blob: a517eff05b078558b38fe7eb70232f69a1053fb8 [file] [log] [blame]
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/
; RUN: llc < %s | FileCheck %s
target triple = "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu"
; Ensure that a no-op 'and' get removed with vector splat of 1 or ptrue with proper constant
define <vscale x 16 x i1> @fold_away_ptrue_and_ptrue() #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fold_away_ptrue_and_ptrue:
; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: ptrue p0.s
%0 = call <vscale x 4 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv4i1(i32 31)
%1 = call <vscale x 16 x i1><vscale x 4 x i1> %0)
%2 = call <vscale x 16 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv16i1(i32 31)
%and = and <vscale x 16 x i1> %2, %1
ret <vscale x 16 x i1> %and
define <vscale x 16 x i1> @fold_away_ptrue_and_splat_predicate() #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fold_away_ptrue_and_splat_predicate:
; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: ptrue p0.s
%ins = insertelement <vscale x 4 x i1> undef, i1 1, i32 0
%splat = shufflevector <vscale x 4 x i1> %ins, <vscale x 4 x i1> undef, <vscale x 4 x i32> zeroinitializer
%0 = call <vscale x 16 x i1><vscale x 4 x i1> %splat)
%1 = call <vscale x 16 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv16i1(i32 31)
%and = and <vscale x 16 x i1> %0, %1
ret <vscale x 16 x i1> %and
; Ensure that one AND operation remain for inactive lanes zeroing with 2 x i1 type (
define <vscale x 16 x i1> @fold_away_ptrue_and_convert_to() #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fold_away_ptrue_and_convert_to:
; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: ptrue p0.s
; CHECK-NEXT: ptrue p1.d
; CHECK-NEXT: and p0.b, p1/z, p1.b, p0.b
%0 = call <vscale x 4 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv4i1(i32 31)
%1 = call <vscale x 16 x i1><vscale x 4 x i1> %0)
%2 = call <vscale x 16 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv16i1(i32 31)
%3 = call <vscale x 2 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.convert.from.svbool.nxv2i1(<vscale x 16 x i1> %2)
%4 = call <vscale x 16 x i1><vscale x 2 x i1> %3)
%and = and <vscale x 16 x i1> %4, %1
ret <vscale x 16 x i1> %and
define <vscale x 16 x i1> @fold_away_two_similar() #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fold_away_two_similar:
; CHECK: // %bb.0: // %entry
; CHECK-NEXT: ptrue p0.b
%0 = call <vscale x 16 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv16i1(i32 31)
%1 = call <vscale x 16 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv16i1(i32 31)
%and = and <vscale x 16 x i1> %0, %1
ret <vscale x 16 x i1> %and
declare <vscale x 4 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv4i1(i32 immarg)
declare <vscale x 16 x i1><vscale x 4 x i1>)
declare <vscale x 16 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.ptrue.nxv16i1(i32 immarg)
declare <vscale x 2 x i1> @llvm.aarch64.sve.convert.from.svbool.nxv2i1(<vscale x 16 x i1>)
declare <vscale x 16 x i1><vscale x 2 x i1>)
attributes #0 = { "target-features"="+sve" }