blob: d55b9b72674848a4af89d4b3d21ed93d05886bec [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc --mtriple=loongarch32 --filetype=obj %s -o %t-la32
; RUN: llvm-readelf -h %t-la32 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=ILP32,ABI-D --match-full-lines
; RUN: llc --mtriple=loongarch64 --filetype=obj %s -o %t-la64
; RUN: llvm-readelf -h %t-la64 | FileCheck %s --check-prefixes=LP64,ABI-D --match-full-lines
;; Note that we have not support the -target-abi option to select specific ABI.
;; See comments in LoongArchELFStreamer.cpp. So here we only check the default behaviour.
;; After -target-abi is supported, we can add more tests.
; LP64: Class: ELF64
; ILP32: Class: ELF32
; ABI-D: Flags: 0x43, DOUBLE-FLOAT, OBJ-v1
define void @foo() {
ret void