blob: 6a2b8d3b6ded6110ef2178b596f414ce1cdd12e3 [file] [log] [blame]
Extra Clang Tools |release| |ReleaseNotesTitle|
.. contents::
:depth: 3
Written by the `LLVM Team <>`_
.. only:: PreRelease
.. warning::
These are in-progress notes for the upcoming Extra Clang Tools |version| release.
Release notes for previous releases can be found on
`the Download Page <>`_.
This document contains the release notes for the Extra Clang Tools, part of the
Clang release |release|. Here we describe the status of the Extra Clang Tools in
some detail, including major improvements from the previous release and new
feature work. All LLVM releases may be downloaded from the `LLVM releases web
site <>`_.
For more information about Clang or LLVM, including information about
the latest release, please see the `Clang Web Site <>`_ or
the `LLVM Web Site <>`_.
Note that if you are reading this file from a Git checkout or the
main Clang web page, this document applies to the *next* release, not
the current one. To see the release notes for a specific release, please
see the `releases page <>`_.
What's New in Extra Clang Tools |release|?
Some of the major new features and improvements to Extra Clang Tools are listed
here. Generic improvements to Extra Clang Tools as a whole or to its underlying
infrastructure are described first, followed by tool-specific sections.
Major New Features
Improvements to clangd
Inlay hints
Semantic Highlighting
Compile flags
Code completion
Code actions
- The tweak for turning unscoped into scoped enums now removes redundant prefixes
from the enum values.
Signature help
Improvements to clang-doc
Improvements to clang-query
The improvements are...
Improvements to clang-rename
The improvements are...
Improvements to clang-tidy
- Improved :program:`` script. Added argument `-source-filter`
to filter source files from the compilation database, via a RegEx. In a
similar fashion to what `-header-filter` does for header files.
- Improved :program:`` script. Added argument `-export-fixes`
to aid in clang-tidy and test development.
- Fixed bug where big values for unsigned check options overflowed into negative values
when being printed with `--dump-config`.
- Fixed `--verify-config` option not properly parsing checks when using the
literal operator in the `.clang-tidy` config.
New checks
- New :doc:`bugprone-crtp-constructor-accessibility
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/crtp-constructor-accessibility>` check.
Detects error-prone Curiously Recurring Template Pattern usage, when the CRTP
can be constructed outside itself and the derived class.
- New :doc:`bugprone-return-const-ref-from-parameter
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/return-const-ref-from-parameter>` check.
Detects return statements that return a constant reference parameter as constant
reference. This may cause use-after-free errors if the caller uses xvalues as
- New :doc:`bugprone-suspicious-stringview-data-usage
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/suspicious-stringview-data-usage>` check.
Identifies suspicious usages of ``std::string_view::data()`` that could lead
to reading out-of-bounds data due to inadequate or incorrect string null
- New :doc:`modernize-min-max-use-initializer-list
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/min-max-use-initializer-list>` check.
Replaces nested ``std::min`` and ``std::max`` calls with an initializer list
where applicable.
- New :doc:`modernize-use-designated-initializers
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-designated-initializers>` check.
Finds initializer lists for aggregate types that could be
written as designated initializers instead.
- New :doc:`readability-enum-initial-value
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/enum-initial-value>` check.
Enforces consistent style for enumerators' initialization, covering three
styles: none, first only, or all initialized explicitly.
- New :doc:`readability-math-missing-parentheses
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/math-missing-parentheses>` check.
Check for missing parentheses in mathematical expressions that involve
operators of different priorities.
- New :doc:`readability-use-std-min-max
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/use-std-min-max>` check.
Replaces certain conditional statements with equivalent calls to
``std::min`` or ``std::max``.
New check aliases
- New alias :doc:`cert-int09-c <clang-tidy/checks/cert/int09-c>` to
:doc:`readability-enum-initial-value <clang-tidy/checks/readability/enum-initial-value>`
was added.
