blob: 565c85bc2e0c218c8135b3cf68c0cc0af04eda7d [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- InterpBuiltin.cpp - Interpreter for the constexpr VM ---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "../ExprConstShared.h"
#include "Boolean.h"
#include "Interp.h"
#include "PrimType.h"
#include "clang/AST/OSLog.h"
#include "clang/AST/RecordLayout.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Builtins.h"
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
namespace clang {
namespace interp {
static unsigned callArgSize(const InterpState &S, const CallExpr *C) {
unsigned O = 0;
for (const Expr *E : C->arguments()) {
O += align(primSize(*S.getContext().classify(E)));
return O;
template <typename T>
static T getParam(const InterpFrame *Frame, unsigned Index) {
assert(Frame->getFunction()->getNumParams() > Index);
unsigned Offset = Frame->getFunction()->getParamOffset(Index);
return Frame->getParam<T>(Offset);
PrimType getIntPrimType(const InterpState &S) {
const TargetInfo &TI = S.getCtx().getTargetInfo();
unsigned IntWidth = TI.getIntWidth();
if (IntWidth == 32)
return PT_Sint32;
else if (IntWidth == 16)
return PT_Sint16;
llvm_unreachable("Int isn't 16 or 32 bit?");
PrimType getLongPrimType(const InterpState &S) {
const TargetInfo &TI = S.getCtx().getTargetInfo();
unsigned LongWidth = TI.getLongWidth();
if (LongWidth == 64)
return PT_Sint64;
else if (LongWidth == 32)
return PT_Sint32;
else if (LongWidth == 16)
return PT_Sint16;
llvm_unreachable("long isn't 16, 32 or 64 bit?");
/// Peek an integer value from the stack into an APSInt.
static APSInt peekToAPSInt(InterpStack &Stk, PrimType T, size_t Offset = 0) {
if (Offset == 0)
Offset = align(primSize(T));
INT_TYPE_SWITCH(T, R = Stk.peek<T>(Offset).toAPSInt());
return R;
/// Pushes \p Val on the stack as the type given by \p QT.
static void pushInteger(InterpState &S, const APSInt &Val, QualType QT) {
assert(QT->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType() ||
std::optional<PrimType> T = S.getContext().classify(QT);
if (QT->isSignedIntegerOrEnumerationType()) {
int64_t V = Val.getSExtValue();
INT_TYPE_SWITCH(*T, { S.Stk.push<T>(T::from(V)); });
} else {
uint64_t V = Val.getZExtValue();
INT_TYPE_SWITCH(*T, { S.Stk.push<T>(T::from(V)); });
template <typename T>
static void pushInteger(InterpState &S, T Val, QualType QT) {
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, APInt>)
pushInteger(S, APSInt(Val, !std::is_signed_v<T>), QT);
APSInt(APInt(sizeof(T) * 8, static_cast<uint64_t>(Val),
static void assignInteger(Pointer &Dest, PrimType ValueT, const APSInt &Value) {
ValueT, { Dest.deref<T>() = T::from(static_cast<T>(Value)); });
static bool retPrimValue(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC, APValue &Result,
std::optional<PrimType> &T) {
if (!T)
return RetVoid(S, OpPC, Result);
#define RET_CASE(X) \
case X: \
return Ret<X>(S, OpPC, Result);
switch (*T) {
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported return type for builtin function");
#undef RET_CASE
static bool interp__builtin_is_constant_evaluated(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const CallExpr *Call) {
// The current frame is the one for __builtin_is_constant_evaluated.
// The one above that, potentially the one for std::is_constant_evaluated().
