blob: 57f966c8b2be35def3a2b0ca408d6c52e79a07cb [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.cpp -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file implements the SymbolGraphSerializer.
#include "clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h"
#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
#include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
#include "clang/ExtractAPI/DeclarationFragments.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLFunctionalExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::extractapi;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace llvm::json;
namespace {
/// Helper function to inject a JSON object \p Obj into another object \p Paren
/// at position \p Key.
void serializeObject(Object &Paren, StringRef Key,
std::optional<Object> &&Obj) {
if (Obj)
Paren[Key] = std::move(*Obj);
/// Helper function to inject a JSON array \p Array into object \p Paren at
/// position \p Key.
void serializeArray(Object &Paren, StringRef Key,
std::optional<Array> &&Array) {
if (Array)
Paren[Key] = std::move(*Array);
/// Helper function to inject a JSON array composed of the values in \p C into
/// object \p Paren at position \p Key.
template <typename ContainerTy>
void serializeArray(Object &Paren, StringRef Key, ContainerTy &&C) {
Paren[Key] = Array(C);
/// Serialize a \c VersionTuple \p V with the Symbol Graph semantic version
/// format.
/// A semantic version object contains three numeric fields, representing the
/// \c major, \c minor, and \c patch parts of the version tuple.
/// For example version tuple 1.0.3 is serialized as:
/// \code
/// {
/// "major" : 1,
/// "minor" : 0,
/// "patch" : 3
/// }
/// \endcode
/// \returns \c std::nullopt if the version \p V is empty, or an \c Object
/// containing the semantic version representation of \p V.
std::optional<Object> serializeSemanticVersion(const VersionTuple &V) {
if (V.empty())
return std::nullopt;
Object Version;
Version["major"] = V.getMajor();
Version["minor"] = V.getMinor().value_or(0);
Version["patch"] = V.getSubminor().value_or(0);
return Version;
/// Serialize the OS information in the Symbol Graph platform property.
/// The OS information in Symbol Graph contains the \c name of the OS, and an
/// optional \c minimumVersion semantic version field.
Object serializeOperatingSystem(const Triple &T) {
Object OS;
OS["name"] = T.getOSTypeName(T.getOS());
serializeObject(OS, "minimumVersion",
return OS;
/// Serialize the platform information in the Symbol Graph module section.
/// The platform object describes a target platform triple in corresponding
/// three fields: \c architecture, \c vendor, and \c operatingSystem.
Object serializePlatform(const Triple &T) {
Object Platform;
Platform["architecture"] = T.getArchName();
Platform["vendor"] = T.getVendorName();
Platform["operatingSystem"] = serializeOperatingSystem(T);
return Platform;
/// Serialize a source position.
Object serializeSourcePosition(const PresumedLoc &Loc) {
assert(Loc.isValid() && "invalid source position");
Object SourcePosition;
SourcePosition["line"] = Loc.getLine() - 1;
SourcePosition["character"] = Loc.getColumn() - 1;
return SourcePosition;
/// Serialize a source location in file.
/// \param Loc The presumed location to serialize.
/// \param IncludeFileURI If true, include the file path of \p Loc as a URI.
/// Defaults to false.
Object serializeSourceLocation(const PresumedLoc &Loc,
bool IncludeFileURI = false) {
Object SourceLocation;
serializeObject(SourceLocation, "position", serializeSourcePosition(Loc));
if (IncludeFileURI) {
std::string FileURI = "file://";
// Normalize file path to use forward slashes for the URI.
FileURI += sys::path::convert_to_slash(Loc.getFilename());
SourceLocation["uri"] = FileURI;
return SourceLocation;
/// Serialize a source range with begin and end locations.
Object serializeSourceRange(const PresumedLoc &BeginLoc,
const PresumedLoc &EndLoc) {
Object SourceRange;
serializeObject(SourceRange, "start", serializeSourcePosition(BeginLoc));
serializeObject(SourceRange, "end", serializeSourcePosition(EndLoc));
return SourceRange;
/// Serialize the availability attributes of a symbol.
