blob: f3bcacbf0254408d6ddabc0ccece3c5630fe1311 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- unittest/Format/IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest.cpp --------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "clang/Format/Format.h"
#include "../Tooling/ReplacementTest.h"
#include "FormatTestUtils.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "integer-literal-separator-test"
namespace clang {
namespace format {
namespace {
// TODO:
// Refactor the class declaration, which is copied from BracesInserterTest.cpp.
class IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest : public ::testing::Test {
std::string format(llvm::StringRef Code, const FormatStyle &Style,
const std::vector<tooling::Range> &Ranges) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "---\n");
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::errs() << Code << "\n\n");
auto NonEmptyRanges = Ranges;
if (Ranges.empty())
NonEmptyRanges = {1, tooling::Range(0, Code.size())};
FormattingAttemptStatus Status;
tooling::Replacements Replaces =
reformat(Style, Code, NonEmptyRanges, "<stdin>", &Status);
EXPECT_EQ(true, Status.FormatComplete) << Code << "\n\n";
ReplacementCount = Replaces.size();
auto Result = applyAllReplacements(Code, Replaces);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::errs() << "\n" << *Result << "\n\n");
return *Result;
void _verifyFormat(const char *File, int Line, llvm::StringRef Expected,
llvm::StringRef Code,
const FormatStyle &Style = getLLVMStyle(),
const std::vector<tooling::Range> &Ranges = {}) {
testing::ScopedTrace t(File, Line, ::testing::Message() << Code.str());
EXPECT_EQ(Expected.str(), format(Expected, Style, Ranges))
<< "Expected code is not stable";
EXPECT_EQ(Expected.str(), format(Code, Style, Ranges));
if (Style.Language == FormatStyle::LK_Cpp && Ranges.empty()) {
// Objective-C++ is a superset of C++, so everything checked for C++
// needs to be checked for Objective-C++ as well.
FormatStyle ObjCStyle = Style;
ObjCStyle.Language = FormatStyle::LK_ObjC;
EXPECT_EQ(Expected.str(), format(test::messUp(Code), ObjCStyle, Ranges));
void _verifyFormat(const char *File, int Line, llvm::StringRef Code,
const FormatStyle &Style = getLLVMStyle(),
const std::vector<tooling::Range> &Ranges = {}) {
_verifyFormat(File, Line, Code, Code, Style, Ranges);
int ReplacementCount;
#define verifyFormat(...) _verifyFormat(__FILE__, __LINE__, __VA_ARGS__)
TEST_F(IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest, SingleQuoteAsSeparator) {
FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
EXPECT_EQ(Style.Language, FormatStyle::LK_Cpp);
EXPECT_EQ(Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal, 0);
EXPECT_EQ(Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex, 0);
const StringRef Binary("b = 0b10011'11'0110'1u;");
verifyFormat(Binary, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = -1;
verifyFormat("b = 0b100111101101u;", Binary, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = 1;
verifyFormat("b = 0b1'0'0'1'1'1'1'0'1'1'0'1u;", Binary, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = 4;
verifyFormat("b = 0b1001'1110'1101u;", Binary, Style);
const StringRef Decimal("d = 184467'440737'0'95505'92Ull;");
verifyFormat(Decimal, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = -1;
verifyFormat("d = 18446744073709550592Ull;", Decimal, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = 3;
verifyFormat("d = 18'446'744'073'709'550'592Ull;", Decimal, Style);
const StringRef Hex("h = 0xDEAD'BEEF'DE'AD'BEE'Fuz;");
verifyFormat(Hex, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = -1;
verifyFormat("h = 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEFuz;", Hex, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = 2;
verifyFormat("h = 0xDE'AD'BE'EF'DE'AD'BE'EFuz;", Hex, Style);
verifyFormat("o0 = 0;\n"
"o1 = 07;\n"
"o5 = 012345;",
verifyFormat("bi = 0b1'0000i;\n"
"dif = 1'234if;\n"
"hil = 0xA'BCil;",
"bi = 0b10000i;\n"
"dif = 1234if;\n"
"hil = 0xABCil;",
verifyFormat("d = 5'678_km;\n"
"h = 0xD'EF_u16;",
"d = 5678_km;\n"
"h = 0xDEF_u16;",
TEST_F(IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest, UnderscoreAsSeparator) {
FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
const StringRef Binary("B = 0B10011_11_0110_1;");
const StringRef Decimal("d = 184467_440737_0_95505_92;");
const StringRef Hex("H = 0XDEAD_BEEF_DE_AD_BEE_F;");
auto TestUnderscore = [&](auto Language) {
Style.Language = Language;
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = 0;
verifyFormat(Binary, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = -1;
verifyFormat("B = 0B100111101101;", Binary, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = 4;
verifyFormat("B = 0B1001_1110_1101;", Binary, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = 0;
verifyFormat(Decimal, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = -1;
verifyFormat("d = 18446744073709550592;", Decimal, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = 3;
verifyFormat("d = 18_446_744_073_709_550_592;", Decimal, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = 0;
verifyFormat(Hex, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = -1;
verifyFormat("H = 0XDEADBEEFDEADBEEF;", Hex, Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = 2;
verifyFormat("H = 0XDE_AD_BE_EF_DE_AD_BE_EF;", Hex, Style);
verifyFormat("d = 9_007_199_254_740_995n;", Style);
verifyFormat("d = 9_007_199_254_740_995n;", "d = 9007199254740995n;", Style);
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = 8;
"b = 0b100000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000000_00000011n;",
"b = 0b100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011n;", Style);
verifyFormat("h = 0x20_00_00_00_00_00_03n;", Style);
verifyFormat("h = 0x20_00_00_00_00_00_03n;", "h = 0x20000000000003n;", Style);
verifyFormat("o = 0o400000000000000003n;", Style);
TEST_F(IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest, MinDigits) {
FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Binary = 3;
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = 3;
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = 2;
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.BinaryMinDigits = 7;
verifyFormat("b1 = 0b101101;\n"
"b2 = 0b1'101'101;",
"b1 = 0b101'101;\n"
"b2 = 0b1101101;",
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.DecimalMinDigits = 5;
verifyFormat("d1 = 2023;\n"
"d2 = 10'000;",
"d1 = 2'023;\n"
"d2 = 100'00;",
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.DecimalMinDigits = 3;
verifyFormat("d1 = 123;\n"
"d2 = 1'234;",
"d1 = 12'3;\n"
"d2 = 12'34;",
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.HexMinDigits = 6;
verifyFormat("h1 = 0xABCDE;\n"
"h2 = 0xAB'CD'EF;",
"h1 = 0xA'BC'DE;\n"
"h2 = 0xABC'DEF;",
TEST_F(IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest, FixRanges) {
FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = 3;
const StringRef Code("i = -12'34;\n"
"// clang-format off\n"
"j = 123'4;\n"
"// clang-format on\n"
"k = +1'23'4;");
const StringRef Expected("i = -1'234;\n"
"// clang-format off\n"
"j = 123'4;\n"
"// clang-format on\n"
"k = +1'234;");
verifyFormat(Expected, Code, Style);
verifyFormat("i = -1'234;\n"
"// clang-format off\n"
"j = 123'4;\n"
"// clang-format on\n"
"k = +1'23'4;",
Code, Style, {tooling::Range(0, 11)}); // line 1
verifyFormat(Code, Style, {tooling::Range(32, 10)}); // line 3
verifyFormat("i = -12'34;\n"
"// clang-format off\n"
"j = 123'4;\n"
"// clang-format on\n"
"k = +1'234;",
Code, Style, {tooling::Range(61, 12)}); // line 5
verifyFormat(Expected, Code, Style,
{tooling::Range(0, 11), tooling::Range(61, 12)}); // lines 1, 5
TEST_F(IntegerLiteralSeparatorTest, FloatingPoint) {
FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Decimal = 3;
Style.IntegerLiteralSeparator.Hex = 2;
verifyFormat("d0 = .0;\n"
"d1 = 0.;\n"
"y = 7890.;\n"
"E = 3456E2;\n"
"p = 0xABCp2;",
Style.Language = FormatStyle::LK_JavaScript;
verifyFormat("y = 7890.;\n"
"e = 3456e2;",
Style.Language = FormatStyle::LK_Java;
verifyFormat("y = 7890.;\n"
"E = 3456E2;\n"
"P = 0xABCP2;\n"
"f = 1234f;\n"
"D = 5678D;",
Style.Language = FormatStyle::LK_CSharp;
verifyFormat("y = 7890.;\n"
"e = 3456e2;\n"
"F = 1234F;\n"
"d = 5678d;\n"
"M = 9012M",
} // namespace
} // namespace format
} // namespace clang