blob: cd1fd708a43aa98385135ea9cefa02905d3c63f8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- WatchedLiteralsSolver.cpp --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines a SAT solver implementation that can be used by dataflow
// analyses.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iterator>
#include <queue>
#include <vector>
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Solver.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/Value.h"
#include "clang/Analysis/FlowSensitive/WatchedLiteralsSolver.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
namespace clang {
namespace dataflow {
// `WatchedLiteralsSolver` is an implementation of Algorithm D from Knuth's
// The Art of Computer Programming Volume 4: Satisfiability, Fascicle 6. It is
// based on the backtracking DPLL algorithm [1], keeps references to a single
// "watched" literal per clause, and uses a set of "active" variables to perform
// unit propagation.
// The solver expects that its input is a boolean formula in conjunctive normal
// form that consists of clauses of at least one literal. A literal is either a
// boolean variable or its negation. Below we define types, data structures, and
// utilities that are used to represent boolean formulas in conjunctive normal
// form.
// [1]
/// Boolean variables are represented as positive integers.
using Variable = uint32_t;
/// A null boolean variable is used as a placeholder in various data structures
/// and algorithms.
static constexpr Variable NullVar = 0;
/// Literals are represented as positive integers. Specifically, for a boolean
/// variable `V` that is represented as the positive integer `I`, the positive
/// literal `V` is represented as the integer `2*I` and the negative literal
/// `!V` is represented as the integer `2*I+1`.
using Literal = uint32_t;
/// A null literal is used as a placeholder in various data structures and
/// algorithms.
static constexpr Literal NullLit = 0;
/// Returns the positive literal `V`.
static constexpr Literal posLit(Variable V) { return 2 * V; }
/// Returns the negative literal `!V`.
static constexpr Literal negLit(Variable V) { return 2 * V + 1; }
/// Returns the negated literal `!L`.
static constexpr Literal notLit(Literal L) { return L ^ 1; }
/// Returns the variable of `L`.
static constexpr Variable var(Literal L) { return L >> 1; }
/// Clause identifiers are represented as positive integers.
using ClauseID = uint32_t;
/// A null clause identifier is used as a placeholder in various data structures
/// and algorithms.
static constexpr ClauseID NullClause = 0;
/// A boolean formula in conjunctive normal form.
struct BooleanFormula {
/// `LargestVar` is equal to the largest positive integer that represents a
/// variable in the formula.
const Variable LargestVar;
/// Literals of all clauses in the formula.
/// The element at index 0 stands for the literal in the null clause. It is
/// set to 0 and isn't used. Literals of clauses in the formula start from the
/// element at index 1.
/// For example, for the formula `(L1 v L2) ^ (L2 v L3 v L4)` the elements of
/// `Clauses` will be `[0, L1, L2, L2, L3, L4]`.
std::vector<Literal> Clauses;
/// Start indices of clauses of the formula in `Clauses`.
/// The element at index 0 stands for the start index of the null clause. It
/// is set to 0 and isn't used. Start indices of clauses in the formula start
/// from the element at index 1.
/// For example, for the formula `(L1 v L2) ^ (L2 v L3 v L4)` the elements of
/// `ClauseStarts` will be `[0, 1, 3]`. Note that the literals of the first
/// clause always start at index 1. The start index for the literals of the
/// second clause depends on the size of the first clause and so on.
std::vector<size_t> ClauseStarts;
/// Maps literals (indices of the vector) to clause identifiers (elements of
/// the vector) that watch the respective literals.
/// For a given clause, its watched literal is always its first literal in
/// `Clauses`. This invariant is maintained when watched literals change.
std::vector<ClauseID> WatchedHead;
/// Maps clause identifiers (elements of the vector) to identifiers of other
/// clauses that watch the same literals, forming a set of linked lists.
/// The element at index 0 stands for the identifier of the clause that
/// follows the null clause. It is set to 0 and isn't used. Identifiers of
/// clauses in the formula start from the element at index 1.
std::vector<ClauseID> NextWatched;
/// Stores the variable identifier and value location for atomic booleans in
/// the formula.
llvm::DenseMap<Variable, AtomicBoolValue *> Atomics;
explicit BooleanFormula(Variable LargestVar,
llvm::DenseMap<Variable, AtomicBoolValue *> Atomics)
: LargestVar(LargestVar), Atomics(std::move(Atomics)) {
const size_t NumLiterals = 2 * LargestVar + 1;
WatchedHead.resize(NumLiterals + 1, 0);
/// Adds the `L1 v L2 v L3` clause to the formula. If `L2` or `L3` are
/// `NullLit` they are respectively omitted from the clause.