/// Availability information contains the introduced, deprecated, and obsoleted
/// versions of the symbol as semantic versions, if not default.
/// Availability information also contains flags to indicate if the symbol is
/// unconditionally unavailable or deprecated,
/// i.e. \c __attribute__((unavailable)) and \c __attribute__((deprecated)).
/// \returns \c std::nullopt if the symbol has default availability attributes,
/// or an \c Array containing an object with the formatted availability
/// information.
std::optional<Array> serializeAvailability(const AvailabilityInfo &Avail) {
if (Avail.isDefault())
return std::nullopt;
Object Availability;
Array AvailabilityArray;
Availability["domain"] = Avail.Domain;
serializeObject(Availability, "introduced",
serializeObject(Availability, "deprecated",
serializeObject(Availability, "obsoleted",
if (Avail.isUnconditionallyDeprecated()) {
Object UnconditionallyDeprecated;
UnconditionallyDeprecated["domain"] = "*";
UnconditionallyDeprecated["isUnconditionallyDeprecated"] = true;
if (Avail.isUnconditionallyUnavailable()) {
Object UnconditionallyUnavailable;
UnconditionallyUnavailable["domain"] = "*";
UnconditionallyUnavailable["isUnconditionallyUnavailable"] = true;
return AvailabilityArray;
/// Get the language name string for interface language references.
StringRef getLanguageName(Language Lang) {
switch (Lang) {
case Language::C:
return "c";
case Language::ObjC:
return "objective-c";
case Language::CXX:
return "c++";
case Language::ObjCXX:
return "objective-c++";
// Unsupported language currently
case Language::OpenCL:
case Language::OpenCLCXX:
case Language::CUDA:
case Language::RenderScript:
case Language::HIP:
case Language::HLSL:
// Languages that the frontend cannot parse and compile
case Language::Unknown:
case Language::Asm:
case Language::LLVM_IR:
case Language::CIR:
llvm_unreachable("Unsupported language kind");
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled language kind");
/// Serialize the identifier object as specified by the Symbol Graph format.
/// The identifier property of a symbol contains the USR for precise and unique
/// references, and the interface language name.
Object serializeIdentifier(const APIRecord &Record, Language Lang) {
Object Identifier;
Identifier["precise"] = Record.USR;
Identifier["interfaceLanguage"] = getLanguageName(Lang);
return Identifier;
/// Serialize the documentation comments attached to a symbol, as specified by
/// the Symbol Graph format.
/// The Symbol Graph \c docComment object contains an array of lines. Each line
/// represents one line of striped documentation comment, with source range
/// information.
/// e.g.
/// \code
/// /// This is a documentation comment
/// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' First line.
/// /// with multiple lines.
/// ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' Second line.
/// \endcode
/// \returns \c std::nullopt if \p Comment is empty, or an \c Object containing
/// the formatted lines.
std::optional<Object> serializeDocComment(const DocComment &Comment) {
if (Comment.empty())
return std::nullopt;
Object DocComment;
Array LinesArray;
for (const auto &CommentLine : Comment) {
Object Line;
Line["text"] = CommentLine.Text;
serializeObject(Line, "range",
serializeSourceRange(CommentLine.Begin, CommentLine.End));
serializeArray(DocComment, "lines", std::move(LinesArray));
return DocComment;
/// Serialize the declaration fragments of a symbol.
