blob: 399bd2ffaff6b6cfad2d0b1ec6b99d4c2d7c89b8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- StdLib.cpp ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "StdLib.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "Compiler.h"
#include "Config.h"
#include "SymbolCollector.h"
#include "index/IndexAction.h"
#include "support/Logger.h"
#include "support/ThreadsafeFS.h"
#include "support/Trace.h"
#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessorOptions.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
namespace clang {
namespace clangd {
namespace {
enum Lang { C, CXX };
Lang langFromOpts(const LangOptions &LO) { return LO.CPlusPlus ? CXX : C; }
llvm::StringLiteral mandatoryHeader(Lang L) {
switch (L) {
case C:
return "stdio.h";
case CXX:
return "vector";
llvm_unreachable("unhandled Lang");
LangStandard::Kind standardFromOpts(const LangOptions &LO) {
if (LO.CPlusPlus) {
if (LO.CPlusPlus2b)
return LangStandard::lang_cxx2b;
if (LO.CPlusPlus20)
return LangStandard::lang_cxx20;
if (LO.CPlusPlus17)
return LangStandard::lang_cxx17;
if (LO.CPlusPlus14)
return LangStandard::lang_cxx14;
if (LO.CPlusPlus11)
return LangStandard::lang_cxx11;
return LangStandard::lang_cxx98;
if (LO.C2x)
return LangStandard::lang_c2x;
// C17 has no new features, so treat {C11,C17} as C17.
if (LO.C11)
return LangStandard::lang_c17;
return LangStandard::lang_c99;
std::string buildUmbrella(llvm::StringLiteral Mandatory,
std::vector<llvm::StringLiteral> Headers) {
std::string Result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Result);
// We __has_include guard all our #includes to avoid errors when using older
// stdlib version that don't have headers for the newest language standards.
// But make sure we get *some* error if things are totally broken.
OS << llvm::formatv(
"#if !__has_include(<{0}>)\n"
"#error Mandatory header <{0}> not found in standard library!\n"
auto Last = std::unique(Headers.begin(), Headers.end());
for (auto Header = Headers.begin(); Header != Last; ++Header) {
OS << llvm::formatv("#if __has_include({0})\n"
"#include {0}\n"
return Result;
} // namespace
llvm::StringRef getStdlibUmbrellaHeader(const LangOptions &LO) {
// The umbrella header is the same for all versions of each language.
// Headers that are unsupported in old lang versions are usually guarded by
// #if. Some headers may be not present in old stdlib versions, the umbrella
// header guards with __has_include for this purpose.
Lang L = langFromOpts(LO);
switch (L) {
case CXX:
static std::string *UmbrellaCXX =
new std::string(buildUmbrella(mandatoryHeader(L), {
#define SYMBOL(Name, NameSpace, Header) #Header,
#include "clang/Tooling/Inclusions/"
#undef SYMBOL
return *UmbrellaCXX;
case C:
static std::string *UmbrellaC =
new std::string(buildUmbrella(mandatoryHeader(L), {
#define SYMBOL(Name, NameSpace, Header) #Header,
#include "clang/Tooling/Inclusions/"
#undef SYMBOL
return *UmbrellaC;
llvm_unreachable("invalid Lang in langFromOpts");
namespace {
// Including the standard library leaks unwanted transitively included symbols.
// We want to drop these, they're a bit tricky to identify:
// - we don't want to limit to symbols on our list, as our list has only
// top-level symbols (and there may be legitimate stdlib extensions).
// - we can't limit to only symbols defined in known stdlib headers, as stdlib
// internal structure is murky
// - we can't strictly require symbols to come from a particular path, e.g.
// libstdc++ is mostly under /usr/include/c++/10/...
// but std::ctype_base is under /usr/include/<platform>/c++/10/...
// We require the symbol to come from a header that is *either* from
// the standard library path (as identified by the location of <vector>), or
// another header that defines a symbol from our stdlib list.