/// Requirements:
/// `L1` must not be `NullLit`.
/// All literals in the input that are not `NullLit` must be distinct.
void addClause(Literal L1, Literal L2 = NullLit, Literal L3 = NullLit) {
// The literals are guaranteed to be distinct from properties of BoolValue
// and the construction in `buildBooleanFormula`.
assert(L1 != NullLit && L1 != L2 && L1 != L3 &&
(L2 != L3 || L2 == NullLit));
const ClauseID C = ClauseStarts.size();
const size_t S = Clauses.size();
if (L2 != NullLit)
if (L3 != NullLit)
// Designate the first literal as the "watched" literal of the clause.
WatchedHead[L1] = C;
/// Returns the number of literals in clause `C`.
size_t clauseSize(ClauseID C) const {
return C == ClauseStarts.size() - 1 ? Clauses.size() - ClauseStarts[C]
: ClauseStarts[C + 1] - ClauseStarts[C];
/// Returns the literals of clause `C`.
llvm::ArrayRef<Literal> clauseLiterals(ClauseID C) const {
return llvm::ArrayRef<Literal>(&Clauses[ClauseStarts[C]], clauseSize(C));
/// Converts the conjunction of `Vals` into a formula in conjunctive normal
/// form where each clause has at least one and at most three literals.
BooleanFormula buildBooleanFormula(const llvm::DenseSet<BoolValue *> &Vals) {
// The general strategy of the algorithm implemented below is to map each
// of the sub-values in `Vals` to a unique variable and use these variables in
// the resulting CNF expression to avoid exponential blow up. The number of
// literals in the resulting formula is guaranteed to be linear in the number
// of sub-values in `Vals`.
// Map each sub-value in `Vals` to a unique variable.
llvm::DenseMap<BoolValue *, Variable> SubValsToVar;
// Store variable identifiers and value location of atomic booleans.
llvm::DenseMap<Variable, AtomicBoolValue *> Atomics;
Variable NextVar = 1;
std::queue<BoolValue *> UnprocessedSubVals;
for (BoolValue *Val : Vals)
while (!UnprocessedSubVals.empty()) {
Variable Var = NextVar;
BoolValue *Val = UnprocessedSubVals.front();
if (!SubValsToVar.try_emplace(Val, Var).second)
// Visit the sub-values of `Val`.
switch (Val->getKind()) {
case Value::Kind::Conjunction: {
auto *C = cast<ConjunctionValue>(Val);
case Value::Kind::Disjunction: {
auto *D = cast<DisjunctionValue>(Val);
case Value::Kind::Negation: {
auto *N = cast<NegationValue>(Val);
case Value::Kind::Implication: {
auto *I = cast<ImplicationValue>(Val);
case Value::Kind::Biconditional: {
auto *B = cast<BiconditionalValue>(Val);
case Value::Kind::AtomicBool: {
Atomics[Var] = cast<AtomicBoolValue>(Val);
llvm_unreachable("buildBooleanFormula: unhandled value kind");
auto GetVar = [&SubValsToVar](const BoolValue *Val) {
auto ValIt = SubValsToVar.find(Val);
assert(ValIt != SubValsToVar.end());
return ValIt->second;
BooleanFormula Formula(NextVar - 1, std::move(Atomics));
std::vector<bool> ProcessedSubVals(NextVar, false);
// Add a conjunct for each variable that represents a top-level conjunction
// value in `Vals`.
for (BoolValue *Val : Vals)
// Add conjuncts that represent the mapping between newly-created variables
// and their corresponding sub-values.
std::queue<BoolValue *> UnprocessedSubVals;
for (BoolValue *Val : Vals)
while (!UnprocessedSubVals.empty()) {
const BoolValue *Val = UnprocessedSubVals.front();
const Variable Var = GetVar(Val);
if (ProcessedSubVals[Var])
ProcessedSubVals[Var] = true;
if (auto *C = dyn_cast<ConjunctionValue>(Val)) {
const Variable LeftSubVar = GetVar(&C->getLeftSubValue());
const Variable RightSubVar = GetVar(&C->getRightSubValue());
if (LeftSubVar == RightSubVar) {
// `X <=> (A ^ A)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (X v !A)` which is
// already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
// conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar));
// Visit a sub-value of `Val` (pick any, they are identical).
} else {
// `X <=> (A ^ B)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (!X v B) ^ (X v !A v !B)`
// which is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
// conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar));
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), posLit(RightSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar), negLit(RightSubVar));
// Visit the sub-values of `Val`.