/// The Symbol Graph declaration fragments is an array of tagged important
/// parts of a symbol's declaration. The fragments sequence can be joined to
/// form spans of declaration text, with attached information useful for
/// purposes like syntax-highlighting etc. For example:
/// \code
/// const int pi; -> "declarationFragments" : [
/// {
/// "kind" : "keyword",
/// "spelling" : "const"
/// },
/// {
/// "kind" : "text",
/// "spelling" : " "
/// },
/// {
/// "kind" : "typeIdentifier",
/// "preciseIdentifier" : "c:I",
/// "spelling" : "int"
/// },
/// {
/// "kind" : "text",
/// "spelling" : " "
/// },
/// {
/// "kind" : "identifier",
/// "spelling" : "pi"
/// }
/// ]
/// \endcode
/// \returns \c std::nullopt if \p DF is empty, or an \c Array containing the
/// formatted declaration fragments array.
serializeDeclarationFragments(const DeclarationFragments &DF) {
if (DF.getFragments().empty())
return std::nullopt;
Array Fragments;
for (const auto &F : DF.getFragments()) {
Object Fragment;
Fragment["spelling"] = F.Spelling;
Fragment["kind"] = DeclarationFragments::getFragmentKindString(F.Kind);
if (!F.PreciseIdentifier.empty())
Fragment["preciseIdentifier"] = F.PreciseIdentifier;
return Fragments;
/// Serialize the \c names field of a symbol as specified by the Symbol Graph
/// format.
/// The Symbol Graph names field contains multiple representations of a symbol
/// that can be used for different applications:
/// - \c title : The simple declared name of the symbol;
/// - \c subHeading : An array of declaration fragments that provides tags,
/// and potentially more tokens (for example the \c +/- symbol for
/// Objective-C methods). Can be used as sub-headings for documentation.
Object serializeNames(const APIRecord *Record) {
Object Names;
Names["title"] = Record->Name;
serializeArray(Names, "subHeading",
DeclarationFragments NavigatorFragments;
/*PreciseIdentifier*/ "");
serializeArray(Names, "navigator",
return Names;
Object serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RecordKind RK, Language Lang) {
auto AddLangPrefix = [&Lang](StringRef S) -> std::string {
return (getLanguageName(Lang) + "." + S).str();
Object Kind;
switch (RK) {
case APIRecord::RK_Unknown:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("unknown");
Kind["displayName"] = "Unknown";
case APIRecord::RK_Namespace:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("namespace");
Kind["displayName"] = "Namespace";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalFunction:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("func");
Kind["displayName"] = "Function";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalFunctionTemplate:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("func");
Kind["displayName"] = "Function Template";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalFunctionTemplateSpecialization:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("func");
Kind["displayName"] = "Function Template Specialization";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariableTemplate:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("var");
Kind["displayName"] = "Global Variable Template";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariableTemplateSpecialization:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("var");
Kind["displayName"] = "Global Variable Template Specialization";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecialization:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("var");
Kind["displayName"] = "Global Variable Template Partial Specialization";
case APIRecord::RK_GlobalVariable:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("var");
Kind["displayName"] = "Global Variable";
case APIRecord::RK_EnumConstant:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("");
Kind["displayName"] = "Enumeration Case";
case APIRecord::RK_Enum:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("enum");
Kind["displayName"] = "Enumeration";
case APIRecord::RK_StructField:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Property";
case APIRecord::RK_Struct:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("struct");
Kind["displayName"] = "Structure";
case APIRecord::RK_UnionField:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Property";
case APIRecord::RK_Union:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("union");
Kind["displayName"] = "Union";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXField:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Property";
case APIRecord::RK_StaticField:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("");
Kind["displayName"] = "Type Property";
case APIRecord::RK_ClassTemplate:
case APIRecord::RK_ClassTemplateSpecialization:
case APIRecord::RK_ClassTemplatePartialSpecialization:
case APIRecord::RK_CXXClass:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("class");
Kind["displayName"] = "Class";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXMethodTemplate:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Method Template";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXMethodTemplateSpecialization:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Method Template Specialization";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXFieldTemplate:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property");
Kind["displayName"] = "Template Property";
case APIRecord::RK_Concept:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("concept");
Kind["displayName"] = "Concept";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXStaticMethod:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("type.method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Static Method";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXInstanceMethod:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Method";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXConstructorMethod:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Constructor";
case APIRecord::RK_CXXDestructorMethod:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Destructor";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCIvar:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("ivar");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Variable";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInstanceMethod:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Method";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCClassMethod:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("type.method");
Kind["displayName"] = "Type Method";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInstanceProperty:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("property");
Kind["displayName"] = "Instance Property";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCClassProperty:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("");
Kind["displayName"] = "Type Property";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCInterface:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("class");
Kind["displayName"] = "Class";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCCategory:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("class.extension");
Kind["displayName"] = "Class Extension";
case APIRecord::RK_ObjCProtocol:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("protocol");
Kind["displayName"] = "Protocol";
case APIRecord::RK_MacroDefinition:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("macro");
Kind["displayName"] = "Macro";
case APIRecord::RK_Typedef:
Kind["identifier"] = AddLangPrefix("typealias");
Kind["displayName"] = "Type Alias";
llvm_unreachable("API Record with uninstantiable kind");
return Kind;
/// Serialize the symbol kind information.