SymbolSlab filter(SymbolSlab Slab, const StdLibLocation &Loc) {
SymbolSlab::Builder Result;
static auto &StandardHeaders = *[] {
auto *Set = new llvm::DenseSet<llvm::StringRef>();
for (llvm::StringRef Header : {
#define SYMBOL(Name, NameSpace, Header) #Header,
#include "clang/Tooling/Inclusions/"
#include "clang/Tooling/Inclusions/"
#undef SYMBOL
return Set;
// Form prefixes like file:///usr/include/c++/10/
// These can be trivially prefix-compared with URIs in the indexed symbols.
llvm::SmallVector<std::string> StdLibURIPrefixes;
for (const auto &Path : Loc.Paths) {
if (StdLibURIPrefixes.back().back() != '/')
// For each header URI, is it *either* prefixed by StdLibURIPrefixes *or*
// owner of a symbol whose insertable header is in StandardHeaders?
// Pointer key because strings in a SymbolSlab are interned.
llvm::DenseMap<const char *, bool> GoodHeader;
for (const Symbol &S : Slab) {
if (!S.IncludeHeaders.empty() &&
StandardHeaders.contains(S.IncludeHeaders.front().IncludeHeader)) {
GoodHeader[S.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI] = true;
GoodHeader[S.Definition.FileURI] = true;
for (const char *URI :
{S.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI, S.Definition.FileURI}) {
auto R = GoodHeader.try_emplace(URI, false);
if (R.second) {
R.first->second = llvm::any_of(
[&, URIStr(llvm::StringRef(URI))](const std::string &Prefix) {
return URIStr.startswith(Prefix);
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (const auto &Good : GoodHeader)
if (Good.second && *Good.first)
dlog("Stdlib header: {0}", Good.first);
// Empty URIs aren't considered good. (Definition can be blank).
auto IsGoodHeader = [&](const char *C) { return *C && GoodHeader.lookup(C); };
for (const Symbol &S : Slab) {
if (!(IsGoodHeader(S.CanonicalDeclaration.FileURI) ||
IsGoodHeader(S.Definition.FileURI))) {
dlog("Ignoring wrong-header symbol {0}{1} in {2}", S.Scope, S.Name,
return std::move(Result).build();
} // namespace
SymbolSlab indexStandardLibrary(llvm::StringRef HeaderSources,
std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI,
const StdLibLocation &Loc,
const ThreadsafeFS &TFS) {
if (CI->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size() != 1 ||
!CI->getPreprocessorOpts().ImplicitPCHInclude.empty()) {
elog("Indexing standard library failed: bad CompilerInvocation");
assert(false && "indexing stdlib with a dubious CompilerInvocation!");
return SymbolSlab();
const FrontendInputFile &Input = CI->getFrontendOpts().Inputs.front();
trace::Span Tracer("StandardLibraryIndex");
LangStandard::Kind LangStd = standardFromOpts(*CI->getLangOpts());
log("Indexing {0} standard library in the context of {1}",
LangStandard::getLangStandardForKind(LangStd).getName(), Input.getFile());
SymbolSlab Symbols;
IgnoreDiagnostics IgnoreDiags;
// CompilerInvocation is taken from elsewhere, and may map a dirty buffer.
auto Clang = prepareCompilerInstance(
std::move(CI), /*Preamble=*/nullptr,
llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(HeaderSources, Input.getFile()),
TFS.view(/*CWD=*/std::nullopt), IgnoreDiags);
if (!Clang) {
elog("Standard Library Index: Couldn't build compiler instance");
return Symbols;
SymbolCollector::Options IndexOpts;
IndexOpts.Origin = SymbolOrigin::StdLib;
IndexOpts.CollectMainFileSymbols = false;
IndexOpts.CollectMainFileRefs = false;
IndexOpts.CollectMacro = true;
IndexOpts.StoreAllDocumentation = true;
// Sadly we can't use IndexOpts.FileFilter to restrict indexing scope.
