blob: e4864054fa110479af59f434431116c62ed63c0b [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DiffEngine.h - File comparator --------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This header defines the interface to the llvm-tapi difference engine,
// which structurally compares two tbd files.
#include "llvm/Object/TapiUniversal.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/Symbol.h"
#include "llvm/TextAPI/Target.h"
namespace llvm {
/// InterfaceInputOrder determines from which file the diff attribute belongs
/// to.
enum InterfaceInputOrder { lhs, rhs };
/// DiffAttrKind is the enum that holds the concrete bases for RTTI.
enum DiffAttrKind {
/// AttributeDiff is the abstract class for RTTI.
class AttributeDiff {
AttributeDiff(DiffAttrKind Kind) : Kind(Kind){};
virtual ~AttributeDiff(){};
DiffAttrKind getKind() const { return Kind; }
DiffAttrKind Kind;
/// DiffOutput is the representation of a diff for a single attribute.
struct DiffOutput {
/// The name of the attribute.
std::string Name;
/// The kind for RTTI
DiffAttrKind Kind;
/// Different values for the attribute
/// from each file where a diff is present.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AttributeDiff>> Values;
DiffOutput(std::string Name) : Name(Name){};
/// DiffScalarVal is a template class for the different types of scalar values.
template <class T, DiffAttrKind U> class DiffScalarVal : public AttributeDiff {
DiffScalarVal(InterfaceInputOrder Order, T Val)
: AttributeDiff(U), Order(Order), Val(Val){};
static bool classof(const AttributeDiff *A) { return A->getKind() == U; }
void print(raw_ostream &, std::string);
T getVal() const { return Val; }
InterfaceInputOrder getOrder() const { return Order; }
/// The order is the file from which the diff is found.
InterfaceInputOrder Order;
T Val;
/// SymScalar is the diff symbol and the order.
class SymScalar {
SymScalar(InterfaceInputOrder Order, const MachO::Symbol *Sym)
: Order(Order), Val(Sym){};
std::string getFlagString(MachO::SymbolFlags Flags) {
return Flags != MachO::SymbolFlags::None
? " - " + stringifySymbolFlag(Flags)
: stringifySymbolFlag(Flags);
void print(raw_ostream &OS, std::string Indent, MachO::Target Targ);
const MachO::Symbol *getVal() const { return Val; }
InterfaceInputOrder getOrder() const { return Order; }
/// The order is the file from which the diff is found.
InterfaceInputOrder Order;
const MachO::Symbol *Val;
StringLiteral getSymbolNamePrefix(MachO::SymbolKind Kind);
std::string stringifySymbolFlag(MachO::SymbolFlags Flag);
class DiffStrVec : public AttributeDiff {
MachO::Target Targ;
/// Values is a vector of StringRef values associated with the target.
std::vector<DiffScalarVal<StringRef, AD_Diff_Scalar_Str>> TargValues;
DiffStrVec(MachO::Target Targ) : AttributeDiff(AD_Str_Vec), Targ(Targ){};
static bool classof(const AttributeDiff *A) {
return A->getKind() == AD_Str_Vec;
class DiffSymVec : public AttributeDiff {
MachO::Target Targ;
/// Values is a vector of symbol values associated with the target.
std::vector<SymScalar> TargValues;
DiffSymVec(MachO::Target Targ) : AttributeDiff(AD_Sym_Vec), Targ(Targ){};
static bool classof(const AttributeDiff *A) {
return A->getKind() == AD_Sym_Vec;
/// InlineDoc represents an inlined framework/library in a TBD File.
class InlineDoc : public AttributeDiff {
/// Install name of the framework/library.
std::string InstallName;
/// Differences found from each file.
std::vector<DiffOutput> DocValues;
InlineDoc(StringRef InstName, std::vector<DiffOutput> Diff)
: AttributeDiff(AD_Inline_Doc), InstallName(InstName),
static bool classof(const AttributeDiff *A) {
return A->getKind() == AD_Inline_Doc;
/// DiffEngine contains the methods to compare the input files and print the
/// output of the differences found in the files.
class DiffEngine {
DiffEngine(object::TapiUniversal *InputFileNameLHS,
object::TapiUniversal *InputFileNameRHS)
: FileLHS(InputFileNameLHS), FileRHS(InputFileNameRHS){};
bool compareFiles(raw_ostream &);
object::TapiUniversal *FileLHS;
object::TapiUniversal *FileRHS;
/// Function that prints the differences found in the files.
void printDifferences(raw_ostream &, const std::vector<DiffOutput> &, int);
/// Function that does the comparison of the TBD files and returns the
/// differences.
std::vector<DiffOutput> findDifferences(const MachO::InterfaceFile *,
const MachO::InterfaceFile *);
} // namespace llvm