blob: 1cff9d5d6e3ed928233bb00859514fc7382b8ffe [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -no-opaque-pointers -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 -emit-llvm -o - %s | FileCheck %s
// rdar://13598026
@interface NSObject @end
@class NSString;
int __CFConstantStringClassReference[24];
@interface Bar : NSObject
+(void)format:(NSString *)format,...;
@interface Foo : NSObject
static inline void _inlineFunction(void) {
[Bar format:@" "];
@implementation Foo
+(NSString *)someMethod {
return @"";
-(void)someMethod {
// CHECK: @__CFConstantStringClassReference ={{.*}} global [24 x i32] zeroinitializer, align 16
// CHECK: @_unnamed_cfstring_{{.*}} = private global %struct.__NSConstantString_tag { i32* getelementptr inbounds ([24 x i32], [24 x i32]* @__CFConstantStringClassReference, i32 0, i32 0)
// CHECK-LABEL: define internal void @_inlineFunction()
// CHECK: [[ZERO:%.*]] = load %struct._class_t*, %struct._class_t** @"OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OBJ:%.*]] = bitcast %struct._class_t* [[ZERO]] to i8*
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SEL:%.*]] = load i8*, i8** @OBJC_SELECTOR_REFERENCES_
// CHECK-NEXT: call void (i8*, i8*, [[T:%.*]]*, ...) bitcast (i8* (i8*, i8*, ...)* @objc_msgSend to void (i8*, i8*, [[T:%.*]]*, ...)*)(i8* noundef [[OBJ]], i8* noundef [[SEL]], [[T:%.*]]* noundef bitcast (%struct.__NSConstantString_tag* @_unnamed_cfstring_{{.*}} to [[T:%.*]]*))
// CHECK-NEXT: ret void