blob: e9edb40e02b64e956b57dc41c3adbba501d23435 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Forest.h - Parse forest, the output of the GLR parser ---*- C++-*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// A parse forest represents a set of possible parse trees efficiently, it is
// produced by the GLR parser.
// Despite the name, its data structure is a tree-like DAG with a single root.
// Multiple ways to parse the same tokens are presented as an ambiguous node
// with all possible interpretations as children.
// Common sub-parses are shared: if two interpretations both parse "1 + 1" as
// "expr := expr + expr", they will share a Sequence node representing the expr.
#include "clang-pseudo/Token.h"
#include "clang-pseudo/grammar/Grammar.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
#include <cstdint>
namespace clang {
namespace pseudo {
// A node represents ways to parse a sequence of tokens, it interprets a fixed
// range of tokens as a fixed grammar symbol.
// There are different kinds of nodes, some nodes have "children" (stored in a
// trailing array) and have pointers to them. "Children" has different semantics
// depending on the node kinds. For an Ambiguous node, it means all
// possible interpretations; for a Sequence node, it means each symbol on the
// right hand side of the production rule.
// Since this is a node in a DAG, a node may have multiple parents. And a node
// doesn't have parent pointers.
class alignas(class ForestNode *) ForestNode {
class RecursiveIterator;
enum Kind {
// A Terminal node is a single terminal symbol bound to a token.
// A Sequence node is a nonterminal symbol parsed from a grammar rule,
// elements() are the parses of each symbol on the RHS of the rule.
// If the rule is A := X Y Z, the node is for nonterminal A, and elements()
// are [X, Y, Z].
// An Ambiguous node exposes multiple ways to interpret the code as the
// same symbol, alternatives() are all possible parses.
// An Opaque node is a placeholder. It asserts that tokens match a symbol,
// without saying how.
// It is used for lazy-parsing (not parsed yet), or error-recovery (invalid
// code).
Kind kind() const { return K; }
SymbolID symbol() const { return Symbol; }
// The start of the token range, it is a poistion within a token stream.
Token::Index startTokenIndex() const { return StartIndex; }
// Returns the corresponding grammar rule.
// REQUIRES: this is a Sequence node.
RuleID rule() const {
assert(kind() == Sequence);
return Data & ((1 << RuleBits) - 1);
// Returns the parses of each element on the RHS of the rule.
// REQUIRES: this is a Sequence node;
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> elements() const {
assert(kind() == Sequence);
return children(Data >> RuleBits);
llvm::MutableArrayRef<ForestNode *> elements() {
assert(kind() == Sequence);
return children(Data >> RuleBits);
// Returns all possible interpretations of the code.
// REQUIRES: this is an Ambiguous node.
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> alternatives() const {
assert(kind() == Ambiguous);
return children(Data);
llvm::MutableArrayRef<ForestNode *> alternatives() {
assert(kind() == Ambiguous);
return children(Data);
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> children() const {
switch (kind()) {
case Sequence:
return elements();
case Ambiguous:
return alternatives();
case Terminal:
case Opaque:
return {};
llvm_unreachable("Bad kind");
// Iteration over all nodes in the forest, including this.
llvm::iterator_range<RecursiveIterator> descendants() const;
std::string dump(const Grammar &) const;
std::string dumpRecursive(const Grammar &, bool Abbreviated = false) const;
friend class ForestArena;
ForestNode(Kind K, SymbolID Symbol, Token::Index StartIndex, uint16_t Data)
: StartIndex(StartIndex), K(K), Symbol(Symbol), Data(Data) {}
ForestNode(const ForestNode &) = delete;
ForestNode &operator=(const ForestNode &) = delete;
ForestNode(ForestNode &&) = delete;
ForestNode &operator=(ForestNode &&) = delete;
static uint16_t sequenceData(RuleID Rule,
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> Elements) {
assert(Rule < (1 << RuleBits));
assert(Elements.size() < (1 << (16 - RuleBits)));
return Rule | Elements.size() << RuleBits;
static uint16_t
ambiguousData(llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> Alternatives) {
return Alternatives.size();
// Retrieves the trailing array.
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> children(uint16_t Num) const {
return llvm::ArrayRef(reinterpret_cast<ForestNode *const *>(this + 1), Num);
llvm::MutableArrayRef<ForestNode *> children(uint16_t Num) {
return llvm::MutableArrayRef(reinterpret_cast<ForestNode **>(this + 1),
Token::Index StartIndex;
Kind K : 4;
SymbolID Symbol : SymbolBits;
// Sequence - child count : 4 | RuleID : RuleBits (12)
// Ambiguous - child count : 16
// Terminal, Opaque - unused
uint16_t Data;
// An array of ForestNode* following the object.
// ForestNode may not be destroyed (for BumpPtrAllocator).
// A memory arena for the parse forest.
class ForestArena {
llvm::ArrayRef<ForestNode> createTerminals(const TokenStream &Code);
ForestNode &createSequence(SymbolID SID, RuleID RID,
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> Elements) {
return create(ForestNode::Sequence, SID,
ForestNode::sequenceData(RID, Elements), Elements);
ForestNode &createAmbiguous(SymbolID SID,
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> Alternatives) {
[SID](const ForestNode *Alternative) {
return SID == Alternative->symbol();
}) &&
"Ambiguous alternatives must represent the same symbol!");
return create(ForestNode::Ambiguous, SID,
ForestNode::ambiguousData(Alternatives), Alternatives);
ForestNode &createOpaque(SymbolID SID, Token::Index Start) {
return create(ForestNode::Opaque, SID, Start, 0, {});
ForestNode &createTerminal(tok::TokenKind TK, Token::Index Start) {
return create(ForestNode::Terminal, tokenSymbol(TK), Start, 0, {});
size_t nodeCount() const { return NodeCount; }
size_t bytes() const { return Arena.getBytesAllocated() + sizeof(*this); }
ForestNode &create(ForestNode::Kind K, SymbolID SID, Token::Index Start,
uint16_t Data,
llvm::ArrayRef<const ForestNode *> Elements) {
ForestNode *New = new (Arena.Allocate(
sizeof(ForestNode) + Elements.size() * sizeof(ForestNode *),
alignof(ForestNode))) ForestNode(K, SID, Start, Data);
if (!Elements.empty())
llvm::copy(Elements, reinterpret_cast<const ForestNode **>(New + 1));
return *New;
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator Arena;
uint32_t NodeCount = 0;
class ForestNode::RecursiveIterator
: public llvm::iterator_facade_base<ForestNode::RecursiveIterator,
const ForestNode> {
llvm::DenseSet<const ForestNode *> Seen;
struct StackFrame {
const ForestNode *Parent;
unsigned ChildIndex;
std::vector<StackFrame> Stack;
const ForestNode *Cur;
RecursiveIterator(const ForestNode *N = nullptr) : Cur(N) {}
const ForestNode &operator*() const { return *Cur; }
void operator++();
bool operator==(const RecursiveIterator &I) const { return Cur == I.Cur; }
bool operator!=(const RecursiveIterator &I) const { return !(*this == I); }
} // namespace pseudo
} // namespace clang