/// The Symbol Graph symbol kind property contains a shorthand \c identifier
/// which is prefixed by the source language name, useful for tooling to parse
/// the kind, and a \c displayName for rendering human-readable names.
Object serializeSymbolKind(const APIRecord &Record, Language Lang) {
return serializeSymbolKind(Record.getKind(), Lang);
/// Serialize the function signature field, as specified by the
/// Symbol Graph format.
/// The Symbol Graph function signature property contains two arrays.
/// - The \c returns array is the declaration fragments of the return type;
/// - The \c parameters array contains names and declaration fragments of the
/// parameters.
template <typename RecordTy>
void serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
const auto &FS = Record.Signature;
if (FS.empty())
Object Signature;
serializeArray(Signature, "returns",
Array Parameters;
for (const auto &P : FS.getParameters()) {
Object Parameter;
Parameter["name"] = P.Name;
serializeArray(Parameter, "declarationFragments",
if (!Parameters.empty())
Signature["parameters"] = std::move(Parameters);
serializeObject(Paren, "functionSignature", std::move(Signature));
template <typename RecordTy>
void serializeTemplateMixin(Object &Paren, const RecordTy &Record) {
const auto &Template = Record.Templ;
if (Template.empty())
Object Generics;
Array GenericParameters;
for (const auto &Param : Template.getParameters()) {
Object Parameter;
Parameter["name"] = Param.Name;
Parameter["index"] = Param.Index;
Parameter["depth"] = Param.Depth;
if (!GenericParameters.empty())
Generics["parameters"] = std::move(GenericParameters);
Array GenericConstraints;
for (const auto &Constr : Template.getConstraints()) {
Object Constraint;
Constraint["kind"] = Constr.Kind;
Constraint["lhs"] = Constr.LHS;
Constraint["rhs"] = Constr.RHS;
if (!GenericConstraints.empty())
Generics["constraints"] = std::move(GenericConstraints);
serializeObject(Paren, "swiftGenerics", Generics);
Array generateParentContexts(const SmallVectorImpl<SymbolReference> &Parents,
Language Lang) {
Array ParentContexts;
for (const auto &Parent : Parents) {
Object Elem;
Elem["usr"] = Parent.USR;
Elem["name"] = Parent.Name;
if (Parent.Record)
Elem["kind"] =
serializeSymbolKind(Parent.Record->getKind(), Lang)["identifier"];
Elem["kind"] =
serializeSymbolKind(APIRecord::RK_Unknown, Lang)["identifier"];
return ParentContexts;
/// Walk the records parent information in reverse to generate a hierarchy
/// suitable for serialization.
SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8>
generateHierarchyFromRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8> ReverseHierarchy;
for (const auto *Current = Record; Current != nullptr;
Current = Current->Parent.Record)
return SmallVector<SymbolReference, 8>(
SymbolReference getHierarchyReference(const APIRecord *Record,
const APISet &API) {
// If the parent is a category extended from internal module then we need to
// pretend this belongs to the associated interface.
if (auto *CategoryRecord = dyn_cast_or_null<ObjCCategoryRecord>(Record)) {
return CategoryRecord->Interface;
// FIXME: TODO generate path components correctly for categories extending
// an external module.
return SymbolReference(Record);
} // namespace
Object *ExtendedModule::addSymbol(Object &&Symbol) {
return Symbols.back().getAsObject();
void ExtendedModule::addRelationship(Object &&Relationship) {
/// Defines the format version emitted by SymbolGraphSerializer.
const VersionTuple SymbolGraphSerializer::FormatVersion{0, 5, 3};
Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMetadata() const {
Object Metadata;
serializeObject(Metadata, "formatVersion",
Metadata["generator"] = clang::getClangFullVersion();
return Metadata;
SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeModuleObject(StringRef ModuleName) const {
Object Module;
Module["name"] = ModuleName;
serializeObject(Module, "platform", serializePlatform(API.getTarget()));
return Module;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::shouldSkip(const APIRecord *Record) const {
if (!Record)
return true;
// Skip unconditionally unavailable symbols
if (Record->Availability.isUnconditionallyUnavailable())
return true;
// Filter out symbols prefixed with an underscored as they are understood to
// be symbols clients should not use.
if (Record->Name.starts_with("_"))
return true;
// Skip explicitly ignored symbols.
if (IgnoresList.shouldIgnore(Record->Name))
return true;
return false;
ExtendedModule &SymbolGraphSerializer::getModuleForCurrentSymbol() {
if (!ForceEmitToMainModule && ModuleForCurrentSymbol)
return *ModuleForCurrentSymbol;
return MainModule;
Array SymbolGraphSerializer::serializePathComponents(
const APIRecord *Record) const {
return Array(map_range(Hierarchy, [](auto Elt) { return Elt.Name; }));
StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind Kind) {
switch (Kind) {
case RelationshipKind::MemberOf:
return "memberOf";
case RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom:
return "inheritsFrom";
case RelationshipKind::ConformsTo:
return "conformsTo";
case RelationshipKind::ExtensionTo:
return "extensionTo";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled relationship kind");
void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind,
const SymbolReference &Source,
const SymbolReference &Target,
ExtendedModule &Into) {
Object Relationship;
SmallString<64> TestRelLabel;
if (EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(TestRelLabel);
OS << SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(Kind) << " $ "
<< Source.USR << " $ ";
if (Target.USR.empty())
OS << Target.Name;
OS << Target.USR;
Relationship["!testRelLabel"] = TestRelLabel;
Relationship["source"] = Source.USR;
Relationship["target"] = Target.USR;
Relationship["targetFallback"] = Target.Name;
Relationship["kind"] = SymbolGraphSerializer::getRelationshipString(Kind);
if (ForceEmitToMainModule)
StringRef SymbolGraphSerializer::getConstraintString(ConstraintKind Kind) {
switch (Kind) {
case ConstraintKind::Conformance:
return "conformance";
case ConstraintKind::ConditionalConformance:
return "conditionalConformance";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled constraint kind");
void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
Object Obj;
// If we need symbol labels for testing emit the USR as the value and the key
// starts with '!'' to ensure it ends up at the top of the object.
if (EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting)
Obj["!testLabel"] = Record->USR;
serializeObject(Obj, "identifier",
serializeIdentifier(*Record, API.getLanguage()));
serializeObject(Obj, "kind", serializeSymbolKind(*Record, API.getLanguage()));
serializeObject(Obj, "names", serializeNames(Record));
Obj, "location",
serializeSourceLocation(Record->Location, /*IncludeFileURI=*/true));
serializeArray(Obj, "availability",
serializeObject(Obj, "docComment", serializeDocComment(Record->Comment));
serializeArray(Obj, "declarationFragments",
Obj["pathComponents"] = serializePathComponents(Record);
Obj["accessLevel"] = Record->Access.getAccess();
ExtendedModule &Module = getModuleForCurrentSymbol();
// If the hierarchy has at least one parent and child.
