blob: 18375c9e51a173b7e21de4a4851adca9de79112e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- APINotesManager.h - Manage API Notes Files -------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace clang {
class DirectoryEntry;
class FileEntry;
class LangOptions;
class SourceManager;
namespace api_notes {
class APINotesReader;
/// The API notes manager helps find API notes associated with declarations.
/// API notes are externally-provided annotations for declarations that can
/// introduce new attributes (covering availability, nullability of
/// parameters/results, and so on) for specific declarations without directly
/// modifying the headers that contain those declarations.
/// The API notes manager is responsible for finding and loading the
/// external API notes files that correspond to a given header. Its primary
/// operation is \c findAPINotes(), which finds the API notes reader that
/// provides information about the declarations at that location.
class APINotesManager {
using ReaderEntry = llvm::PointerUnion<DirectoryEntryRef, APINotesReader *>;
SourceManager &SM;
/// Whether to implicitly search for API notes files based on the
/// source file from which an entity was declared.
bool ImplicitAPINotes;
/// The Swift version to use when interpreting versioned API notes.
llvm::VersionTuple SwiftVersion;
enum ReaderKind : unsigned { Public = 0, Private = 1 };
/// API notes readers for the current module.
/// There can be up to two of these, one for public headers and one
/// for private headers.
/// Not using std::unique_ptr to store these, since the reader pointers are
/// also stored in llvm::PointerUnion below.
APINotesReader *CurrentModuleReaders[2] = {nullptr, nullptr};
/// A mapping from header file directories to the API notes reader for
/// that directory, or a redirection to another directory entry that may
/// have more information, or NULL to indicate that there is no API notes
/// reader for this directory.
llvm::DenseMap<const DirectoryEntry *, ReaderEntry> Readers;
/// Load the API notes associated with the given file, whether it is
/// the binary or source form of API notes.
/// \returns the API notes reader for this file, or null if there is
/// a failure.
std::unique_ptr<APINotesReader> loadAPINotes(FileEntryRef APINotesFile);
/// Load the API notes associated with the given buffer, whether it is
/// the binary or source form of API notes.
/// \returns the API notes reader for this file, or null if there is
/// a failure.
std::unique_ptr<APINotesReader> loadAPINotes(StringRef Buffer);
/// Load the given API notes file for the given header directory.
/// \param HeaderDir The directory at which we
/// \returns true if an error occurred.
bool loadAPINotes(const DirectoryEntry *HeaderDir, FileEntryRef APINotesFile);
/// Look for API notes in the given directory.
/// This might find either a binary or source API notes.
OptionalFileEntryRef findAPINotesFile(DirectoryEntryRef Directory,
StringRef FileName,
bool WantPublic = true);
/// Attempt to load API notes for the given framework. A framework will have
/// the API notes file under either {FrameworkPath}/APINotes,
/// {FrameworkPath}/Headers or {FrameworkPath}/PrivateHeaders, while a
/// library will have the API notes simply in its directory.
/// \param FrameworkPath The path to the framework.
/// \param Public Whether to load the public API notes. Otherwise, attempt
/// to load the private API notes.
/// \returns the header directory entry (e.g., for Headers or PrivateHeaders)
/// for which the API notes were successfully loaded, or NULL if API notes
/// could not be loaded for any reason.
OptionalDirectoryEntryRef loadFrameworkAPINotes(llvm::StringRef FrameworkPath,
llvm::StringRef FrameworkName,
bool Public);
APINotesManager(SourceManager &SM, const LangOptions &LangOpts);
/// Set the Swift version to use when filtering API notes.
void setSwiftVersion(llvm::VersionTuple Version) {
this->SwiftVersion = Version;
/// Load the API notes for the current module.
/// \param M The current module.
/// \param LookInModule Whether to look inside the module itself.
/// \param SearchPaths The paths in which we should search for API notes
/// for the current module.
/// \returns true if API notes were successfully loaded, \c false otherwise.
bool loadCurrentModuleAPINotes(Module *M, bool LookInModule,
ArrayRef<std::string> SearchPaths);
/// Get FileEntry for the APINotes of the module that is currently being
/// compiled.
/// \param M The current module.
/// \param LookInModule Whether to look inside the directory of the current
/// module.
/// \param SearchPaths The paths in which we should search for API
/// notes for the current module.
/// \returns a vector of FileEntry where APINotes files are.
llvm::SmallVector<FileEntryRef, 2>
getCurrentModuleAPINotes(Module *M, bool LookInModule,
ArrayRef<std::string> SearchPaths);
/// Load Compiled API notes for current module.
/// \param Buffers Array of compiled API notes.
/// \returns true if API notes were successfully loaded, \c false otherwise.
bool loadCurrentModuleAPINotesFromBuffer(ArrayRef<StringRef> Buffers);
/// Retrieve the set of API notes readers for the current module.
ArrayRef<APINotesReader *> getCurrentModuleReaders() const {
bool HasPublic = CurrentModuleReaders[ReaderKind::Public];
bool HasPrivate = CurrentModuleReaders[ReaderKind::Private];
assert((!HasPrivate || HasPublic) && "private module requires public module");
if (!HasPrivate && !HasPublic)
return {};
return ArrayRef(CurrentModuleReaders).slice(0, HasPrivate ? 2 : 1);
/// Find the API notes readers that correspond to the given source location.
llvm::SmallVector<APINotesReader *, 2> findAPINotes(SourceLocation Loc);
} // end namespace api_notes
} // end namespace clang