blob: e66d1821142b3a88d1358ce07d4083de03b628c2 [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -O0 -opaque-pointers=0 -mtriple=spirv64-unknown-unknown %s -o - | FileCheck %s
;; Image types may be represented in two ways while translating to SPIR-V:
;; - OpenCL form, for example, '%opencl.image2d_ro_t',
;; - SPIR-V form, for example, '%spirv.Image._void_1_0_0_0_0_0_0',
;; but it is still one type which should be translated to one SPIR-V type.
;; The test checks that the code below is successfully translated and only one
;; SPIR-V type for images is generated.
; CHECK: OpTypeImage
; CHECK-NOT: OpTypeImage
%opencl.image2d_ro_t = type opaque
%spirv.Image._void_1_0_0_0_0_0_0 = type opaque
define spir_kernel void @read_image(%opencl.image2d_ro_t addrspace(1)* %srcimg) {
%srcimg.addr = alloca %opencl.image2d_ro_t addrspace(1)*, align 8
%spirvimg.addr = alloca %spirv.Image._void_1_0_0_0_0_0_0 addrspace(1)*, align 8
store %opencl.image2d_ro_t addrspace(1)* %srcimg, %opencl.image2d_ro_t addrspace(1)** %srcimg.addr, align 8
ret void