blob: e20d449e0b93e3da1e5ce868733f7c64a46cacea [file] [log] [blame]
//===- bolt/Profile/ProfileYAMLMapping.h ------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Implement mapping between binary function profile and YAML representation.
#include "bolt/Core/BinaryFunction.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"
#include <vector>
using llvm::bolt::BinaryFunction;
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
namespace bolt {
struct CallSiteInfo {
llvm::yaml::Hex32 Offset{0};
uint32_t DestId{0};
uint32_t EntryDiscriminator{0}; /// multiple entry discriminator
uint64_t Count{0};
uint64_t Mispreds{0};
bool operator==(const CallSiteInfo &Other) const {
return Offset == Other.Offset && DestId == Other.DestId &&
EntryDiscriminator == Other.EntryDiscriminator;
bool operator!=(const CallSiteInfo &Other) const { return !(*this == Other); }
bool operator<(const CallSiteInfo &Other) const {
if (Offset < Other.Offset)
return true;
if (Offset > Other.Offset)
return false;
if (DestId < Other.DestId)
return true;
if (DestId > Other.DestId)
return false;
if (EntryDiscriminator < Other.EntryDiscriminator)
return true;
return false;
} // end namespace bolt
template <> struct MappingTraits<bolt::CallSiteInfo> {
static void mapping(IO &YamlIO, bolt::CallSiteInfo &CSI) {
YamlIO.mapRequired("off", CSI.Offset);
YamlIO.mapRequired("fid", CSI.DestId);
YamlIO.mapOptional("disc", CSI.EntryDiscriminator, (uint32_t)0);
YamlIO.mapRequired("cnt", CSI.Count);
YamlIO.mapOptional("mis", CSI.Mispreds, (uint64_t)0);
static const bool flow = true;
namespace bolt {
struct SuccessorInfo {
uint32_t Index{0};
uint64_t Count{0};
uint64_t Mispreds{0};
bool operator==(const SuccessorInfo &Other) const {
return Index == Other.Index;
bool operator!=(const SuccessorInfo &Other) const {
return !(*this == Other);
} // end namespace bolt
template <> struct MappingTraits<bolt::SuccessorInfo> {
static void mapping(IO &YamlIO, bolt::SuccessorInfo &SI) {
YamlIO.mapRequired("bid", SI.Index);
YamlIO.mapRequired("cnt", SI.Count);
YamlIO.mapOptional("mis", SI.Mispreds, (uint64_t)0);
static const bool flow = true;
} // end namespace yaml
} // end namespace llvm
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
namespace bolt {
struct BinaryBasicBlockProfile {
uint32_t Index{0};
uint32_t NumInstructions{0};
llvm::yaml::Hex64 Hash{0};
uint64_t ExecCount{0};
uint64_t EventCount{0};
std::vector<CallSiteInfo> CallSites;
std::vector<SuccessorInfo> Successors;
bool operator==(const BinaryBasicBlockProfile &Other) const {
return Index == Other.Index;
bool operator!=(const BinaryBasicBlockProfile &Other) const {
return !(*this == Other);
} // end namespace bolt
template <> struct MappingTraits<bolt::BinaryBasicBlockProfile> {
static void mapping(IO &YamlIO, bolt::BinaryBasicBlockProfile &BBP) {
YamlIO.mapRequired("bid", BBP.Index);
YamlIO.mapRequired("insns", BBP.NumInstructions);
YamlIO.mapOptional("exec", BBP.ExecCount, (uint64_t)0);
YamlIO.mapOptional("events", BBP.EventCount, (uint64_t)0);
YamlIO.mapOptional("calls", BBP.CallSites,
YamlIO.mapOptional("succ", BBP.Successors,
} // end namespace yaml
} // end namespace llvm
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
namespace bolt {
struct BinaryFunctionProfile {
std::string Name;
uint32_t NumBasicBlocks{0};
uint32_t Id{0};
llvm::yaml::Hex64 Hash{0};
uint64_t ExecCount{0};
std::vector<BinaryBasicBlockProfile> Blocks;
bool Used{false};
} // end namespace bolt
template <> struct MappingTraits<bolt::BinaryFunctionProfile> {
static void mapping(IO &YamlIO, bolt::BinaryFunctionProfile &BFP) {
YamlIO.mapRequired("name", BFP.Name);
YamlIO.mapRequired("fid", BFP.Id);
YamlIO.mapRequired("hash", BFP.Hash);
YamlIO.mapRequired("exec", BFP.ExecCount);
YamlIO.mapRequired("nblocks", BFP.NumBasicBlocks);
YamlIO.mapOptional("blocks", BFP.Blocks,
template <> struct ScalarBitSetTraits<PROFILE_PF> {
static void bitset(IO &io, PROFILE_PF &value) {
io.bitSetCase(value, "lbr", BinaryFunction::PF_LBR);
io.bitSetCase(value, "sample", BinaryFunction::PF_SAMPLE);
io.bitSetCase(value, "memevent", BinaryFunction::PF_MEMEVENT);
namespace bolt {
struct BinaryProfileHeader {
uint32_t Version{1};
std::string FileName; // Name of the profiled binary.
std::string Id; // BuildID.
PROFILE_PF Flags{BinaryFunction::PF_NONE};
// Type of the profile.
std::string Origin; // How the profile was obtained.
std::string EventNames; // Events used for sample profile.
} // end namespace bolt
template <> struct MappingTraits<bolt::BinaryProfileHeader> {
static void mapping(IO &YamlIO, bolt::BinaryProfileHeader &Header) {
YamlIO.mapRequired("profile-version", Header.Version);
YamlIO.mapRequired("binary-name", Header.FileName);
YamlIO.mapOptional("binary-build-id", Header.Id);
YamlIO.mapRequired("profile-flags", Header.Flags);
YamlIO.mapOptional("profile-origin", Header.Origin);
YamlIO.mapOptional("profile-events", Header.EventNames);
} // end namespace yaml
} // end namespace llvm
namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {
namespace bolt {
struct BinaryProfile {
BinaryProfileHeader Header;
std::vector<BinaryFunctionProfile> Functions;
} // namespace bolt
template <> struct MappingTraits<bolt::BinaryProfile> {
static void mapping(IO &YamlIO, bolt::BinaryProfile &BP) {
YamlIO.mapRequired("header", BP.Header);
YamlIO.mapRequired("functions", BP.Functions);
} // end namespace yaml
} // end namespace llvm