blob: fa66d675636c84ce9b777f9e810daba68287f973 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- bolt/Passes/SplitFunctions.cpp - Pass for splitting function code --===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements the SplitFunctions pass.
#include "bolt/Passes/SplitFunctions.h"
#include "bolt/Core/BinaryBasicBlock.h"
#include "bolt/Core/BinaryFunction.h"
#include "bolt/Core/FunctionLayout.h"
#include "bolt/Core/ParallelUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Sequence.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator_range.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#define DEBUG_TYPE "bolt-opts"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace bolt;
namespace {
class DeprecatedSplitFunctionOptionParser : public cl::parser<bool> {
explicit DeprecatedSplitFunctionOptionParser(cl::Option &O)
: cl::parser<bool>(O) {}
bool parse(cl::Option &O, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Arg, bool &Value) {
if (Arg == "2" || Arg == "3") {
Value = true;
errs() << formatv("BOLT-WARNING: specifying non-boolean value \"{0}\" "
"for option -{1} is deprecated\n",
Arg, ArgName);
return false;
return cl::parser<bool>::parse(O, ArgName, Arg, Value);
} // namespace
namespace opts {
extern cl::OptionCategory BoltOptCategory;
extern cl::opt<bool> SplitEH;
extern cl::opt<unsigned> ExecutionCountThreshold;
extern cl::opt<uint32_t> RandomSeed;
static cl::opt<bool> AggressiveSplitting(
"split-all-cold", cl::desc("outline as many cold basic blocks as possible"),
static cl::opt<unsigned> SplitAlignThreshold(
cl::desc("when deciding to split a function, apply this alignment "
"while doing the size comparison (see -split-threshold). "
"Default value: 2."),
cl::Hidden, cl::cat(BoltOptCategory));
static cl::opt<bool, false, DeprecatedSplitFunctionOptionParser>
cl::desc("split functions into fragments"),
static cl::opt<unsigned> SplitThreshold(
cl::desc("split function only if its main size is reduced by more than "
"given amount of bytes. Default value: 0, i.e. split iff the "
"size is reduced. Note that on some architectures the size can "
"increase after splitting."),
cl::init(0), cl::Hidden, cl::cat(BoltOptCategory));
static cl::opt<SplitFunctionsStrategy> SplitStrategy(
"split-strategy", cl::init(SplitFunctionsStrategy::Profile2),
cl::values(clEnumValN(SplitFunctionsStrategy::Profile2, "profile2",
"split each function into a hot and cold fragment "
"using profiling information")),
SplitFunctionsStrategy::Random2, "random2",
"split each function into a hot and cold fragment at a randomly chosen "
"split point (ignoring any available profiling information)")),
SplitFunctionsStrategy::RandomN, "randomN",
"split each function into N fragments at a randomly chosen split "
"points (ignoring any available profiling information)")),
SplitFunctionsStrategy::All, "all",
"split all basic blocks of each function into fragments such that each "
"fragment contains exactly a single basic block")),
cl::desc("strategy used to partition blocks into fragments"),
} // namespace opts
namespace {
bool hasFullProfile(const BinaryFunction &BF) {
return llvm::all_of(BF.blocks(), [](const BinaryBasicBlock &BB) {
return BB.getExecutionCount() != BinaryBasicBlock::COUNT_NO_PROFILE;
bool allBlocksCold(const BinaryFunction &BF) {
return llvm::all_of(BF.blocks(), [](const BinaryBasicBlock &BB) {
return BB.getExecutionCount() == 0;
struct SplitProfile2 final : public SplitStrategy {
bool canSplit(const BinaryFunction &BF) override {
return BF.hasValidProfile() && hasFullProfile(BF) && !allBlocksCold(BF);
bool keepEmpty() override { return false; }
void fragment(const BlockIt Start, const BlockIt End) override {
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : llvm::make_range(Start, End)) {