if (Hierarchy.size() >= 2)
serializeRelationship(MemberOf, Hierarchy.back(),
Hierarchy[Hierarchy.size() - 2], Module);
CurrentSymbol = Module.addSymbol(std::move(Obj));
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::traverseAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
if (!Record)
return true;
if (shouldSkip(Record))
return true;
Hierarchy.push_back(getHierarchyReference(Record, API));
// Defer traversal mechanics to APISetVisitor base implementation
auto RetVal = Base::traverseAPIRecord(Record);
return RetVal;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitAPIRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionRecord(
const GlobalFunctionRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXClassRecord(const CXXClassRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
for (const auto &Base : Record->Bases)
serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind::InheritsFrom, Record, Base,
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplateRecord(
const ClassTemplateRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord(
const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXMethodRecord(
const CXXMethodRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXMethodTemplateRecord(
const CXXMethodTemplateRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitCXXFieldTemplateRecord(
const CXXFieldTemplateRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitConceptRecord(const ConceptRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalVariableTemplateRecord(
const GlobalVariableTemplateRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::
const GlobalVariableTemplatePartialSpecializationRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitGlobalFunctionTemplateRecord(
const GlobalFunctionTemplateRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeTemplateMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCContainerRecord(
const ObjCContainerRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
for (const auto &Protocol : Record->Protocols)
serializeRelationship(ConformsTo, Record, Protocol,
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCInterfaceRecord(
const ObjCInterfaceRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
if (!Record->SuperClass.empty())
serializeRelationship(InheritsFrom, Record, Record->SuperClass,
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::traverseObjCCategoryRecord(
const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record) {
auto *CurrentModule = ModuleForCurrentSymbol;
if (Record->isExtendingExternalModule())
ModuleForCurrentSymbol = &ExtendedModules[Record->Interface.Source];
if (!walkUpFromObjCCategoryRecord(Record))
return false;
bool RetVal = traverseRecordContext(Record);
ModuleForCurrentSymbol = CurrentModule;
return RetVal;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::walkUpFromObjCCategoryRecord(
const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record) {
return visitObjCCategoryRecord(Record);
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCCategoryRecord(
const ObjCCategoryRecord *Record) {
// If we need to create a record for the category in the future do so here,
// otherwise everything is set up to pretend that the category is in fact the
// interface it extends.
for (const auto &Protocol : Record->Protocols)
serializeRelationship(ConformsTo, Record->Interface, Protocol,
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCMethodRecord(
const ObjCMethodRecord *Record) {
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
serializeFunctionSignatureMixin(*CurrentSymbol, *Record);
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitObjCInstanceVariableRecord(
const ObjCInstanceVariableRecord *Record) {
// FIXME: serialize ivar access control here.
return true;
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::walkUpFromTypedefRecord(
const TypedefRecord *Record) {
// Short-circuit walking up the class hierarchy and handle creating typedef
// symbol objects manually as there are additional symbol dropping rules to
// respect.
return visitTypedefRecord(Record);
bool SymbolGraphSerializer::visitTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord *Record) {
// Typedefs of anonymous types have their entries unified with the underlying
// type.
bool ShouldDrop = Record->UnderlyingType.Name.empty();
// enums declared with `NS_OPTION` have a named enum and a named typedef, with
// the same name
ShouldDrop |= (Record->UnderlyingType.Name == Record->Name);
if (ShouldDrop)
return true;
// Create the symbol record if the other symbol droppping rules permit it.
