blob: 1b04a20bacbf5ff6c185b26bced5a3a7a4c418fd [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- HIPUtility.cpp - Common HIP Tool Chain Utilities -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "HIPUtility.h"
#include "CommonArgs.h"
#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Triple.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
using namespace clang::driver;
using namespace clang::driver::tools;
using namespace llvm::opt;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)
#define NULL_FILE "nul"
#define NULL_FILE "/dev/null"
namespace {
const unsigned HIPCodeObjectAlign = 4096;
} // namespace
// Constructs a triple string for clang offload bundler.
static std::string normalizeForBundler(const llvm::Triple &T,
bool HasTargetID) {
return HasTargetID ? (T.getArchName() + "-" + T.getVendorName() + "-" +
T.getOSName() + "-" + T.getEnvironmentName())
: T.normalize();
// Construct a clang-offload-bundler command to bundle code objects for
// different devices into a HIP fat binary.
void HIP::constructHIPFatbinCommand(Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
llvm::StringRef OutputFileName,
const InputInfoList &Inputs,
const llvm::opt::ArgList &Args,
const Tool &T) {
// Construct clang-offload-bundler command to bundle object files for
// for different GPU archs.
ArgStringList BundlerArgs;
Args.MakeArgString("-bundle-align=" + Twine(HIPCodeObjectAlign)));
// ToDo: Remove the dummy host binary entry which is required by
// clang-offload-bundler.
std::string BundlerTargetArg = "-targets=host-x86_64-unknown-linux";
std::string BundlerInputArg = "-inputs=" NULL_FILE;
// For code object version 2 and 3, the offload kind in bundle ID is 'hip'
// for backward compatibility. For code object version 4 and greater, the
// offload kind in bundle ID is 'hipv4'.
std::string OffloadKind = "hip";
auto &TT = T.getToolChain().getTriple();
if (TT.isAMDGCN() && getAMDGPUCodeObjectVersion(C.getDriver(), Args) >= 4)
OffloadKind = OffloadKind + "v4";
for (const auto &II : Inputs) {
const auto *A = II.getAction();
auto ArchStr = llvm::StringRef(A->getOffloadingArch());
BundlerTargetArg +=
"," + OffloadKind + "-" + normalizeForBundler(TT, !ArchStr.empty());
if (!ArchStr.empty())
BundlerTargetArg += "-" + ArchStr.str();
BundlerInputArg = BundlerInputArg + "," + II.getFilename();
std::string Output = std::string(OutputFileName);
auto *BundlerOutputArg =
const char *Bundler = Args.MakeArgString(
JA, T, ResponseFileSupport::None(), Bundler, BundlerArgs, Inputs,
InputInfo(&JA, Args.MakeArgString(Output))));
/// Add Generated HIP Object File which has device images embedded into the
/// host to the argument list for linking. Using MC directives, embed the
/// device code and also define symbols required by the code generation so that
/// the image can be retrieved at runtime.
void HIP::constructGenerateObjFileFromHIPFatBinary(
Compilation &C, const InputInfo &Output, const InputInfoList &Inputs,
const ArgList &Args, const JobAction &JA, const Tool &T) {
const ToolChain &TC = T.getToolChain();
std::string Name = std::string(llvm::sys::path::stem(Output.getFilename()));
// Create Temp Object File Generator,
// Offload Bundled file and Bundled Object file.
// Keep them if save-temps is enabled.
const char *McinFile;
const char *BundleFile;
if (C.getDriver().isSaveTempsEnabled()) {
McinFile = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Name + ".mcin");
BundleFile = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Name + ".hipfb");
} else {
auto TmpNameMcin = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath(Name, "mcin");
McinFile = C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpNameMcin));
auto TmpNameFb = C.getDriver().GetTemporaryPath(Name, "hipfb");
BundleFile = C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpNameFb));
HIP::constructHIPFatbinCommand(C, JA, BundleFile, Inputs, Args, T);
// Create a buffer to write the contents of the temp obj generator.
std::string ObjBuffer;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ObjStream(ObjBuffer);
auto HostTriple =
// Add MC directives to embed target binaries. We ensure that each
// section and image is 16-byte aligned. This is not mandatory, but
// increases the likelihood of data to be aligned with a cache block
// in several main host machines.
ObjStream << "# HIP Object Generator\n";
ObjStream << "# *** Automatically generated by Clang ***\n";
if (HostTriple.isWindowsMSVCEnvironment()) {
ObjStream << " .section .hip_fatbin, \"dw\"\n";
} else {
ObjStream << " .protected __hip_fatbin\n";
ObjStream << " .type __hip_fatbin,@object\n";
ObjStream << " .section .hip_fatbin,\"a\",@progbits\n";
ObjStream << " .globl __hip_fatbin\n";
ObjStream << " .p2align " << llvm::Log2(llvm::Align(HIPCodeObjectAlign))
<< "\n";
ObjStream << "__hip_fatbin:\n";
ObjStream << " .incbin ";
llvm::sys::printArg(ObjStream, BundleFile, /*Quote=*/true);
ObjStream << "\n";
// Dump the contents of the temp object file gen if the user requested that.
// We support this option to enable testing of behavior with -###.
if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_fhip_dump_offload_linker_script))
llvm::errs() << ObjBuffer;
// Open script file and write the contents.
std::error_code EC;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream Objf(McinFile, EC, llvm::sys::fs::OF_None);
if (EC) {
C.getDriver().Diag(clang::diag::err_unable_to_make_temp) << EC.message();
Objf << ObjBuffer;
ArgStringList McArgs{"-triple", Args.MakeArgString(HostTriple.normalize()),
"-o", Output.getFilename(),
McinFile, "--filetype=obj"};
const char *Mc = Args.MakeArgString(TC.GetProgramPath("llvm-mc"));
C.addCommand(std::make_unique<Command>(JA, T, ResponseFileSupport::None(), Mc,
McArgs, Inputs, Output));