blob: 7ea951213df0efdf305883e9ffa182133d00c1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -S %s -std=c2x -emit-llvm -o - | FileCheck %s
// Test that null <-> nullptr_t conversions work as expected.
typedef typeof(nullptr) nullptr_t;
nullptr_t nullptr_t_val;
void bool_func(bool);
void nullptr_func(nullptr_t);
void test() {
// Test initialization
bool bool_from_nullptr_t = nullptr_t_val;
nullptr_t nullptr_t_from_nullptr = nullptr;
void *vp_from_nullptr_t = nullptr_t_val;
nullptr_t nullptr_t_from_vp = (void *)0;
nullptr_t nullptr_t_from_int = 0;
// Test assignment
bool_from_nullptr_t = nullptr_t_val;
nullptr_t_from_nullptr = nullptr;
vp_from_nullptr_t = nullptr_t_val;
nullptr_t_from_vp = (void *)0;
nullptr_t_from_int = 0;
// Test calls
nullptr_func((void *)0);
// Allocation of locals
// CHECK: %[[bool_from_nullptr_t:.*]] = alloca i8
// CHECK: %[[nullptr_t_from_nullptr:.*]] = alloca ptr
// CHECK: %[[vp_from_nullptr_t:.*]] = alloca ptr
// CHECK: %[[nullptr_t_from_vp:.*]] = alloca ptr
// CHECK: %[[nullptr_t_from_int:.*]] = alloca ptr
// Initialization of locals
// CHECK: store i8 0, ptr %[[bool_from_nullptr_t]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[nullptr_t_from_nullptr]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[vp_from_nullptr_t]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[nullptr_t_from_vp]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[nullptr_t_from_int]]
// Assignment expressions
// CHECK: store i8 0, ptr %[[bool_from_nullptr_t]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[nullptr_t_from_nullptr]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[vp_from_nullptr_t]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[nullptr_t_from_vp]]
// CHECK: store ptr null, ptr %[[nullptr_t_from_int]]
// Calls
// CHECK: call void @bool_func(i1 noundef {{(zeroext )?}}false)
// CHECK: call void @nullptr_func(ptr null)
// CHECK: call void @nullptr_func(ptr null)
// CHECK: call void @nullptr_func(ptr null)
// CHECK: call void @nullptr_func(ptr null)
// CHECK: call void @nullptr_func(ptr null)