if (BB->getExecutionCount() == 0)
struct SplitRandom2 final : public SplitStrategy {
std::minstd_rand0 Gen;
SplitRandom2() : Gen(opts::RandomSeed.getValue()) {}
bool canSplit(const BinaryFunction &BF) override { return true; }
bool keepEmpty() override { return false; }
void fragment(const BlockIt Start, const BlockIt End) override {
using DiffT = typename std::iterator_traits<BlockIt>::difference_type;
const DiffT NumBlocks = End - Start;
assert(NumBlocks > 0 && "Cannot fragment empty function");
// We want to split at least one block
const auto LastSplitPoint = std::max<DiffT>(NumBlocks - 1, 1);
std::uniform_int_distribution<DiffT> Dist(1, LastSplitPoint);
const DiffT SplitPoint = Dist(Gen);
for (BinaryBasicBlock *BB : llvm::make_range(Start + SplitPoint, End))
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << formatv("BOLT-DEBUG: randomly chose last {0} (out of "
"{1} possible) blocks to split\n",
NumBlocks - SplitPoint, End - Start));
struct SplitRandomN final : public SplitStrategy {
std::minstd_rand0 Gen;
SplitRandomN() : Gen(opts::RandomSeed.getValue()) {}
bool canSplit(const BinaryFunction &BF) override { return true; }
bool keepEmpty() override { return false; }
void fragment(const BlockIt Start, const BlockIt End) override {
using DiffT = typename std::iterator_traits<BlockIt>::difference_type;
const DiffT NumBlocks = End - Start;
assert(NumBlocks > 0 && "Cannot fragment empty function");
// With n blocks, there are n-1 places to split them.
const DiffT MaximumSplits = NumBlocks - 1;
// We want to generate at least two fragment if possible, but if there is
// only one block, no splits are possible.
const auto MinimumSplits = std::min<DiffT>(MaximumSplits, 1);
std::uniform_int_distribution<DiffT> Dist(MinimumSplits, MaximumSplits);
// Choose how many splits to perform
const DiffT NumSplits = Dist(Gen);
// Draw split points from a lottery
SmallVector<unsigned, 0> Lottery(MaximumSplits);
// Start lottery at 1, because there is no meaningful splitpoint before the
// first block.
std::iota(Lottery.begin(), Lottery.end(), 1u);
std::shuffle(Lottery.begin(), Lottery.end(), Gen);
// Add one past the end entry to lottery
unsigned LotteryIndex = 0;
unsigned BBPos = 0;
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : make_range(Start, End)) {
// Check whether to start new fragment
if (BBPos >= Lottery[LotteryIndex])
// Because LotteryIndex is 0 based and cold fragments are 1 based, we can
// use the index to assign fragments.
struct SplitAll final : public SplitStrategy {
bool canSplit(const BinaryFunction &BF) override { return true; }
bool keepEmpty() override {
// Keeping empty fragments allows us to test, that empty fragments do not
// generate symbols.
return true;
void fragment(const BlockIt Start, const BlockIt End) override {
unsigned Fragment = 0;
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : llvm::make_range(Start, End))
} // namespace
namespace llvm {
namespace bolt {
bool SplitFunctions::shouldOptimize(const BinaryFunction &BF) const {
// Apply execution count threshold
if (BF.getKnownExecutionCount() < opts::ExecutionCountThreshold)
return false;
return BinaryFunctionPass::shouldOptimize(BF);
void SplitFunctions::runOnFunctions(BinaryContext &BC) {
if (!opts::SplitFunctions)
std::unique_ptr<SplitStrategy> Strategy;
bool ForceSequential = false;
switch (opts::SplitStrategy) {
case SplitFunctionsStrategy::Profile2:
Strategy = std::make_unique<SplitProfile2>();
case SplitFunctionsStrategy::Random2:
Strategy = std::make_unique<SplitRandom2>();
// If we split functions randomly, we need to ensure that across runs with
// the same input, we generate random numbers for each function in the same
// order.