} else if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DisjunctionValue>(Val)) {
const Variable LeftSubVar = GetVar(&D->getLeftSubValue());
const Variable RightSubVar = GetVar(&D->getRightSubValue());
if (LeftSubVar == RightSubVar) {
// `X <=> (A v A)` is equivalent to `(!X v A) ^ (X v !A)` which is
// already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
// conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar));
// Visit a sub-value of `Val` (pick any, they are identical).
} else {
// `X <=> (A v B)` is equivalent to `(!X v A v B) ^ (X v !A) ^ (X v !B)`
// which is already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the
// conjuncts of the latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar), posLit(RightSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(RightSubVar));
// Visit the sub-values of `Val`.
} else if (auto *N = dyn_cast<NegationValue>(Val)) {
const Variable SubVar = GetVar(&N->getSubVal());
// `X <=> !Y` is equivalent to `(!X v !Y) ^ (X v Y)` which is already in
// conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of the
// latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), negLit(SubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), posLit(SubVar));
// Visit the sub-values of `Val`.
} else if (auto *I = dyn_cast<ImplicationValue>(Val)) {
const Variable LeftSubVar = GetVar(&I->getLeftSubValue());
const Variable RightSubVar = GetVar(&I->getRightSubValue());
// `X <=> (A => B)` is equivalent to
// `(X v A) ^ (X v !B) ^ (!X v !A v B)` which is already in
// conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of the
// latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(RightSubVar));
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar), posLit(RightSubVar));
// Visit the sub-values of `Val`.
} else if (auto *B = dyn_cast<BiconditionalValue>(Val)) {
const Variable LeftSubVar = GetVar(&B->getLeftSubValue());
const Variable RightSubVar = GetVar(&B->getRightSubValue());
if (LeftSubVar == RightSubVar) {
// `X <=> (A <=> A)` is equvalent to `X` which is already in
// conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts of the
// latter expression to the result.
// No need to visit the sub-values of `Val`.
} else {
// `X <=> (A <=> B)` is equivalent to
// `(X v A v B) ^ (X v !A v !B) ^ (!X v A v !B) ^ (!X v !A v B)` which is
// already in conjunctive normal form. Below we add each of the conjuncts
// of the latter expression to the result.
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar), posLit(RightSubVar));
Formula.addClause(posLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar), negLit(RightSubVar));
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), posLit(LeftSubVar), negLit(RightSubVar));
Formula.addClause(negLit(Var), negLit(LeftSubVar), posLit(RightSubVar));
// Visit the sub-values of `Val`.
return Formula;
class WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl {
/// A boolean formula in conjunctive normal form that the solver will attempt
/// to prove satisfiable. The formula will be modified in the process.
BooleanFormula Formula;
/// The search for a satisfying assignment of the variables in `Formula` will
/// proceed in levels, starting from 1 and going up to `Formula.LargestVar`
/// (inclusive). The current level is stored in `Level`. At each level the
/// solver will assign a value to an unassigned variable. If this leads to a
/// consistent partial assignment, `Level` will be incremented. Otherwise, if
/// it results in a conflict, the solver will backtrack by decrementing
/// `Level` until it reaches the most recent level where a decision was made.
size_t Level = 0;
/// Maps levels (indices of the vector) to variables (elements of the vector)
/// that are assigned values at the respective levels.
/// The element at index 0 isn't used. Variables start from the element at
/// index 1.
std::vector<Variable> LevelVars;
/// State of the solver at a particular level.
enum class State : uint8_t {
/// Indicates that the solver made a decision.
Decision = 0,
/// Indicates that the solver made a forced move.
Forced = 1,
/// State of the solver at a particular level. It keeps track of previous
/// decisions that the solver can refer to when backtracking.
/// The element at index 0 isn't used. States start from the element at index
/// 1.
std::vector<State> LevelStates;
enum class Assignment : int8_t {
Unassigned = -1,
AssignedFalse = 0,
AssignedTrue = 1
/// Maps variables (indices of the vector) to their assignments (elements of
/// the vector).
/// The element at index 0 isn't used. Variable assignments start from the
/// element at index 1.
std::vector<Assignment> VarAssignments;
/// A set of unassigned variables that appear in watched literals in
/// `Formula`. The vector is guaranteed to contain unique elements.
std::vector<Variable> ActiveVars;
explicit WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl(const llvm::DenseSet<BoolValue *> &Vals)
: Formula(buildBooleanFormula(Vals)), LevelVars(Formula.LargestVar + 1),
LevelStates(Formula.LargestVar + 1) {
// Initialize the state at the root level to a decision so that in
// `reverseForcedMoves` we don't have to check that `Level >= 0` on each
// iteration.