if (S.inConstantContext() && !S.checkingPotentialConstantExpression() &&
Frame->Caller && S.getEvalStatus().Diag) {
auto isStdCall = [](const FunctionDecl *F) -> bool {
return F && F->isInStdNamespace() && F->getIdentifier() &&
const InterpFrame *Caller = Frame->Caller;
if (Caller->Caller && isStdCall(Caller->getCallee())) {
const Expr *E = Caller->Caller->getExpr(Caller->getRetPC());>getExprLoc(),
<< "std::is_constant_evaluated";
} else {
const Expr *E = Frame->Caller->getExpr(Frame->getRetPC());>getExprLoc(),
<< "__builtin_is_constant_evaluated";
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_strcmp(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Pointer &A = getParam<Pointer>(Frame, 0);
const Pointer &B = getParam<Pointer>(Frame, 1);
if (!CheckLive(S, OpPC, A, AK_Read) || !CheckLive(S, OpPC, B, AK_Read))
return false;
if (A.isDummy() || B.isDummy())
return false;
unsigned IndexA = A.getIndex();
unsigned IndexB = B.getIndex();
int32_t Result = 0;
for (;; ++IndexA, ++IndexB) {
const Pointer &PA = A.atIndex(IndexA);
const Pointer &PB = B.atIndex(IndexB);
if (!CheckRange(S, OpPC, PA, AK_Read) ||
!CheckRange(S, OpPC, PB, AK_Read)) {
return false;
uint8_t CA = PA.deref<uint8_t>();
uint8_t CB = PB.deref<uint8_t>();
if (CA > CB) {
Result = 1;
} else if (CA < CB) {
Result = -1;
if (CA == 0 || CB == 0)
pushInteger(S, Result, Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_strlen(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Pointer &StrPtr = getParam<Pointer>(Frame, 0);
if (!CheckArray(S, OpPC, StrPtr))
return false;
if (!CheckLive(S, OpPC, StrPtr, AK_Read))
return false;
if (!CheckDummy(S, OpPC, StrPtr))
return false;
size_t Len = 0;
for (size_t I = StrPtr.getIndex();; ++I, ++Len) {
const Pointer &ElemPtr = StrPtr.atIndex(I);
if (!CheckRange(S, OpPC, ElemPtr, AK_Read))
return false;
uint8_t Val = ElemPtr.deref<uint8_t>();
if (Val == 0)
pushInteger(S, Len, Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_nan(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *F,
bool Signaling) {
const Pointer &Arg = getParam<Pointer>(Frame, 0);
if (!CheckLoad(S, OpPC, Arg))
return false;
// Convert the given string to an integer using StringRef's API.
llvm::APInt Fill;
std::string Str;
assert(Arg.getNumElems() >= 1);
for (unsigned I = 0;; ++I) {
const Pointer &Elem = Arg.atIndex(I);
if (!CheckLoad(S, OpPC, Elem))
return false;
if (Elem.deref<int8_t>() == 0)
Str += Elem.deref<char>();
// Treat empty strings as if they were zero.
if (Str.empty())
Fill = llvm::APInt(32, 0);
else if (StringRef(Str).getAsInteger(0, Fill))
return false;
const llvm::fltSemantics &TargetSemantics =
Floating Result;
if (S.getCtx().getTargetInfo().isNan2008()) {
if (Signaling)
Result = Floating(
llvm::APFloat::getSNaN(TargetSemantics, /*Negative=*/false, &Fill));
Result = Floating(
llvm::APFloat::getQNaN(TargetSemantics, /*Negative=*/false, &Fill));
} else {
// Prior to IEEE 754-2008, architectures were allowed to choose whether
// the first bit of their significand was set for qNaN or sNaN. MIPS chose
// a different encoding to what became a standard in 2008, and for pre-
// 2008 revisions, MIPS interpreted sNaN-2008 as qNan and qNaN-2008 as
// sNaN. This is now known as "legacy NaN" encoding.
if (Signaling)
Result = Floating(
llvm::APFloat::getQNaN(TargetSemantics, /*Negative=*/false, &Fill));
Result = Floating(
llvm::APFloat::getSNaN(TargetSemantics, /*Negative=*/false, &Fill));
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_inf(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *F) {
const llvm::fltSemantics &TargetSemantics =
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_copysign(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *F) {
const Floating &Arg1 = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 0);
const Floating &Arg2 = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 1);
APFloat Copy = Arg1.getAPFloat();
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_fmin(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *F) {
const Floating &LHS = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 0);
const Floating &RHS = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 1);
Floating Result;
// When comparing zeroes, return -0.0 if one of the zeroes is negative.
if (LHS.isZero() && RHS.isZero() && RHS.isNegative())
Result = RHS;
else if (LHS.isNan() || RHS < LHS)
Result = RHS;
Result = LHS;
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_fmax(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func) {
const Floating &LHS = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 0);
const Floating &RHS = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 1);
Floating Result;
// When comparing zeroes, return +0.0 if one of the zeroes is positive.
if (LHS.isZero() && RHS.isZero() && LHS.isNegative())
Result = RHS;
else if (LHS.isNan() || RHS > LHS)
Result = RHS;
Result = LHS;
return true;
/// Defined as __builtin_isnan(...), to accommodate the fact that it can
/// take a float, double, long double, etc.
/// But for us, that's all a Floating anyway.
static bool interp__builtin_isnan(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *F,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
pushInteger(S, Arg.isNan(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_issignaling(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *F,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
pushInteger(S, Arg.isSignaling(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_isinf(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *F,
bool CheckSign, const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
bool IsInf = Arg.isInf();
if (CheckSign)
pushInteger(S, IsInf ? (Arg.isNegative() ? -1 : 1) : 0, Call->getType());
pushInteger(S, Arg.isInf(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_isfinite(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *F, const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
pushInteger(S, Arg.isFinite(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_isnormal(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *F, const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
pushInteger(S, Arg.isNormal(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_issubnormal(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *F,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
pushInteger(S, Arg.isDenormal(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_iszero(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *F,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
pushInteger(S, Arg.isZero(), Call->getType());
return true;
/// First parameter to __builtin_isfpclass is the floating value, the
/// second one is an integral value.