ForceSequential = true;
case SplitFunctionsStrategy::RandomN:
Strategy = std::make_unique<SplitRandomN>();
ForceSequential = true;
case SplitFunctionsStrategy::All:
Strategy = std::make_unique<SplitAll>();
ParallelUtilities::PredicateTy SkipFunc = [&](const BinaryFunction &BF) {
return !shouldOptimize(BF);
BC, ParallelUtilities::SchedulingPolicy::SP_BB_LINEAR,
[&](BinaryFunction &BF) { splitFunction(BF, *Strategy); }, SkipFunc,
"SplitFunctions", ForceSequential);
if (SplitBytesHot + SplitBytesCold > 0)
outs() << "BOLT-INFO: splitting separates " << SplitBytesHot
<< " hot bytes from " << SplitBytesCold << " cold bytes "
<< format("(%.2lf%% of split functions is hot).\n",
100.0 * SplitBytesHot / (SplitBytesHot + SplitBytesCold));
void SplitFunctions::splitFunction(BinaryFunction &BF, SplitStrategy &S) {
if (BF.empty())
if (!S.canSplit(BF))
FunctionLayout &Layout = BF.getLayout();
BinaryFunction::BasicBlockOrderType PreSplitLayout(Layout.block_begin(),
BinaryContext &BC = BF.getBinaryContext();
size_t OriginalHotSize;
size_t HotSize;
size_t ColdSize;
if (BC.isX86()) {
std::tie(OriginalHotSize, ColdSize) = BC.calculateEmittedSize(BF);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Estimated size for function " << BF
<< " pre-split is <0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(OriginalHotSize) << ", 0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(ColdSize) << ">\n");
BinaryFunction::BasicBlockOrderType NewLayout(Layout.block_begin(),
// Never outline the first basic block.
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : NewLayout) {
if (!BB->canOutline())
// Do not split extra entry points in aarch64. They can be referred by
// using ADRs and when this happens, these blocks cannot be placed far
// away due to the limited range in ADR instruction.
if (BC.isAArch64() && BB->isEntryPoint()) {
if (BF.hasEHRanges() && !opts::SplitEH) {
// We cannot move landing pads (or rather entry points for landing pads).
if (BB->isLandingPad()) {
// We cannot move a block that can throw since exception-handling
// runtime cannot deal with split functions. However, if we can guarantee
// that the block never throws, it is safe to move the block to
// decrease the size of the function.
for (MCInst &Instr : *BB) {
if (BC.MIB->isInvoke(Instr)) {
S.fragment(NewLayout.begin(), NewLayout.end());
// Make sure all non-outlineable blocks are in the main-fragment.
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : NewLayout) {
if (!BB->canOutline())
if (opts::AggressiveSplitting) {
// All blocks with 0 count that we can move go to the end of the function.
// Even if they were natural to cluster formation and were seen in-between
// hot basic blocks.
llvm::stable_sort(NewLayout, [&](const BinaryBasicBlock *const A,
const BinaryBasicBlock *const B) {
return A->getFragmentNum() < B->getFragmentNum();
} else if (BF.hasEHRanges() && !opts::SplitEH) {
// Typically functions with exception handling have landing pads at the end.
// We cannot move beginning of landing pads, but we can move 0-count blocks
// comprising landing pads to the end and thus facilitate splitting.
auto FirstLP = NewLayout.begin();
while ((*FirstLP)->isLandingPad())
std::stable_sort(FirstLP, NewLayout.end(),
[&](BinaryBasicBlock *A, BinaryBasicBlock *B) {
return A->getFragmentNum() < B->getFragmentNum();
// Make sure that fragments are increasing.
FragmentNum CurrentFragment = NewLayout.back()->getFragmentNum();
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : reverse(NewLayout)) {
if (BB->getFragmentNum() > CurrentFragment)
CurrentFragment = BB->getFragmentNum();
if (!S.keepEmpty()) {
FragmentNum CurrentFragment = FragmentNum::main();
FragmentNum NewFragment = FragmentNum::main();
for (BinaryBasicBlock *const BB : NewLayout) {
if (BB->getFragmentNum() > CurrentFragment) {
CurrentFragment = BB->getFragmentNum();
NewFragment = FragmentNum(NewFragment.get() + 1);
// For shared objects, invoke instructions and corresponding landing pads
// have to be placed in the same fragment. When we split them, create
// trampoline landing pads that will redirect the execution to real LPs.
