blob: bb03f3ab8d239f7c68a1884f2bd6313cb97ef5e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -fenable-matrix -fsyntax-only -verify %s
template <typename X>
using matrix_4_4 = X __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)));
template <typename Y>
using matrix_5_5 = Y __attribute__((matrix_type(5, 5)));
typedef struct test_struct {
} test_struct;
typedef int vec __attribute__((vector_size(4)));
void f1() {
// TODO: Update this test once the support of C-style casts for C++ is implemented.
matrix_4_4<char> m1;
matrix_4_4<int> m2;
matrix_4_4<short> m3;
matrix_5_5<int> m4;
int i;
vec v;
test_struct *s;
(matrix_4_4<int>)m1; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<char>' (aka 'char __attribute__((matrix_type(4, \
4)))') to 'matrix_4_4<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') is not allowed}}
(matrix_4_4<short>)m2; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__((matrix_type(4, \
4)))') to 'matrix_4_4<short>' (aka 'short __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') is not allowed}}
(matrix_5_5<int>)m3; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<short>' (aka 'short __attribute__((matrix_type(4, \
4)))') to 'matrix_5_5<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__((matrix_type(5, 5)))') is not allowed}}
(int)m3; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<short>' (aka 'short __attribute__((matrix_type(4, \
4)))') to 'int'}}
(matrix_4_4<int>)i; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'int' to 'matrix_4_4<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__((\
matrix_type(4, 4)))') is not allowed}}
(vec) m2; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') \
to 'vec' (vector of 1 'int' value) is not allowed}}
(matrix_4_4<char>)v; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'vec' (vector of 1 'int' value) to 'matrix_4_4<char>' \
(aka 'char __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') is not allowed}}
(test_struct *)m1; // expected-error {{cannot cast from type 'matrix_4_4<char>' (aka 'char __attribute__\
((matrix_type(4, 4)))') to pointer type 'test_struct *}}'
(matrix_5_5<float>)s; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'test_struct *' to 'matrix_5_5<float>' (aka 'float __attribute__\
((matrix_type(5, 5)))') is not allowed}}'
void f2() {
// TODO: Update this test once the support of C-style casts for C++ is implemented.
matrix_4_4<float> m1;
matrix_5_5<double> m2;
matrix_5_5<signed int> m3;
matrix_4_4<unsigned int> m4;
float f;
(matrix_4_4<double>)m1; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<float>' (aka 'float __attribute__\
((matrix_type(4, 4)))') to 'matrix_4_4<double>' (aka 'double __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') is not allowed}}
(matrix_5_5<float>)m2; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_5_5<double>' (aka 'double __attribute__\
((matrix_type(5, 5)))') to 'matrix_5_5<float>' (aka 'float __attribute__((matrix_type(5, 5)))') is not allowed}}
(matrix_5_5<unsigned int>)m3; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_5_5<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__\
((matrix_type(5, 5)))') to 'matrix_5_5<unsigned int>' (aka 'unsigned int __attribute__((matrix_type(5, 5)))') \
is not allowed}}
(matrix_4_4<int>)m4; // expected-error {{C-style cast from 'matrix_4_4<unsigned int>' (aka 'unsigned int \
__attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') to 'matrix_4_4<int>' (aka 'int __attribute__((matrix_type(4, 4)))') is not \