static bool interp__builtin_isfpclass(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType FPClassArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(1)->getType());
APSInt FPClassArg = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, FPClassArgT);
const Floating &F =
S.Stk.peek<Floating>(align(primSize(FPClassArgT) + primSize(PT_Float)));
int32_t Result =
static_cast<int32_t>((F.classify() & FPClassArg).getZExtValue());
pushInteger(S, Result, Call->getType());
return true;
/// Five int values followed by one floating value.
static bool interp__builtin_fpclassify(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Val = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
unsigned Index;
switch (Val.getCategory()) {
case APFloat::fcNaN:
Index = 0;
case APFloat::fcInfinity:
Index = 1;
case APFloat::fcNormal:
Index = Val.isDenormal() ? 3 : 2;
case APFloat::fcZero:
Index = 4;
// The last argument is first on the stack.
assert(Index <= 4);
unsigned IntSize = primSize(getIntPrimType(S));
unsigned Offset =
align(primSize(PT_Float)) + ((1 + (4 - Index)) * align(IntSize));
APSInt I = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, getIntPrimType(S), Offset);
pushInteger(S, I, Call->getType());
return true;
// The C standard says "fabs raises no floating-point exceptions,
// even if x is a signaling NaN. The returned value is independent of
// the current rounding direction mode." Therefore constant folding can
// proceed without regard to the floating point settings.
// Reference, WG14 N2478 F.10.4.3
static bool interp__builtin_fabs(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func) {
const Floating &Val = getParam<Floating>(Frame, 0);
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_popcount(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT);
pushInteger(S, Val.popcount(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_parity(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func, const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT);
pushInteger(S, Val.popcount() % 2, Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_clrsb(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func, const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT);
pushInteger(S, Val.getBitWidth() - Val.getSignificantBits(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_bitreverse(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT);
pushInteger(S, Val.reverseBits(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_classify_type(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
// This is an unevaluated call, so there are no arguments on the stack.
assert(Call->getNumArgs() == 1);
const Expr *Arg = Call->getArg(0);
GCCTypeClass ResultClass =
EvaluateBuiltinClassifyType(Arg->getType(), S.getLangOpts());
int32_t ReturnVal = static_cast<int32_t>(ResultClass);
pushInteger(S, ReturnVal, Call->getType());
return true;
// __builtin_expect(long, long)
// __builtin_expect_with_probability(long, long, double)
static bool interp__builtin_expect(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func, const CallExpr *Call) {
// The return value is simply the value of the first parameter.
// We ignore the probability.
unsigned NumArgs = Call->getNumArgs();
assert(NumArgs == 2 || NumArgs == 3);
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
unsigned Offset = align(primSize(getLongPrimType(S))) * 2;
if (NumArgs == 3)
Offset += align(primSize(PT_Float));
APSInt Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT, Offset);
pushInteger(S, Val, Call->getType());
return true;
/// rotateleft(value, amount)
static bool interp__builtin_rotate(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func, const CallExpr *Call,
bool Right) {
PrimType AmountT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(1)->getType());
PrimType ValueT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Amount = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, AmountT);
APSInt Value = peekToAPSInt(
S.Stk, ValueT, align(primSize(AmountT)) + align(primSize(ValueT)));
APSInt Result;
if (Right)
Result = APSInt(Value.rotr(Amount.urem(Value.getBitWidth())),
else // Left.
Result = APSInt(Value.rotl(Amount.urem(Value.getBitWidth())),
pushInteger(S, Result, Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_ffs(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Value = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT);
uint64_t N = Value.countr_zero();
pushInteger(S, N == Value.getBitWidth() ? 0 : N + 1, Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_addressof(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType PtrT =
if (PtrT == PT_FnPtr) {
const FunctionPointer &Arg = S.Stk.peek<FunctionPointer>();
} else if (PtrT == PT_Ptr) {
const Pointer &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>();
} else {
assert(false && "Unsupported pointer type passed to __builtin_addressof()");
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_move(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)).value_or(PT_Ptr);
TYPE_SWITCH(ArgT, const T &Arg = S.Stk.peek<T>(); S.Stk.push<T>(Arg););
return Func->getDecl()->isConstexpr();
static bool interp__builtin_eh_return_data_regno(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ArgT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt Arg = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ArgT);
int Result =
pushInteger(S, Result, Call->getType());
return true;
/// Just takes the first Argument to the call and puts it on the stack.