if (!CurrentSymbol)
return true;
(*CurrentSymbol)["type"] = Record->UnderlyingType.USR;
return true;
void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleRecord(const APIRecord *Record) {
switch (Record->getKind()) {
// dispatch to the relevant walkUpFromMethod
case APIRecord::KIND: { \
walkUpFrom##CLASS(static_cast<const CLASS *>(Record)); \
break; \
#include "clang/ExtractAPI/"
// otherwise fallback on the only behavior we can implement safely.
case APIRecord::RK_Unknown:
llvm_unreachable("API Record with uninstantiable kind");
Object SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeGraph(StringRef ModuleName,
ExtendedModule &&EM) {
Object Root;
serializeObject(Root, "metadata", serializeMetadata());
serializeObject(Root, "module", serializeModuleObject(ModuleName));
Root["symbols"] = std::move(EM.Symbols);
Root["relationships"] = std::move(EM.Relationships);
return Root;
void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeGraphToStream(
raw_ostream &OS, SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options, StringRef ModuleName,
ExtendedModule &&EM) {
Object Root = serializeGraph(ModuleName, std::move(EM));
if (Options.Compact)
OS << formatv("{0}", Value(std::move(Root))) << "\n";
OS << formatv("{0:2}", Value(std::move(Root))) << "\n";
void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeMainSymbolGraph(
raw_ostream &OS, const APISet &API, const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options) {
SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, IgnoresList,
Serializer.serializeGraphToStream(OS, Options, API.ProductName,
// FIXME: TODO handle extended modules here
void SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeWithExtensionGraphs(
raw_ostream &MainOutput, const APISet &API,
const APIIgnoresList &IgnoresList,
llvm::function_ref<std::unique_ptr<llvm::raw_pwrite_stream>(Twine BaseName)>
SymbolGraphSerializerOption Options) {
SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, IgnoresList,
Serializer.serializeGraphToStream(MainOutput, Options, API.ProductName,
for (auto &ExtensionSGF : Serializer.ExtendedModules) {
if (auto ExtensionOS =
CreateOutputStream(ExtensionSGF.getKey() + "@" + API.ProductName))
Serializer.serializeGraphToStream(*ExtensionOS, Options,
SymbolGraphSerializer::serializeSingleSymbolSGF(StringRef USR,
const APISet &API) {
APIRecord *Record = API.findRecordForUSR(USR);
if (!Record)
return {};
Object Root;
APIIgnoresList EmptyIgnores;
SymbolGraphSerializer Serializer(API, EmptyIgnores,
/*EmitSymbolLabelsForTesting*/ false,
/*ForceEmitToMainModule*/ true);
// Set up serializer parent chain
Serializer.Hierarchy = generateHierarchyFromRecord(Record);
serializeObject(Root, "symbolGraph",
Language Lang = API.getLanguage();
serializeArray(Root, "parentContexts",
generateParentContexts(Serializer.Hierarchy, Lang));
Array RelatedSymbols;
for (const auto &Fragment : Record->Declaration.getFragments()) {
// If we don't have a USR there isn't much we can do.
if (Fragment.PreciseIdentifier.empty())
APIRecord *RelatedRecord = API.findRecordForUSR(Fragment.PreciseIdentifier);
// If we can't find the record let's skip.
if (!RelatedRecord)
Object RelatedSymbol;
RelatedSymbol["usr"] = RelatedRecord->USR;
RelatedSymbol["declarationLanguage"] = getLanguageName(Lang);
RelatedSymbol["accessLevel"] = RelatedRecord->Access.getAccess();
RelatedSymbol["filePath"] = RelatedRecord->Location.getFilename();
RelatedSymbol["moduleName"] = API.ProductName;
RelatedSymbol["isSystem"] = RelatedRecord->IsFromSystemHeader;
serializeArray(RelatedSymbol, "parentContexts",
generateHierarchyFromRecord(RelatedRecord), Lang));
serializeArray(Root, "relatedSymbols", RelatedSymbols);
return Root;