperands];
Out << Templ.SignInfo;
if (UpperBoundBitCount)
Out << Templ.UpperBoundIntro << UpperBoundBitCount.value();
const std::string Msg(Out.str());
return Ctx.getNoteTag(Msg, /*isPrunable=*/true);
BitwiseShiftValidator::createBugReport(StringRef ShortMsg, StringRef Msg) const {
ProgramStateRef State = Ctx.getState();
if (ExplodedNode *ErrNode = Ctx.generateErrorNode(State)) {
auto BR =
std::make_unique<PathSensitiveBugReport>(BT, ShortMsg, Msg, ErrNode);
bugreporter::trackExpressionValue(ErrNode, Op->getLHS(), *BR);
bugreporter::trackExpressionValue(ErrNode, Op->getRHS(), *BR);
return BR;
return nullptr;
} // anonymous namespace
class BitwiseShiftChecker : public Checker<check::PreStmt<BinaryOperator>> {
BugType BT{this, "Bitwise shift", "Suspicious operation"};
void checkPreStmt(const BinaryOperator *B, CheckerContext &Ctx) const {
BinaryOperator::Opcode Op = B->getOpcode();
if (Op != BO_Shl && Op != BO_Shr)
BitwiseShiftValidator(B, Ctx, BT, Pedantic).run();
bool Pedantic = false;
void ento::registerBitwiseShiftChecker(CheckerManager &Mgr) {
auto *Chk = Mgr.registerChecker<BitwiseShiftChecker>();
const AnalyzerOptions &Opts = Mgr.getAnalyzerOptions();
Chk->Pedantic = Opts.getCheckerBooleanOption(Chk, "Pedantic");
bool ento::shouldRegisterBitwiseShiftChecker(const CheckerManager &mgr) {
return true;