TrampolineSetType Trampolines;
if (!BC.HasFixedLoadAddress && BF.hasEHRanges() && BF.isSplit())
Trampolines = createEHTrampolines(BF);
// Check the new size to see if it's worth splitting the function.
if (BC.isX86() && BF.isSplit()) {
std::tie(HotSize, ColdSize) = BC.calculateEmittedSize(BF);
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Estimated size for function " << BF
<< " post-split is <0x" << Twine::utohexstr(HotSize)
<< ", 0x" << Twine::utohexstr(ColdSize) << ">\n");
if (alignTo(OriginalHotSize, opts::SplitAlignThreshold) <=
alignTo(HotSize, opts::SplitAlignThreshold) + opts::SplitThreshold) {
LLVM_DEBUG(dbgs() << "Reversing splitting of function " << BF << ":\n 0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(HotSize) << ", 0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(ColdSize) << " -> 0x"
<< Twine::utohexstr(OriginalHotSize) << '\n');
// Reverse the action of createEHTrampolines(). The trampolines will be
// placed immediately before the matching destination resulting in no
// extra code.
if (PreSplitLayout.size() != BF.size())
PreSplitLayout = mergeEHTrampolines(BF, PreSplitLayout, Trampolines);
for (BinaryBasicBlock &BB : BF)
} else {
SplitBytesHot += HotSize;
SplitBytesCold += ColdSize;
SplitFunctions::createEHTrampolines(BinaryFunction &BF) const {
const auto &MIB = BF.getBinaryContext().MIB;
// Map real landing pads to the corresponding trampolines.
TrampolineSetType LPTrampolines;
// Iterate over the copy of basic blocks since we are adding new blocks to the
// function which will invalidate its iterators.
std::vector<BinaryBasicBlock *> Blocks(BF.pbegin(), BF.pend());
for (BinaryBasicBlock *BB : Blocks) {
for (MCInst &Instr : *BB) {
const std::optional<MCPlus::MCLandingPad> EHInfo = MIB->getEHInfo(Instr);
if (!EHInfo || !EHInfo->first)
const MCSymbol *LPLabel = EHInfo->first;
BinaryBasicBlock *LPBlock = BF.getBasicBlockForLabel(LPLabel);
if (BB->getFragmentNum() == LPBlock->getFragmentNum())
const MCSymbol *TrampolineLabel = nullptr;
const TrampolineKey Key(BB->getFragmentNum(), LPLabel);
auto Iter = LPTrampolines.find(Key);
if (Iter != LPTrampolines.end()) {
TrampolineLabel = Iter->second;
} else {
// Create a trampoline basic block in the same fragment as the thrower.
// Note: there's no need to insert the jump instruction, it will be
// added by fixBranches().
BinaryBasicBlock *TrampolineBB = BF.addBasicBlock();
TrampolineBB->addSuccessor(LPBlock, TrampolineBB->getExecutionCount());
TrampolineLabel = TrampolineBB->getLabel();
LPTrampolines.insert(std::make_pair(Key, TrampolineLabel));
// Substitute the landing pad with the trampoline.
MCPlus::MCLandingPad(TrampolineLabel, EHInfo->second));
if (LPTrampolines.empty())
return LPTrampolines;
// All trampoline blocks were added to the end of the function. Place them at
// the end of corresponding fragments.
BinaryFunction::BasicBlockOrderType NewLayout(BF.getLayout().block_begin(),
stable_sort(NewLayout, [&](BinaryBasicBlock *A, BinaryBasicBlock *B) {
return A->getFragmentNum() < B->getFragmentNum();
// Conservatively introduce branch instructions.
// Update exception-handling CFG for the function.
return LPTrampolines;
SplitFunctions::BasicBlockOrderType SplitFunctions::mergeEHTrampolines(
BinaryFunction &BF, SplitFunctions::BasicBlockOrderType &Layout,
const SplitFunctions::TrampolineSetType &Trampolines) const {
DenseMap<const MCSymbol *, SmallVector<const MCSymbol *, 0>>
for (const auto &Entry : Trampolines) {
BasicBlockOrderType MergedLayout;
for (BinaryBasicBlock *BB : Layout) {
auto Iter = IncomingTrampolines.find(BB->getLabel());
if (Iter != IncomingTrampolines.end()) {
for (const MCSymbol *const Trampoline : Iter->getSecond()) {
BinaryBasicBlock *LPBlock = BF.getBasicBlockForLabel(Trampoline);
assert(LPBlock && "Could not find matching landing pad block.");
return MergedLayout;
} // namespace bolt
} // namespace llvm