static bool noopPointer(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC, const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func, const CallExpr *Call) {
const Pointer &Arg = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>();
return true;
// Two integral values followed by a pointer (lhs, rhs, resultOut)
static bool interp__builtin_overflowop(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
Pointer &ResultPtr = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>();
if (ResultPtr.isDummy())
return false;
unsigned BuiltinOp = Func->getBuiltinID();
PrimType RHST = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(1)->getType());
PrimType LHST = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt RHS = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, RHST,
align(primSize(PT_Ptr)) + align(primSize(RHST)));
APSInt LHS = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, LHST,
align(primSize(PT_Ptr)) + align(primSize(RHST)) +
QualType ResultType = Call->getArg(2)->getType()->getPointeeType();
PrimType ResultT = *S.getContext().classify(ResultType);
bool Overflow;
APSInt Result;
if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_add_overflow ||
BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_sub_overflow ||
BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_mul_overflow) {
bool IsSigned = LHS.isSigned() || RHS.isSigned() ||
bool AllSigned = LHS.isSigned() && RHS.isSigned() &&
uint64_t LHSSize = LHS.getBitWidth();
uint64_t RHSSize = RHS.getBitWidth();
uint64_t ResultSize = S.getCtx().getTypeSize(ResultType);
uint64_t MaxBits = std::max(std::max(LHSSize, RHSSize), ResultSize);
// Add an additional bit if the signedness isn't uniformly agreed to. We
// could do this ONLY if there is a signed and an unsigned that both have
// MaxBits, but the code to check that is pretty nasty. The issue will be
// caught in the shrink-to-result later anyway.
if (IsSigned && !AllSigned)
LHS = APSInt(LHS.extOrTrunc(MaxBits), !IsSigned);
RHS = APSInt(RHS.extOrTrunc(MaxBits), !IsSigned);
Result = APSInt(MaxBits, !IsSigned);
// Find largest int.
switch (BuiltinOp) {
llvm_unreachable("Invalid value for BuiltinOp");
case Builtin::BI__builtin_add_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_sadd_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_saddl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_saddll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_uadd_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_uaddl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_uaddll_overflow:
Result = LHS.isSigned() ? LHS.sadd_ov(RHS, Overflow)
: LHS.uadd_ov(RHS, Overflow);
case Builtin::BI__builtin_sub_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ssub_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ssubl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ssubll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_usub_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_usubl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_usubll_overflow:
Result = LHS.isSigned() ? LHS.ssub_ov(RHS, Overflow)
: LHS.usub_ov(RHS, Overflow);
case Builtin::BI__builtin_mul_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_smul_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_smull_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_smulll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_umul_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_umull_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_umulll_overflow:
Result = LHS.isSigned() ? LHS.smul_ov(RHS, Overflow)
: LHS.umul_ov(RHS, Overflow);
// In the case where multiple sizes are allowed, truncate and see if
// the values are the same.
if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_add_overflow ||
BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_sub_overflow ||
BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_mul_overflow) {
// APSInt doesn't have a TruncOrSelf, so we use extOrTrunc instead,
// since it will give us the behavior of a TruncOrSelf in the case where
// its parameter <= its size. We previously set Result to be at least the
// type-size of the result, so getTypeSize(ResultType) <= Resu
APSInt Temp = Result.extOrTrunc(S.getCtx().getTypeSize(ResultType));
if (!APSInt::isSameValue(Temp, Result))
Overflow = true;
Result = Temp;
// Write Result to ResultPtr and put Overflow on the stacl.
assignInteger(ResultPtr, ResultT, Result);
return true;
/// Three integral values followed by a pointer (lhs, rhs, carry, carryOut).
static bool interp__builtin_carryop(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
unsigned BuiltinOp = Func->getBuiltinID();
PrimType LHST = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
PrimType RHST = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(1)->getType());
PrimType CarryT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(2)->getType());
APSInt RHS = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, RHST,
align(primSize(PT_Ptr)) + align(primSize(CarryT)) +
peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, LHST,
align(primSize(PT_Ptr)) + align(primSize(RHST)) +
align(primSize(CarryT)) + align(primSize(LHST)));
APSInt CarryIn = peekToAPSInt(
S.Stk, LHST, align(primSize(PT_Ptr)) + align(primSize(CarryT)));
APSInt CarryOut;
APSInt Result;
// Copy the number of bits and sign.
Result = LHS;
CarryOut = LHS;
bool FirstOverflowed = false;
bool SecondOverflowed = false;
switch (BuiltinOp) {
llvm_unreachable("Invalid value for BuiltinOp");
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcb:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addc:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcll:
Result =
LHS.uadd_ov(RHS, FirstOverflowed).uadd_ov(CarryIn, SecondOverflowed);
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcb:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subc:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcll:
Result =
LHS.usub_ov(RHS, FirstOverflowed).usub_ov(CarryIn, SecondOverflowed);
// It is possible for both overflows to happen but CGBuiltin uses an OR so
// this is consistent.
