blob: cccbc518dd26b5c4adfea71af25e00a235f5a5d2 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- bolt/Passes/ShrinkWrapping.h -----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "bolt/Passes/FrameAnalysis.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h"
#include <atomic>
namespace llvm {
namespace bolt {
class DataflowInfoManager;
/// Encapsulates logic required to analyze a binary function and detect which
/// registers are being saved as callee-saved, where are these saves and where
/// are the points where their original value are being restored.
class CalleeSavedAnalysis {
const FrameAnalysis &FA;
const BinaryContext &BC;
BinaryFunction &BF;
DataflowInfoManager &Info;
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId;
std::optional<unsigned> SaveTagIndex;
std::optional<unsigned> RestoreTagIndex;
/// Compute all stores of callee-saved regs. Those are the ones that stores a
/// register whose definition is not local.
void analyzeSaves();
/// Similar to analyzeSaves, tries to determine all instructions that recover
/// the original value of the callee-saved register before exiting the
/// function.
void analyzeRestores();
unsigned getSaveTag() {
if (SaveTagIndex)
return *SaveTagIndex;
SaveTagIndex = BC.MIB->getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(getSaveTagName());
return *SaveTagIndex;
unsigned getRestoreTag() {
if (RestoreTagIndex)
return *RestoreTagIndex;
RestoreTagIndex = BC.MIB->getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(getRestoreTagName());
return *RestoreTagIndex;
BitVector CalleeSaved;
std::vector<int64_t> OffsetsByReg;
BitVector HasRestores;
std::vector<uint64_t> SavingCost;
std::vector<const FrameIndexEntry *> SaveFIEByReg;
std::vector<const FrameIndexEntry *> LoadFIEByReg;
CalleeSavedAnalysis(const FrameAnalysis &FA, BinaryFunction &BF,
DataflowInfoManager &Info,
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocId)
: FA(FA), BC(BF.getBinaryContext()), BF(BF), Info(Info),
AllocatorId(AllocId), CalleeSaved(BC.MRI->getNumRegs(), false),
OffsetsByReg(BC.MRI->getNumRegs(), 0LL),
HasRestores(BC.MRI->getNumRegs(), false),
SavingCost(BC.MRI->getNumRegs(), 0ULL),
SaveFIEByReg(BC.MRI->getNumRegs(), nullptr),
LoadFIEByReg(BC.MRI->getNumRegs(), nullptr) {}
void compute() {
/// Retrieves the value of the callee-saved register that is saved by this
/// instruction or 0 if this is not a CSR save instruction.
uint16_t getSavedReg(const MCInst &Inst) {
auto Val = BC.MIB->tryGetAnnotationAs<decltype(FrameIndexEntry::RegOrImm)>(
Inst, getSaveTag());
if (Val)
return *Val;
return 0;
/// Retrieves the value of the callee-saved register that is restored by this
/// instruction or 0 if this is not a CSR restore instruction.
uint16_t getRestoredReg(const MCInst &Inst) {
auto Val = BC.MIB->tryGetAnnotationAs<decltype(FrameIndexEntry::RegOrImm)>(
Inst, getRestoreTag());
if (Val)
return *Val;
return 0;
/// Routines to compute all saves/restores for a Reg (needs to traverse all
/// instructions).
std::vector<MCInst *> getSavesByReg(uint16_t Reg);
std::vector<MCInst *> getRestoresByReg(uint16_t Reg);
/// Returns the identifying string used to annotate instructions with metadata
/// for this analysis. These are deleted in the destructor.
static StringRef getSaveTagName() { return StringRef("CSA-SavedReg"); }
static StringRef getRestoreTagName() { return StringRef("CSA-RestoredReg"); }
/// Identifies in a given binary function all stack regions being used and allow
/// us to edit the layout, removing or inserting new regions. When the layout is
/// modified, all affected stack-accessing instructions are updated.
class StackLayoutModifier {
const FrameAnalysis &FA;
const BinaryContext &BC;
BinaryFunction &BF;
DataflowInfoManager &Info;
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId;
// Keep track of stack slots we know how to safely move
std::map<int64_t, int64_t> AvailableRegions;
DenseSet<int64_t> CollapsedRegions;
DenseSet<int64_t> InsertedRegions;
// A map of chunks of stack memory we don't really know what's happening there
// and we need to leave it untouched.