Changes in existing checks
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-assert-side-effect
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/assert-side-effect>` check by detecting side
effect from calling a method with non-const reference parameters.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-casting-through-void
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/casting-through-void>` check by ignoring casts
where source is already a ``void``` pointer, making middle ``void`` pointer
casts bug-free.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-forwarding-reference-overload
check to ignore deleted constructors which won't hide other overloads.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-inc-dec-in-conditions
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/inc-dec-in-conditions>` check to ignore code
within unevaluated contexts, such as ``decltype``.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-lambda-function-name<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/lambda-function-name>`
check by ignoring ``__func__`` macro in lambda captures, initializers of
default parameters and nested function declarations.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-non-zero-enum-to-bool-conversion
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/non-zero-enum-to-bool-conversion>` check by
eliminating false positives resulting from direct usage of bitwise operators
within parentheses.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-suspicious-include
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/suspicious-include>` check by replacing the local
options `HeaderFileExtensions` and `ImplementationFileExtensions` by the
global options of the same name.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-too-small-loop-variable
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/too-small-loop-variable>` check by incorporating
better support for ``const`` loop boundaries.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-unused-local-non-trivial-variable
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unused-local-non-trivial-variable>` check by
ignoring local variable with ``[maybe_unused]`` attribute.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-unused-return-value
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/unused-return-value>` check by updating the
parameter `CheckedFunctions` to support regexp, avoiding false positive for
function with the same prefix as the default argument, e.g. ``std::unique_ptr``
and ``std::unique``, avoiding false positive for assignment operator overloading.
- Improved :doc:`bugprone-use-after-move
<clang-tidy/checks/bugprone/use-after-move>` check to also handle
calls to ``std::forward``.
- Improved :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-missing-std-forward
<clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/missing-std-forward>` check by no longer
giving false positives for deleted functions, by fixing false negatives when only
a few parameters are forwarded and by ignoring parameters without a name (unused
- Improved :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-owning-memory
<clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/owning-memory>` check to properly handle
return type in lambdas and in nested functions.
- Improved :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-prefer-member-initializer
<clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/prefer-member-initializer>` check
by removing enforcement of rule `C.48
which was deprecated since :program:`clang-tidy` 17. This rule is now covered
by :doc:`cppcoreguidelines-use-default-member-init
<clang-tidy/checks/cppcoreguidelines/use-default-member-init>`. Fixed
incorrect hints when using list-initialization.
- Improved :doc:`google-build-namespaces
<clang-tidy/checks/google/build-namespaces>` check by replacing the local
option `HeaderFileExtensions` by the global option of the same name.
- Improved :doc:`google-explicit-constructor
<clang-tidy/checks/google/explicit-constructor>` check to better handle
C++20 `explicit(bool)`.
- Improved :doc:`google-global-names-in-headers
<clang-tidy/checks/google/global-names-in-headers>` check by replacing the local
option `HeaderFileExtensions` by the global option of the same name.
- Improved :doc:`google-runtime-int <clang-tidy/checks/google/runtime-int>`
check performance through optimizations.
- Improved :doc:`hicpp-signed-bitwise <clang-tidy/checks/hicpp/signed-bitwise>`
check by ignoring false positives involving positive integer literals behind
implicit casts when `IgnorePositiveIntegerLiterals` is enabled.
- Improved :doc:`hicpp-ignored-remove-result <clang-tidy/checks/hicpp/ignored-remove-result>`
check by ignoring other functions with same prefixes as the target specific
- Improved :doc:`linuxkernel-must-check-errs
<clang-tidy/checks/linuxkernel/must-check-errs>` check documentation to
consistently use the check's proper name.
- Improved :doc:`llvm-header-guard
<clang-tidy/checks/llvm/header-guard>` check by replacing the local
option `HeaderFileExtensions` by the global option of the same name.
- Improved :doc:`misc-const-correctness
<clang-tidy/checks/misc/const-correctness>` check by avoiding infinite recursion
for recursive functions with forwarding reference parameters and reference
variables which refer to themselves.
- Improved :doc:`misc-definitions-in-headers
<clang-tidy/checks/misc/definitions-in-headers>` check by replacing the local
option `HeaderFileExtensions` by the global option of the same name.
