blob: ad22c1b06cf49e7e4216efb257fd8bbf4036c97a [file] [log] [blame]
; RUN: llc -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -mcpu=gfx908 -verify-machineinstrs -stop-after=amdgpu-isel -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=GCN %s
define void @test() #1 {
; Clean up the unreachable blocks introduced with LowerSwitch pass.
; This test ensures that, in the pass flow, UnreachableBlockElim pass
; follows the LowerSwitch. Otherwise, this testcase will crash
; immediately after the instruction selection due to the incomplete
; PHI node in an MBB whose incoming values were never codegenerated.
; GCN-LABEL: name: test
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.entry:
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.Flow1:
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.entry.true.blk:
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.entry.false.blk:
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.switch.blk:
; GCN-NOT: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.preheader.blk
; GCN-NOT: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.pre.false.blk:
; GCN-NOT: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.unreach.blk:
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.Flow:
; GCN: bb.{{[0-9]+}}.UnifiedReturnBlock:
%idx = tail call i32 #0
br i1 undef, label %entry.true.blk, label %entry.false.blk
entry.true.blk: ; preds = %entry
%exit.cmp = icmp ult i32 %idx, 3
br i1 %exit.cmp, label %switch.blk, label %exit
entry.false.blk: ; preds = %entry
switch.blk: ; preds = %entry.true.blk
switch i32 %idx, label %preheader.blk [
i32 0, label %exit
i32 1, label %exit
i32 2, label %exit
preheader.blk: ; preds = %switch.blk
%pre.exit = icmp ult i32 %idx, 5
br i1 %pre.exit, label %unreach.blk, label %pre.false.blk
pre.false.blk: ; preds = %preheader.blk
%call.pre.false = tail call i32 @func(i32 %idx) #0
br label %unreach.blk
unreach.blk: ; preds = %preheader.blk, %pre.false.blk
%phi.val = phi i32 [ %call.pre.false, %pre.false.blk ], [ undef, %preheader.blk ]
store i32 %phi.val, ptr undef
exit: ; preds = %switch.blk
ret void
declare i32 #0
declare i32 @func(i32)#0
attributes #0 = { nounwind readnone }
attributes #1 = { nounwind }