LevelStates[0] = State::Decision;
// Initialize all variables as unassigned.
VarAssignments.resize(Formula.LargestVar + 1, Assignment::Unassigned);
// Initialize the active variables.
for (Variable Var = Formula.LargestVar; Var != NullVar; --Var) {
if (isWatched(posLit(Var)) || isWatched(negLit(Var)))
Solver::Result solve() && {
size_t I = 0;
while (I < ActiveVars.size()) {
// Assert that the following invariants hold:
// 1. All active variables are unassigned.
// 2. All active variables form watched literals.
// 3. Unassigned variables that form watched literals are active.
// FIXME: Consider replacing these with test cases that fail if the any
// of the invariants is broken. That might not be easy due to the
// transformations performed by `buildBooleanFormula`.
const Variable ActiveVar = ActiveVars[I];
// Look for unit clauses that contain the active variable.
const bool unitPosLit = watchedByUnitClause(posLit(ActiveVar));
const bool unitNegLit = watchedByUnitClause(negLit(ActiveVar));
if (unitPosLit && unitNegLit) {
// We found a conflict!
// Backtrack and rewind the `Level` until the most recent non-forced
// assignment.
// If the root level is reached, then all possible assignments lead to
// a conflict.
if (Level == 0)
return Solver::Result::Unsatisfiable();
// Otherwise, take the other branch at the most recent level where a
// decision was made.
LevelStates[Level] = State::Forced;
const Variable Var = LevelVars[Level];
VarAssignments[Var] = VarAssignments[Var] == Assignment::AssignedTrue
? Assignment::AssignedFalse
: Assignment::AssignedTrue;
} else if (unitPosLit || unitNegLit) {
// We found a unit clause! The value of its unassigned variable is
// forced.
LevelVars[Level] = ActiveVar;
LevelStates[Level] = State::Forced;
VarAssignments[ActiveVar] =
unitPosLit ? Assignment::AssignedTrue : Assignment::AssignedFalse;
// Remove the variable that was just assigned from the set of active
// variables.
if (I + 1 < ActiveVars.size()) {
// Replace the variable that was just assigned with the last active
// variable for efficient removal.
ActiveVars[I] = ActiveVars.back();
} else {
// This was the last active variable. Repeat the process from the
// beginning.
I = 0;
} else if (I + 1 == ActiveVars.size()) {
// There are no remaining unit clauses in the formula! Make a decision
// for one of the active variables at the current level.
LevelVars[Level] = ActiveVar;
LevelStates[Level] = State::Decision;
VarAssignments[ActiveVar] = decideAssignment(ActiveVar);
// Remove the variable that was just assigned from the set of active
// variables.
// This was the last active variable. Repeat the process from the
// beginning.
I = 0;
} else {
return Solver::Result::Satisfiable(buildSolution());
/// Returns a satisfying truth assignment to the atomic values in the boolean
/// formula.
llvm::DenseMap<AtomicBoolValue *, Solver::Result::Assignment>
buildSolution() {
llvm::DenseMap<AtomicBoolValue *, Solver::Result::Assignment> Solution;
for (auto &Atomic : Formula.Atomics) {
// A variable may have a definite true/false assignment, or it may be
// unassigned indicating its truth value does not affect the result of
// the formula. Unassigned variables are assigned to true as a default.
Solution[Atomic.second] =
VarAssignments[Atomic.first] == Assignment::AssignedFalse
? Solver::Result::Assignment::AssignedFalse
: Solver::Result::Assignment::AssignedTrue;
return Solution;
/// Reverses forced moves until the most recent level where a decision was
/// made on the assignment of a variable.
void reverseForcedMoves() {
for (; LevelStates[Level] == State::Forced; --Level) {
const Variable Var = LevelVars[Level];
VarAssignments[Var] = Assignment::Unassigned;
// If the variable that we pass through is watched then we add it to the
// active variables.
if (isWatched(posLit(Var)) || isWatched(negLit(Var)))
/// Updates watched literals that are affected by a variable assignment.
void updateWatchedLiterals() {
const Variable Var = LevelVars[Level];
// Update the watched literals of clauses that currently watch the literal
// that falsifies `Var`.
const Literal FalseLit = VarAssignments[Var] == Assignment::AssignedTrue
? negLit(Var)
: posLit(Var);
ClauseID FalseLitWatcher = Formula.WatchedHead[FalseLit];
Formula.WatchedHead[FalseLit] = NullClause;
while (FalseLitWatcher != NullClause) {
const ClauseID NextFalseLitWatcher = Formula.NextWatched[FalseLitWatcher];
// Pick the first non-false literal as the new watched literal.
const size_t FalseLitWatcherStart = Formula.ClauseStarts[FalseLitWatcher];
size_t NewWatchedLitIdx = FalseLitWatcherStart + 1;
while (isCurrentlyFalse(Formula.Clauses[NewWatchedLitIdx]))
const Literal NewWatchedLit = Formula.Clauses[NewWatchedLitIdx];
const Variable NewWatchedLitVar = var(NewWatchedLit);
// Swap the old watched literal for the new one in `FalseLitWatcher` to
// maintain the invariant that the watched literal is at the beginning of
// the clause.