Additionally, the option `UseHeaderFileExtensions` is removed, so that the
check uses the `HeaderFileExtensions` option unconditionally.
- Improved :doc:`misc-unused-using-decls
<clang-tidy/checks/misc/unused-using-decls>` check by replacing the local
option `HeaderFileExtensions` by the global option of the same name.
- Improved :doc:`misc-use-anonymous-namespace
<clang-tidy/checks/misc/use-anonymous-namespace>` check by replacing the local
option `HeaderFileExtensions` by the global option of the same name.
- Improved :doc:`modernize-avoid-c-arrays
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/avoid-c-arrays>` check by introducing the new
`AllowStringArrays` option, enabling the exclusion of array types with deduced
length initialized from string literals.
- Improved :doc:`modernize-loop-convert
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/loop-convert>` check by ensuring that fix-its
don't remove parentheses used in ``sizeof`` calls when they have array index
accesses as arguments.
- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-nullptr
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-nullptr>` check to include support for C23,
which also has introduced the ``nullptr`` keyword.
- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-override
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-override>` check to also remove any trailing
whitespace when deleting the ``virtual`` keyword.
- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-starts-ends-with
<clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-starts-ends-with>` check to also handle
calls to ``compare`` method.
- Improved :doc:`modernize-use-using <clang-tidy/checks/modernize/use-using>`
check by adding support for detection of typedefs declared on function level.
- Improved :doc:`performance-unnecessary-copy-initialization
<clang-tidy/checks/performance/unnecessary-copy-initialization>` check by
detecting more cases of constant access. In particular, pointers can be
analyzed, se the check now handles the common patterns
`const auto e = (*vector_ptr)[i]` and `const auto e = vector_ptr->at(i);`.
- Improved :doc:`readability-avoid-return-with-void-value
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/avoid-return-with-void-value>` check by adding
- Improved :doc:`readability-const-return-type
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/const-return-type>` check to eliminate false
positives when returning types with const not at the top level.
- Improved :doc:`readability-duplicate-include
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/duplicate-include>` check by excluding include
directives that form the filename using macro.
- Improved :doc:`readability-identifier-naming
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/identifier-naming>` check in `GetConfigPerFile`
mode by resolving symbolic links to header files. Fixed handling of Hungarian
Prefix when configured to `LowerCase`. Added support for renaming designated
initializers. Added support for renaming macro arguments.
- Improved :doc:`readability-implicit-bool-conversion
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/implicit-bool-conversion>` check to provide
valid fix suggestions for ``static_cast`` without a preceding space and
fixed problem with duplicate parentheses in double implicit casts.
- Improved :doc:`readability-redundant-inline-specifier
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/redundant-inline-specifier>` check to properly
emit warnings for static data member with an in-class initializer.
- Improved :doc:`readability-static-accessed-through-instance
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/static-accessed-through-instance>` check to
support calls to overloaded operators as base expression and provide fixes to
expressions with side-effects.
- Improved :doc:`readability-simplify-boolean-expr
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/simplify-boolean-expr>` check to avoid to emit
warning for macro when IgnoreMacro option is enabled.
- Improved :doc:`readability-static-definition-in-anonymous-namespace
check by resolving fix-it overlaps in template code by disregarding implicit
- Improved :doc:`readability-string-compare
<clang-tidy/checks/readability/string-compare>` check to also detect
usages of ``std::string_view::compare``. Added a `StringLikeClasses` option
to detect usages of ``compare`` method in custom string-like classes.
Removed checks
- Removed `cert-dcl21-cpp`, which was deprecated since :program:`clang-tidy` 17,
since the rule DCL21-CPP has been removed from the CERT guidelines.
- Fixed incorrect formatting in :program:`clang-apply-replacements` when no
`--format` option is specified. Now :program:`clang-apply-replacements`
applies formatting only with the option.
Improvements to include-fixer
The improvements are...
Improvements to clang-include-fixer
The improvements are...
Improvements to modularize
The improvements are...
Improvements to pp-trace
Clang-tidy Visual Studio plugin