CarryOut = (uint64_t)(FirstOverflowed | SecondOverflowed);
Pointer &CarryOutPtr = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>();
QualType CarryOutType = Call->getArg(3)->getType()->getPointeeType();
PrimType CarryOutT = *S.getContext().classify(CarryOutType);
assignInteger(CarryOutPtr, CarryOutT, CarryOut);
assert(Call->getType() == Call->getArg(0)->getType());
pushInteger(S, Result, Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_clz(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
unsigned CallSize = callArgSize(S, Call);
unsigned BuiltinOp = Func->getBuiltinID();
PrimType ValT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0));
const APSInt &Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ValT, CallSize);
// When the argument is 0, the result of GCC builtins is undefined, whereas
// for Microsoft intrinsics, the result is the bit-width of the argument.
bool ZeroIsUndefined = BuiltinOp != Builtin::BI__lzcnt16 &&
BuiltinOp != Builtin::BI__lzcnt &&
BuiltinOp != Builtin::BI__lzcnt64;
if (Val == 0) {
if (Func->getBuiltinID() == Builtin::BI__builtin_clzg &&
Call->getNumArgs() == 2) {
// We have a fallback parameter.
PrimType FallbackT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(1));
const APSInt &Fallback = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, FallbackT);
pushInteger(S, Fallback, Call->getType());
return true;
if (ZeroIsUndefined)
return false;
pushInteger(S, Val.countl_zero(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_ctz(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame, const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
unsigned CallSize = callArgSize(S, Call);
PrimType ValT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0));
const APSInt &Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ValT, CallSize);
if (Val == 0) {
if (Func->getBuiltinID() == Builtin::BI__builtin_ctzg &&
Call->getNumArgs() == 2) {
// We have a fallback parameter.
PrimType FallbackT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(1));
const APSInt &Fallback = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, FallbackT);
pushInteger(S, Fallback, Call->getType());
return true;
return false;
pushInteger(S, Val.countr_zero(), Call->getType());
return true;
static bool interp__builtin_bswap(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func, const CallExpr *Call) {
PrimType ReturnT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getType());
PrimType ValT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0));
const APSInt &Val = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ValT);
assert(Val.getActiveBits() <= 64);
{ S.Stk.push<T>(T::from(Val.byteSwap().getZExtValue())); });
return true;
/// bool __atomic_always_lock_free(size_t, void const volatile*)
/// bool __atomic_is_lock_free(size_t, void const volatile*)
/// bool __c11_atomic_is_lock_free(size_t)
static bool interp__builtin_atomic_lock_free(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
unsigned BuiltinOp = Func->getBuiltinID();
PrimType ValT = *S.getContext().classify(Call->getArg(0));
unsigned SizeValOffset = 0;
if (BuiltinOp != Builtin::BI__c11_atomic_is_lock_free)
SizeValOffset = align(primSize(ValT)) + align(primSize(PT_Ptr));
const APSInt &SizeVal = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, ValT, SizeValOffset);
auto returnBool = [&S](bool Value) -> bool {
return true;
// For __atomic_is_lock_free(sizeof(_Atomic(T))), if the size is a power
// of two less than or equal to the maximum inline atomic width, we know it
// is lock-free. If the size isn't a power of two, or greater than the
// maximum alignment where we promote atomics, we know it is not lock-free
// (at least not in the sense of atomic_is_lock_free). Otherwise,
// the answer can only be determined at runtime; for example, 16-byte
// atomics have lock-free implementations on some, but not all,
// x86-64 processors.
// Check power-of-two.
CharUnits Size = CharUnits::fromQuantity(SizeVal.getZExtValue());
if (Size.isPowerOfTwo()) {
// Check against inlining width.
unsigned InlineWidthBits =
if (Size <= S.getCtx().toCharUnitsFromBits(InlineWidthBits)) {
// OK, we will inline appropriately-aligned operations of this size,
// and _Atomic(T) is appropriately-aligned.
if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__c11_atomic_is_lock_free ||
Size == CharUnits::One())
return returnBool(true);
// Same for null pointers.
assert(BuiltinOp != Builtin::BI__c11_atomic_is_lock_free);
const Pointer &Ptr = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>();
if (Ptr.isZero())
return returnBool(true);
QualType PointeeType = Call->getArg(1)
// OK, we will inline operations on this object.
if (!PointeeType->isIncompleteType() &&
S.getCtx().getTypeAlignInChars(PointeeType) >= Size)
return returnBool(true);
if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__atomic_always_lock_free)
return returnBool(false);
return false;
/// __builtin_complex(Float A, float B);
static bool interp__builtin_complex(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const Floating &Arg2 = S.Stk.peek<Floating>();
const Floating &Arg1 = S.Stk.peek<Floating>(align(primSize(PT_Float)) * 2);
Pointer &Result = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>(align(primSize(PT_Float)) * 2 +
Result.atIndex(0).deref<Floating>() = Arg1;
Result.atIndex(1).deref<Floating>() = Arg2;
return true;
/// __builtin_is_aligned()
/// __builtin_align_up()
/// __builtin_align_down()
/// The first parameter is either an integer or a pointer.
