blob: d8bd70acbfae41e0f03febd4783c02145aa962ba [file] [log] [blame]
# RUN: llc -ppc-asm-full-reg-names -mtriple=powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu \
# RUN: -run-pass=early-tailduplication,ppc-ctrloops %s -o - -verify-machineinstrs 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
--- |
target datalayout = "e-m:e-i64:64-n32:64-S128-v256:256:256-v512:512:512"
target triple = "powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu"
define dso_local void @test() local_unnamed_addr #0 {
%_val_domain_ = load i32, ptr undef, align 4
%_conv765 = sext i32 %_val_domain_ to i64
br i1 undef, label %_label_42, label %_loop_40_loopHeader_
_loop_40_loopHeader_: ; preds = %test_entry
%_val_flags_1020 = load i32, ptr undef, align 4
%0 = and i32 %_val_flags_1020, 1
%_cond_conv_1022.not = icmp eq i32 %0, 0
%1 = sub i64 1, %_conv765
%smax = call i64 @llvm.smax.i64(i64 %1, i64 1)
br label %_label_43
_label_43.loopexit: ; preds = %_loop_44_loopHeader_ = add i64 %lsr.iv, -1
br label %_label_43
_label_43: ; preds = %_label_43.loopexit, %_loop_40_loopHeader_
%lsr.iv = phi i64 [, %_label_43.loopexit ], [ undef, %_loop_40_loopHeader_ ]
call void @llvm.set.loop.iterations.i64(i64 %smax)
br label %_loop_44_do_
_loop_44_loopHeader_: ; preds = %_loop_44_do_
%2 = call i1 @llvm.loop.decrement.i64(i64 1)
br i1 %2, label %_loop_44_do_, label %_label_43.loopexit
_loop_44_do_: ; preds = %_loop_44_loopHeader_, %_label_43
br i1 %_cond_conv_1022.not, label %_label_42.loopexit, label %_loop_44_loopHeader_
_label_42.loopexit: ; preds = %_loop_44_do_
%3 = trunc i64 %lsr.iv to i32
store i32 %3, ptr undef, align 4
_label_42: ; preds = %test_entry
; Function Attrs: nocallback nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn
declare i64 @llvm.smax.i64(i64, i64) #1
; Function Attrs: nocallback noduplicate nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
declare void @llvm.set.loop.iterations.i64(i64) #2
; Function Attrs: nocallback noduplicate nofree nosync nounwind willreturn
declare i1 @llvm.loop.decrement.i64(i64) #2
attributes #0 = { "unsafe-fp-math"="true" }
attributes #1 = { nocallback nofree nosync nounwind readnone speculatable willreturn }
attributes #2 = { nocallback noduplicate nofree nosync nounwind willreturn }
!llvm.ident = !{!0}
!0 = !{!""}
name: test
# CHECK: test
alignment: 16
exposesReturnsTwice: false
legalized: false
regBankSelected: false
selected: false
failedISel: false
tracksRegLiveness: true
hasWinCFI: false
callsEHReturn: false
callsUnwindInit: false
hasEHCatchret: false
hasEHScopes: false
hasEHFunclets: false
failsVerification: false
tracksDebugUserValues: false
- { id: 0, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 1, class: crbitrc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 2, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 3, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 4, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 5, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 6, class: crbitrc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 7, class: g8rc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 8, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 9, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 10, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 11, class: crrc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 12, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 13, class: crbitrc, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 14, class: g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0, preferred-register: '' }
- { id: 15, class: gprc, preferred-register: '' }
liveins: []
isFrameAddressTaken: false
isReturnAddressTaken: false
hasStackMap: false
hasPatchPoint: false
stackSize: 0
offsetAdjustment: 0
maxAlignment: 1
adjustsStack: false
hasCalls: false
stackProtector: ''
functionContext: ''
maxCallFrameSize: 4294967295
cvBytesOfCalleeSavedRegisters: 0
hasOpaqueSPAdjustment: false
hasVAStart: false
hasMustTailInVarArgFunc: false
hasTailCall: false
localFrameSize: 0
savePoint: ''
restorePoint: ''
fixedStack: []
stack: []
callSites: []
debugValueSubstitutions: []
constants: []
machineFunctionInfo: {}
body: |
successors: %bb.7(0x40000000), %bb.1(0x40000000)
%5:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = IMPLICIT_DEF
%0:g8rc = LWA 0, killed %5 :: (load (s32) from `ptr undef`)
%6:crbitrc = IMPLICIT_DEF
BC killed %6, %bb.7
B %bb.1
successors: %bb.3(0x80000000)
%9:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = IMPLICIT_DEF
%8:gprc = LWZ 0, %9 :: (load (s32) from `ptr undef`)
%15:gprc = ANDI_rec %8, 1, implicit-def $cr0
%1:crbitrc = COPY $cr0eq
%10:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = SUBFIC8 %0, 1, implicit-def dead $carry
%11:crrc = CMPDI %10, 1
%12:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = LI8 1
%2:g8rc = ISEL8 %10, %12, %11.sub_gt
%7:g8rc = IMPLICIT_DEF
B %bb.3
successors: %bb.3(0x80000000)
%3:g8rc = ADDI8 %4, -1
successors: %bb.5(0x80000000)
%4:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = PHI %7, %bb.1, %3, %bb.2
MTCTR8loop %2, implicit-def dead $ctr8
B %bb.5
successors: %bb.5(0x7c000000), %bb.2(0x04000000)
%13:crbitrc = DecreaseCTR8loop 1, implicit-def dead $ctr8, implicit $ctr8
BCn killed %13, %bb.2
B %bb.5
successors: %bb.6(0x00000000), %bb.4(0x80000000)
BCn %1, %bb.4
B %bb.6
%14:g8rc_and_g8rc_nox0 = IMPLICIT_DEF
STW8 %4, 0, killed %14 :: (store (s32) into `ptr undef`)