// Files from outside the StdLibLocation may define true std symbols anyway.
// We end up "blessing" such headers, and can only do that by indexing
// everything first.
// Refs, relations, include graph in the stdlib mostly aren't useful.
auto Action = createStaticIndexingAction(
IndexOpts, [&](SymbolSlab S) { Symbols = std::move(S); }, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr);
if (!Action->BeginSourceFile(*Clang, Input)) {
elog("Standard Library Index: BeginSourceFile() failed");
return Symbols;
if (llvm::Error Err = Action->Execute()) {
elog("Standard Library Index: Execute failed: {0}", std::move(Err));
return Symbols;
unsigned SymbolsBeforeFilter = Symbols.size();
Symbols = filter(std::move(Symbols), Loc);
bool Errors = Clang->hasDiagnostics() &&
log("Indexed {0} standard library{3}: {1} symbols, {2} filtered",
LangStandard::getLangStandardForKind(LangStd).getName(), Symbols.size(),
SymbolsBeforeFilter - Symbols.size(),
Errors ? " (incomplete due to errors)" : "");
SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "symbols", int(Symbols.size()));
return Symbols;
SymbolSlab indexStandardLibrary(std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation,
const StdLibLocation &Loc,
const ThreadsafeFS &TFS) {
llvm::StringRef Header = getStdlibUmbrellaHeader(*Invocation->getLangOpts());
return indexStandardLibrary(Header, std::move(Invocation), Loc, TFS);
bool StdLibSet::isBest(const LangOptions &LO) const {
return standardFromOpts(LO) >=
std::optional<StdLibLocation> StdLibSet::add(const LangOptions &LO,
const HeaderSearch &HS) {
Lang L = langFromOpts(LO);
int OldVersion = Best[L].load(std::memory_order_acquire);
int NewVersion = standardFromOpts(LO);
dlog("Index stdlib? {0}",
if (!Config::current().Index.StandardLibrary) {
dlog("No: disabled in config");
return std::nullopt;
if (NewVersion <= OldVersion) {
dlog("No: have {0}, {1}>={2}",
OldVersion, NewVersion);
return std::nullopt;
// We'd like to index a standard library here if there is one.
// Check for the existence of <vector> on the search path.
// We could cache this, but we only get here repeatedly when there's no
// stdlib, and even then only once per preamble build.
llvm::StringLiteral ProbeHeader = mandatoryHeader(L);
llvm::SmallString<256> Path; // Scratch space.
llvm::SmallVector<std::string> SearchPaths;
auto RecordHeaderPath = [&](llvm::StringRef HeaderPath) {
llvm::StringRef DirPath = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(HeaderPath);
if (!HS.getFileMgr().getVirtualFileSystem().getRealPath(DirPath, Path))
for (const auto &DL :
llvm::make_range(HS.search_dir_begin(), HS.search_dir_end())) {
switch (DL.getLookupType()) {
case DirectoryLookup::LT_NormalDir: {
Path = DL.getDir()->getName();
llvm::sys::path::append(Path, ProbeHeader);
llvm::vfs::Status Stat;
if (!HS.getFileMgr().getNoncachedStatValue(Path, Stat) &&
case DirectoryLookup::LT_Framework:
// stdlib can't be a framework (framework includes must have a slash)
case DirectoryLookup::LT_HeaderMap:
llvm::StringRef Target =
DL.getHeaderMap()->lookupFilename(ProbeHeader, Path);
if (!Target.empty())
if (SearchPaths.empty())
return std::nullopt;
dlog("Found standard library in {0}", llvm::join(SearchPaths, ", "));
while (!Best[L].compare_exchange_weak(OldVersion, NewVersion,
if (OldVersion >= NewVersion) {
dlog("No: lost the race");
return std::nullopt; // Another thread won the race while we were
// checking.
dlog("Yes, index stdlib!");
return StdLibLocation{std::move(SearchPaths)};
} // namespace clangd
} // namespace clang