/// The second parameter is the requested alignment as an integer.
static bool interp__builtin_is_aligned_up_down(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
unsigned BuiltinOp = Func->getBuiltinID();
unsigned CallSize = callArgSize(S, Call);
PrimType AlignmentT = *S.Ctx.classify(Call->getArg(1));
const APSInt &Alignment = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, AlignmentT);
if (Alignment < 0 || !Alignment.isPowerOf2()) {
S.FFDiag(Call, diag::note_constexpr_invalid_alignment) << Alignment;
return false;
unsigned SrcWidth = S.getCtx().getIntWidth(Call->getArg(0)->getType());
APSInt MaxValue(APInt::getOneBitSet(SrcWidth, SrcWidth - 1));
if (APSInt::compareValues(Alignment, MaxValue) > 0) {
S.FFDiag(Call, diag::note_constexpr_alignment_too_big)
<< MaxValue << Call->getArg(0)->getType() << Alignment;
return false;
// The first parameter is either an integer or a pointer (but not a function
// pointer).
PrimType FirstArgT = *S.Ctx.classify(Call->getArg(0));
if (isIntegralType(FirstArgT)) {
const APSInt &Src = peekToAPSInt(S.Stk, FirstArgT, CallSize);
APSInt Align = Alignment.extOrTrunc(Src.getBitWidth());
if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_align_up) {
APSInt AlignedVal =
APSInt((Src + (Align - 1)) & ~(Align - 1), Src.isUnsigned());
pushInteger(S, AlignedVal, Call->getType());
} else if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_align_down) {
APSInt AlignedVal = APSInt(Src & ~(Align - 1), Src.isUnsigned());
pushInteger(S, AlignedVal, Call->getType());
} else {
assert(*S.Ctx.classify(Call->getType()) == PT_Bool);
S.Stk.push<Boolean>((Src & (Align - 1)) == 0);
return true;
assert(FirstArgT == PT_Ptr);
const Pointer &Ptr = S.Stk.peek<Pointer>(CallSize);
unsigned PtrOffset = Ptr.getByteOffset();
PtrOffset = Ptr.getIndex();
CharUnits BaseAlignment =
CharUnits PtrAlign =
if (BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_is_aligned) {
if (PtrAlign.getQuantity() >= Alignment) {
return true;
// If the alignment is not known to be sufficient, some cases could still
// be aligned at run time. However, if the requested alignment is less or
// equal to the base alignment and the offset is not aligned, we know that
// the run-time value can never be aligned.
if (BaseAlignment.getQuantity() >= Alignment &&
PtrAlign.getQuantity() < Alignment) {
return true;
S.FFDiag(Call->getArg(0), diag::note_constexpr_alignment_compute)
<< Alignment;
return false;
assert(BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_align_down ||
BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_align_up);
// For align_up/align_down, we can return the same value if the alignment
// is known to be greater or equal to the requested value.
if (PtrAlign.getQuantity() >= Alignment) {
return true;
// The alignment could be greater than the minimum at run-time, so we cannot
// infer much about the resulting pointer value. One case is possible:
// For `_Alignas(32) char buf[N]; __builtin_align_down(&buf[idx], 32)` we
// can infer the correct index if the requested alignment is smaller than
// the base alignment so we can perform the computation on the offset.
if (BaseAlignment.getQuantity() >= Alignment) {
assert(Alignment.getBitWidth() <= 64 &&
"Cannot handle > 64-bit address-space");
uint64_t Alignment64 = Alignment.getZExtValue();
CharUnits NewOffset =
CharUnits::fromQuantity(BuiltinOp == Builtin::BI__builtin_align_down
? llvm::alignDown(PtrOffset, Alignment64)
: llvm::alignTo(PtrOffset, Alignment64));
return true;
// Otherwise, we cannot constant-evaluate the result.
