blob: 564e359668a5106a6d00dd5c81b7ce4e458ab262 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MacroExpansionContext.cpp - Macro expansion information --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Analysis/MacroExpansionContext.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include <optional>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "macro-expansion-context"
static void dumpTokenInto(const clang::Preprocessor &PP, clang::raw_ostream &OS,
clang::Token Tok);
namespace clang {
namespace detail {
class MacroExpansionRangeRecorder : public PPCallbacks {
const Preprocessor &PP;
SourceManager &SM;
MacroExpansionContext::ExpansionRangeMap &ExpansionRanges;
explicit MacroExpansionRangeRecorder(
const Preprocessor &PP, SourceManager &SM,
MacroExpansionContext::ExpansionRangeMap &ExpansionRanges)
: PP(PP), SM(SM), ExpansionRanges(ExpansionRanges) {}
void MacroExpands(const Token &MacroName, const MacroDefinition &MD,
SourceRange Range, const MacroArgs *Args) override {
// Ignore annotation tokens like: _Pragma("pack(push, 1)")
if (MacroName.getIdentifierInfo()->getName() == "_Pragma")
SourceLocation MacroNameBegin = SM.getExpansionLoc(MacroName.getLocation());
assert(MacroNameBegin == SM.getExpansionLoc(Range.getBegin()));
const SourceLocation ExpansionEnd = [Range, &SM = SM, &MacroName] {
// If the range is empty, use the length of the macro.
if (Range.getBegin() == Range.getEnd())
return SM.getExpansionLoc(
// Include the last character.
return SM.getExpansionLoc(Range.getEnd()).getLocWithOffset(1);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "MacroExpands event: '";
dumpTokenInto(PP, llvm::dbgs(), MacroName);
<< "' with length " << MacroName.getLength() << " at ";
MacroNameBegin.print(llvm::dbgs(), SM);
llvm::dbgs() << ", expansion end at ";
ExpansionEnd.print(llvm::dbgs(), SM); llvm::dbgs() << '\n';);
// If the expansion range is empty, use the identifier of the macro as a
// range.
MacroExpansionContext::ExpansionRangeMap::iterator It;
bool Inserted;
std::tie(It, Inserted) =
ExpansionRanges.try_emplace(MacroNameBegin, ExpansionEnd);
if (Inserted) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "maps ";
It->getFirst().print(llvm::dbgs(), SM); llvm::dbgs() << " to ";
It->getSecond().print(llvm::dbgs(), SM);
llvm::dbgs() << '\n';);
} else {
if (SM.isBeforeInTranslationUnit(It->getSecond(), ExpansionEnd)) {
It->getSecond() = ExpansionEnd;
llvm::dbgs() << "remaps "; It->getFirst().print(llvm::dbgs(), SM);
llvm::dbgs() << " to "; It->getSecond().print(llvm::dbgs(), SM);
llvm::dbgs() << '\n';);
} // namespace detail
} // namespace clang
using namespace clang;
MacroExpansionContext::MacroExpansionContext(const LangOptions &LangOpts)
: LangOpts(LangOpts) {}
void MacroExpansionContext::registerForPreprocessor(Preprocessor &NewPP) {
PP = &NewPP;
SM = &NewPP.getSourceManager();
// Make sure that the Preprocessor does not outlive the MacroExpansionContext.
*PP, *SM, ExpansionRanges));
// Same applies here.