std::map<int64_t, int64_t> BlacklistedRegions;
// Maps stack slots to the regs that are saved to them
DenseMap<int64_t, std::set<MCPhysReg>> RegionToRegMap;
DenseMap<int, std::set<int64_t>> RegToRegionMap;
// If we can't understand how to move stack slots, IsSimple will be false
bool IsSimple{true};
bool IsInitialized{false};
std::optional<unsigned> TodoTagIndex;
std::optional<unsigned> SlotTagIndex;
std::optional<unsigned> OffsetCFIRegTagIndex;
// Keep a worklist of operations to perform on the function to perform
// the requested layout modifications via collapseRegion()/insertRegion().
struct WorklistItem {
enum ActionType : uint8_t {
None = 0,
} Action;
int64_t OffsetUpdate{0};
WorklistItem() : Action(None) {}
WorklistItem(ActionType Action) : Action(Action) {}
WorklistItem(ActionType Action, int OffsetUpdate)
: Action(Action), OffsetUpdate(OffsetUpdate) {}
/// Mark the stack region identified by \p Offset and \p Size to be a
/// no-touch zone, whose accesses cannot be relocated to another region.
void blacklistRegion(int64_t Offset, int64_t Size);
/// Check if this region overlaps with blacklisted addresses
bool isRegionBlacklisted(int64_t Offset, int64_t Size);
/// Check if the region identified by \p Offset and \p Size has any conflicts
/// with available regions so far. If it has, blacklist all involved regions
/// and return true.
bool blacklistAllInConflictWith(int64_t Offset, int64_t Size);
/// If \p Point is identified as frame pointer initialization (defining the
/// value of FP with SP), check for non-standard initialization that precludes
/// us from changing the stack layout. If positive, update blacklisted
/// regions.
void checkFramePointerInitialization(MCInst &Point);
/// If \p Point is restoring the value with SP with FP plus offset,
/// add a slottag to this instruction as it needs to be updated when we
/// change the stack layout.
void checkStackPointerRestore(MCInst &Point);
/// Make sense of each stack offsets we can freely change
void classifyStackAccesses();
void classifyCFIs();
/// Used to keep track of modifications to the function that will later be
/// performed by performChanges();
void scheduleChange(MCInst &Inst, WorklistItem Item);
unsigned getTodoTag() {
if (TodoTagIndex)
return *TodoTagIndex;
TodoTagIndex = BC.MIB->getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(getTodoTagName());
return *TodoTagIndex;
unsigned getSlotTag() {
if (SlotTagIndex)
return *SlotTagIndex;
SlotTagIndex = BC.MIB->getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(getSlotTagName());
return *SlotTagIndex;
unsigned getOffsetCFIRegTag() {
if (OffsetCFIRegTagIndex)
return *OffsetCFIRegTagIndex;
OffsetCFIRegTagIndex =
return *OffsetCFIRegTagIndex;
StackLayoutModifier(const FrameAnalysis &FA, BinaryFunction &BF,
DataflowInfoManager &Info,
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocId)
: FA(FA), BC(BF.getBinaryContext()), BF(BF), Info(Info),
AllocatorId(AllocId) {}
~StackLayoutModifier() {
for (BinaryBasicBlock &BB : BF) {
for (MCInst &Inst : BB) {
BC.MIB->removeAnnotation(Inst, getTodoTag());
BC.MIB->removeAnnotation(Inst, getSlotTag());
BC.MIB->removeAnnotation(Inst, getOffsetCFIRegTag());
/// Retrieves the value of the callee-saved register that is restored by this
/// instruction or 0 if this is not a CSR restore instruction.
uint16_t getOffsetCFIReg(const MCInst &Inst) {
auto Val = BC.MIB->tryGetAnnotationAs<uint16_t>(Inst, getOffsetCFIRegTag());
if (Val)
return *Val;
return 0;
/// Check if it is possible to delete the push instruction \p DeletedPush.