S.FFDiag(Call->getArg(0), diag::note_constexpr_alignment_adjust) << Alignment;
return false;
static bool interp__builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size(InterpState &S,
CodePtr OpPC,
const InterpFrame *Frame,
const Function *Func,
const CallExpr *Call) {
analyze_os_log::OSLogBufferLayout Layout;
analyze_os_log::computeOSLogBufferLayout(S.getCtx(), Call, Layout);
pushInteger(S, Layout.size().getQuantity(), Call->getType());
return true;
bool InterpretBuiltin(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC, const Function *F,
const CallExpr *Call) {
const InterpFrame *Frame = S.Current;
APValue Dummy;
std::optional<PrimType> ReturnT = S.getContext().classify(Call);
switch (F->getBuiltinID()) {
case Builtin::BI__builtin_is_constant_evaluated:
if (!interp__builtin_is_constant_evaluated(S, OpPC, Frame, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_assume:
case Builtin::BI__assume:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_strcmp:
if (!interp__builtin_strcmp(S, OpPC, Frame, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_strlen:
if (!interp__builtin_strlen(S, OpPC, Frame, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nan:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nanf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nanl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nanf16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nanf128:
if (!interp__builtin_nan(S, OpPC, Frame, F, /*Signaling=*/false))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nans:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nansf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nansl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nansf16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_nansf128:
if (!interp__builtin_nan(S, OpPC, Frame, F, /*Signaling=*/true))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_huge_val:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_huge_valf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_huge_vall:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_huge_valf16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_huge_valf128:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_inf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_inff:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_infl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_inff16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_inff128:
if (!interp__builtin_inf(S, OpPC, Frame, F))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_copysign:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_copysignf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_copysignl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_copysignf128:
if (!interp__builtin_copysign(S, OpPC, Frame, F))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fmin:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fminf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fminl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fminf16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fminf128:
if (!interp__builtin_fmin(S, OpPC, Frame, F))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fmax:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fmaxf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fmaxl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fmaxf16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fmaxf128:
if (!interp__builtin_fmax(S, OpPC, Frame, F))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_isnan:
if (!interp__builtin_isnan(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_issignaling:
if (!interp__builtin_issignaling(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_isinf:
if (!interp__builtin_isinf(S, OpPC, Frame, F, /*Sign=*/false, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_isinf_sign:
if (!interp__builtin_isinf(S, OpPC, Frame, F, /*Sign=*/true, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_isfinite:
if (!interp__builtin_isfinite(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_isnormal:
if (!interp__builtin_isnormal(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_issubnormal:
if (!interp__builtin_issubnormal(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_iszero:
if (!interp__builtin_iszero(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_isfpclass:
if (!interp__builtin_isfpclass(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fpclassify:
if (!interp__builtin_fpclassify(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fabs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fabsf:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fabsl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_fabsf128:
if (!interp__builtin_fabs(S, OpPC, Frame, F))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_popcount:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_popcountl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_popcountll:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_popcountg:
case Builtin::BI__popcnt16: // Microsoft variants of popcount
case Builtin::BI__popcnt:
case Builtin::BI__popcnt64:
if (!interp__builtin_popcount(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_parity:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_parityl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_parityll:
if (!interp__builtin_parity(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clrsb:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clrsbl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clrsbll:
if (!interp__builtin_clrsb(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bitreverse8:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bitreverse16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bitreverse32:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bitreverse64:
if (!interp__builtin_bitreverse(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_classify_type:
if (!interp__builtin_classify_type(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_expect:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_expect_with_probability:
if (!interp__builtin_expect(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateleft8:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateleft16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateleft32:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateleft64:
case Builtin::BI_rotl8: // Microsoft variants of rotate left
case Builtin::BI_rotl16:
case Builtin::BI_rotl:
case Builtin::BI_lrotl:
case Builtin::BI_rotl64:
if (!interp__builtin_rotate(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call, /*Right=*/false))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateright8:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateright16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateright32:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_rotateright64:
case Builtin::BI_rotr8: // Microsoft variants of rotate right
case Builtin::BI_rotr16:
case Builtin::BI_rotr:
case Builtin::BI_lrotr:
case Builtin::BI_rotr64:
if (!interp__builtin_rotate(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call, /*Right=*/true))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ffs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ffsl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ffsll:
if (!interp__builtin_ffs(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BIaddressof:
case Builtin::BI__addressof:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addressof:
if (!interp__builtin_addressof(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BIas_const:
case Builtin::BIforward:
case Builtin::BIforward_like:
case Builtin::BImove:
case Builtin::BImove_if_noexcept:
if (!interp__builtin_move(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_eh_return_data_regno:
if (!interp__builtin_eh_return_data_regno(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_launder:
case Builtin::BI__builtin___CFStringMakeConstantString:
case Builtin::BI__builtin___NSStringMakeConstantString:
if (!noopPointer(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_add_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_sub_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_mul_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_sadd_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_uadd_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_uaddl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_uaddll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_usub_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_usubl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_usubll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_umul_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_umull_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_umulll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_saddl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_saddll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ssub_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ssubl_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ssubll_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_smul_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_smull_overflow:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_smulll_overflow:
if (!interp__builtin_overflowop(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcb:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addc:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_addcll:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcb:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subc:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_subcll:
if (!interp__builtin_carryop(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clz:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clzl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clzll:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clzs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_clzg:
case Builtin::BI__lzcnt16: // Microsoft variants of count leading-zeroes
case Builtin::BI__lzcnt:
case Builtin::BI__lzcnt64:
if (!interp__builtin_clz(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ctz:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ctzl:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ctzll:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ctzs:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_ctzg:
if (!interp__builtin_ctz(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bswap16:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bswap32:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_bswap64:
if (!interp__builtin_bswap(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__atomic_always_lock_free:
case Builtin::BI__atomic_is_lock_free:
case Builtin::BI__c11_atomic_is_lock_free:
if (!interp__builtin_atomic_lock_free(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_complex:
if (!interp__builtin_complex(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_is_aligned:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_align_up:
case Builtin::BI__builtin_align_down:
if (!interp__builtin_is_aligned_up_down(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
case Builtin::BI__builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size:
if (!interp__builtin_os_log_format_buffer_size(S, OpPC, Frame, F, Call))
return false;
<< S.Current->getRange(OpPC);
return false;
return retPrimValue(S, OpPC, Dummy, ReturnT);
bool InterpretOffsetOf(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC, const OffsetOfExpr *E,
llvm::ArrayRef<int64_t> ArrayIndices,
int64_t &IntResult) {
CharUnits Result;
unsigned N = E->getNumComponents();
assert(N > 0);
unsigned ArrayIndex = 0;
QualType CurrentType = E->getTypeSourceInfo()->getType();
for (unsigned I = 0; I != N; ++I) {
const OffsetOfNode &Node = E->getComponent(I);
switch (Node.getKind()) {
case OffsetOfNode::Field: {
const FieldDecl *MemberDecl = Node.getField();
const RecordType *RT = CurrentType->getAs<RecordType>();
if (!RT)
return false;
const RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
if (RD->isInvalidDecl())
return false;
const ASTRecordLayout &RL = S.getCtx().getASTRecordLayout(RD);
unsigned FieldIndex = MemberDecl->getFieldIndex();
assert(FieldIndex < RL.getFieldCount() && "offsetof field in wrong type");
Result += S.getCtx().toCharUnitsFromBits(RL.getFieldOffset(FieldIndex));
CurrentType = MemberDecl->getType().getNonReferenceType();
case OffsetOfNode::Array: {
// When generating bytecode, we put all the index expressions as Sint64 on
// the stack.
int64_t Index = ArrayIndices[ArrayIndex];
const ArrayType *AT = S.getCtx().getAsArrayType(CurrentType);
if (!AT)
return false;
CurrentType = AT->getElementType();
CharUnits ElementSize = S.getCtx().getTypeSizeInChars(CurrentType);
Result += Index * ElementSize;
case OffsetOfNode::Base: {
const CXXBaseSpecifier *BaseSpec = Node.getBase();
if (BaseSpec->isVirtual())
return false;
// Find the layout of the class whose base we are looking into.
const RecordType *RT = CurrentType->getAs<RecordType>();
if (!RT)
return false;
const RecordDecl *RD = RT->getDecl();
if (RD->isInvalidDecl())
return false;
const ASTRecordLayout &RL = S.getCtx().getASTRecordLayout(RD);
// Find the base class itself.
CurrentType = BaseSpec->getType();
const RecordType *BaseRT = CurrentType->getAs<RecordType>();
if (!BaseRT)
return false;
// Add the offset to the base.
Result += RL.getBaseClassOffset(cast<CXXRecordDecl>(BaseRT->getDecl()));
case OffsetOfNode::Identifier:
llvm_unreachable("Dependent OffsetOfExpr?");
IntResult = Result.getQuantity();
return true;
bool SetThreeWayComparisonField(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC,
const Pointer &Ptr, const APSInt &IntValue) {
const Record *R = Ptr.getRecord();
assert(R->getNumFields() == 1);
unsigned FieldOffset = R->getField(0u)->Offset;
const Pointer &FieldPtr = Ptr.atField(FieldOffset);
PrimType FieldT = *S.getContext().classify(FieldPtr.getType());
FieldPtr.deref<T>() = T::from(IntValue.getSExtValue()));
return true;
bool DoMemcpy(InterpState &S, CodePtr OpPC, const Pointer &Src, Pointer &Dest) {
assert(Src.isLive() && Dest.isLive());
[[maybe_unused]] const Descriptor *SrcDesc = Src.getFieldDesc();
const Descriptor *DestDesc = Dest.getFieldDesc();
assert(!DestDesc->isPrimitive() && !SrcDesc->isPrimitive());
if (DestDesc->isPrimitiveArray()) {
assert(SrcDesc->getNumElems() == DestDesc->getNumElems());
PrimType ET = DestDesc->getPrimType();
for (unsigned I = 0, N = DestDesc->getNumElems(); I != N; ++I) {
Pointer DestElem = Dest.atIndex(I);
DestElem.deref<T>() = Src.atIndex(I).deref<T>();
return true;
if (DestDesc->isRecord()) {
assert(SrcDesc->ElemRecord == DestDesc->ElemRecord);
const Record *R = DestDesc->ElemRecord;
for (const Record::Field &F : R->fields()) {
Pointer DestField = Dest.atField(F.Offset);
if (std::optional<PrimType> FT = S.Ctx.classify(F.Decl->getType())) {
DestField.deref<T>() = Src.atField(F.Offset).deref<T>();
} else {
return Invalid(S, OpPC);
return true;
// FIXME: Composite types.
return Invalid(S, OpPC);
} // namespace interp
} // namespace clang