PP->setTokenWatcher([this](const Token &Tok) { onTokenLexed(Tok); });
MacroExpansionContext::getExpandedText(SourceLocation MacroExpansionLoc) const {
if (MacroExpansionLoc.isMacroID())
return std::nullopt;
// If there was no macro expansion at that location, return std::nullopt.
if (ExpansionRanges.find_as(MacroExpansionLoc) == ExpansionRanges.end())
return std::nullopt;
// There was macro expansion, but resulted in no tokens, return empty string.
const auto It = ExpandedTokens.find_as(MacroExpansionLoc);
if (It == ExpandedTokens.end())
return StringRef{""};
// Otherwise we have the actual token sequence as string.
return It->getSecond().str();
MacroExpansionContext::getOriginalText(SourceLocation MacroExpansionLoc) const {
if (MacroExpansionLoc.isMacroID())
return std::nullopt;
const auto It = ExpansionRanges.find_as(MacroExpansionLoc);
if (It == ExpansionRanges.end())
return std::nullopt;
assert(It->getFirst() != It->getSecond() &&
"Every macro expansion must cover a non-empty range.");
return Lexer::getSourceText(
CharSourceRange::getCharRange(It->getFirst(), It->getSecond()), *SM,
void MacroExpansionContext::dumpExpansionRanges() const {
void MacroExpansionContext::dumpExpandedTexts() const {
void MacroExpansionContext::dumpExpansionRangesToStream(raw_ostream &OS) const {
std::vector<std::pair<SourceLocation, SourceLocation>> LocalExpansionRanges;
for (const auto &Record : ExpansionRanges)
std::make_pair(Record.getFirst(), Record.getSecond()));
OS << "\n=============== ExpansionRanges ===============\n";
for (const auto &Record : LocalExpansionRanges) {
OS << "> ";
Record.first.print(OS, *SM);
OS << ", ";
Record.second.print(OS, *SM);
OS << '\n';
void MacroExpansionContext::dumpExpandedTextsToStream(raw_ostream &OS) const {
std::vector<std::pair<SourceLocation, MacroExpansionText>>
for (const auto &Record : ExpandedTokens)
std::make_pair(Record.getFirst(), Record.getSecond()));
OS << "\n=============== ExpandedTokens ===============\n";
for (const auto &Record : LocalExpandedTokens) {
OS << "> ";
Record.first.print(OS, *SM);
OS << " -> '" << Record.second << "'\n";
static void dumpTokenInto(const Preprocessor &PP, raw_ostream &OS, Token Tok) {
// Ignore annotation tokens like: _Pragma("pack(push, 1)")
if (Tok.isAnnotation())
if (IdentifierInfo *II = Tok.getIdentifierInfo()) {
// FIXME: For now, we don't respect whitespaces between macro expanded
// tokens. We just emit a space after every identifier to produce a valid
// code for `int a ;` like expansions.
// ^-^-- Space after the 'int' and 'a' identifiers.
OS << II->getName() << ' ';
} else if (Tok.isLiteral() && !Tok.needsCleaning() && Tok.getLiteralData()) {
OS << StringRef(Tok.getLiteralData(), Tok.getLength());
} else {
char Tmp[256];
if (Tok.getLength() < sizeof(Tmp)) {
const char *TokPtr = Tmp;
// FIXME: Might use a different overload for cleaner callsite.
unsigned Len = PP.getSpelling(Tok, TokPtr);
OS.write(TokPtr, Len);
} else {
OS << "<too long token>";
void MacroExpansionContext::onTokenLexed(const Token &Tok) {
SourceLocation SLoc = Tok.getLocation();
if (SLoc.isFileID())
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "lexed macro expansion token '";
dumpTokenInto(*PP, llvm::dbgs(), Tok); llvm::dbgs() << "' at ";
SLoc.print(llvm::dbgs(), *SM); llvm::dbgs() << '\n';);
// Remove spelling location.
SourceLocation CurrExpansionLoc = SM->getExpansionLoc(SLoc);
MacroExpansionText TokenAsString;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream OS(TokenAsString);
// FIXME: Prepend newlines and space to produce the exact same output as the
// preprocessor would for this token.
dumpTokenInto(*PP, OS, Tok);
ExpansionMap::iterator It;
bool Inserted;
std::tie(It, Inserted) =
ExpandedTokens.try_emplace(CurrExpansionLoc, std::move(TokenAsString));
if (!Inserted)