Formula.Clauses[NewWatchedLitIdx] = FalseLit;
Formula.Clauses[FalseLitWatcherStart] = NewWatchedLit;
// If the new watched literal isn't watched by any other clause and its
// variable isn't assigned we need to add it to the active variables.
if (!isWatched(NewWatchedLit) && !isWatched(notLit(NewWatchedLit)) &&
VarAssignments[NewWatchedLitVar] == Assignment::Unassigned)
Formula.NextWatched[FalseLitWatcher] = Formula.WatchedHead[NewWatchedLit];
Formula.WatchedHead[NewWatchedLit] = FalseLitWatcher;
// Go to the next clause that watches `FalseLit`.
FalseLitWatcher = NextFalseLitWatcher;
/// Returns true if and only if one of the clauses that watch `Lit` is a unit
/// clause.
bool watchedByUnitClause(Literal Lit) const {
for (ClauseID LitWatcher = Formula.WatchedHead[Lit];
LitWatcher != NullClause;
LitWatcher = Formula.NextWatched[LitWatcher]) {
llvm::ArrayRef<Literal> Clause = Formula.clauseLiterals(LitWatcher);
// Assert the invariant that the watched literal is always the first one
// in the clause.
// FIXME: Consider replacing this with a test case that fails if the
// invariant is broken by `updateWatchedLiterals`. That might not be easy
// due to the transformations performed by `buildBooleanFormula`.
assert(Clause.front() == Lit);
if (isUnit(Clause))
return true;
return false;
/// Returns true if and only if `Clause` is a unit clause.
bool isUnit(llvm::ArrayRef<Literal> Clause) const {
return llvm::all_of(Clause.drop_front(),
[this](Literal L) { return isCurrentlyFalse(L); });
/// Returns true if and only if `Lit` evaluates to `false` in the current
/// partial assignment.
bool isCurrentlyFalse(Literal Lit) const {
return static_cast<int8_t>(VarAssignments[var(Lit)]) ==
static_cast<int8_t>(Lit & 1);
/// Returns true if and only if `Lit` is watched by a clause in `Formula`.
bool isWatched(Literal Lit) const {
return Formula.WatchedHead[Lit] != NullClause;
/// Returns an assignment for an unassigned variable.
Assignment decideAssignment(Variable Var) const {
return !isWatched(posLit(Var)) || isWatched(negLit(Var))
? Assignment::AssignedFalse
: Assignment::AssignedTrue;
/// Returns a set of all watched literals.
llvm::DenseSet<Literal> watchedLiterals() const {
llvm::DenseSet<Literal> WatchedLiterals;
for (Literal Lit = 2; Lit < Formula.WatchedHead.size(); Lit++) {
if (Formula.WatchedHead[Lit] == NullClause)
return WatchedLiterals;
/// Returns true if and only if all active variables are unassigned.
bool activeVarsAreUnassigned() const {
return llvm::all_of(ActiveVars, [this](Variable Var) {
return VarAssignments[Var] == Assignment::Unassigned;
/// Returns true if and only if all active variables form watched literals.
bool activeVarsFormWatchedLiterals() const {
const llvm::DenseSet<Literal> WatchedLiterals = watchedLiterals();
return llvm::all_of(ActiveVars, [&WatchedLiterals](Variable Var) {
return WatchedLiterals.contains(posLit(Var)) ||
/// Returns true if and only if all unassigned variables that are forming
/// watched literals are active.
bool unassignedVarsFormingWatchedLiteralsAreActive() const {
const llvm::DenseSet<Variable> ActiveVarsSet(ActiveVars.begin(),
for (Literal Lit : watchedLiterals()) {
const Variable Var = var(Lit);
if (VarAssignments[Var] != Assignment::Unassigned)
if (ActiveVarsSet.contains(Var))
return false;
return true;
Solver::Result WatchedLiteralsSolver::solve(llvm::DenseSet<BoolValue *> Vals) {
return Vals.empty() ? Solver::Result::Satisfiable({{}})
: WatchedLiteralsSolverImpl(Vals).solve();
} // namespace dataflow
} // namespace clang