blob: 1c374ae716a9db527da013b62d89543249d6c0fb [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: not %clang_cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-unknown -Wno-unused-value -fcxx-exceptions -std=gnu++17 -ast-dump %s | FileCheck -strict-whitespace %s
struct A { A(int, int) {} };
class ForwardDecl;
void test() {
// Verify the valid-bit of the VarDecl.
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} a1 'A'
A a1;
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} a2 'const A'
const A a2;
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} a3 'A'
A a3 = garbage();
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} a4 'const A &'
const A& a4;
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} invalid b2 'ForwardDecl'
ForwardDecl b2;
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} invalid b3 'auto'
auto b3 = garbage();
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} invalid b4 'auto'
auto b4 = A(1);
// CHECK: `-VarDecl {{.*}} invalid b5 'auto'
auto b5 = A{1};