/// This involves collapsing the region accessed by this push and updating all
/// other instructions that access affected memory regions. Return true if we
/// can update this.
bool canCollapseRegion(int64_t RegionAddr);
bool canCollapseRegion(MCInst *DeletedPush);
/// Notify the layout manager that \p DeletedPush was deleted and that it
/// needs to update other affected stack-accessing instructions.
bool collapseRegion(MCInst *Alloc, int64_t RegionAddr, int64_t RegionSize);
bool collapseRegion(MCInst *DeletedPush);
/// Set the new stack address difference for load/store instructions that
/// referenced a stack location that was deleted via collapseRegion.
void setOffsetForCollapsedAccesses(int64_t NewOffset);
/// Check if it is possible to insert a push instruction at point \p P.
/// This involves inserting a new region in the stack, possibly affecting
/// instructions that access the frame. Return true if we can update them all.
bool canInsertRegion(ProgramPoint P);
/// Notify the layout manager that a new push instruction has been inserted
/// at point \p P and that it will need to update relevant instructions.
bool insertRegion(ProgramPoint P, int64_t RegionSz);
/// Perform all changes scheduled by collapseRegion()/insertRegion()
void performChanges();
/// Perform initial assessment of the function trying to understand its stack
/// accesses.
void initialize();
static StringRef getTodoTagName() { return StringRef("SLM-TodoTag"); }
static StringRef getSlotTagName() { return StringRef("SLM-SlotTag"); }
static StringRef getOffsetCFIRegTagName() {
return StringRef("SLM-OffsetCFIReg");
/// Implements a pass to optimize callee-saved register spills. These spills
/// typically happen at function prologue/epilogue. When these are hot basic
/// blocks, this pass will try to move these spills to cold blocks whenever
/// possible.
class ShrinkWrapping {
const FrameAnalysis &FA;
const BinaryContext &BC;
BinaryFunction &BF;
DataflowInfoManager &Info;
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocatorId;
StackLayoutModifier SLM;
/// For each CSR, store a vector of all CFI indexes deleted as a consequence
/// of moving this Callee-Saved Reg
DenseMap<unsigned, std::vector<uint32_t>> DeletedPushCFIs;
DenseMap<unsigned, std::vector<uint32_t>> DeletedPopCFIs;
BitVector HasDeletedOffsetCFIs;
SmallPtrSet<const MCCFIInstruction *, 16> UpdatedCFIs;
std::vector<BitVector> UsesByReg;
std::vector<int64_t> PushOffsetByReg;
std::vector<int64_t> PopOffsetByReg;
std::vector<MCPhysReg> DomOrder;
CalleeSavedAnalysis CSA;
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> BestSaveCount;
std::vector<std::vector<MCInst *>> BestSavePos;
/// Pass stats
static std::atomic<std::uint64_t> SpillsMovedRegularMode;
static std::atomic<std::uint64_t> SpillsMovedPushPopMode;
static std::atomic<std::uint64_t> SpillsMovedDynamicCount;
static std::atomic<std::uint64_t> SpillsFailedDynamicCount;
static std::atomic<std::uint64_t> InstrDynamicCount;
static std::atomic<std::uint64_t> StoreDynamicCount;
std::optional<unsigned> AnnotationIndex;
/// Allow our custom worklist-sensitive analysis
/// PredictiveStackPointerTracking to access WorklistItem
struct WorklistItem {
enum ActionType : uint8_t {
Erase = 0,
} Action;
FrameIndexEntry FIEToInsert;
unsigned AffectedReg;
int Adjustment{0};
WorklistItem(ActionType Action, unsigned AffectedReg)
: Action(Action), FIEToInsert(), AffectedReg(AffectedReg) {}
WorklistItem(ActionType Action, unsigned AffectedReg, int Adjustment)
: Action(Action), FIEToInsert(), AffectedReg(AffectedReg),
Adjustment(Adjustment) {}
WorklistItem(ActionType Action, const FrameIndexEntry &FIE,
unsigned AffectedReg)
: Action(Action), FIEToInsert(FIE), AffectedReg(AffectedReg) {}
/// Insertion todo items scheduled to happen at the end of BBs. Since we
/// can't annotate BBs we maintain this bookkeeping here.
DenseMap<BinaryBasicBlock *, std::vector<WorklistItem>> Todo;
/// Annotation name used to tag instructions with removal or insertion actions
static StringRef getAnnotationName() { return StringRef("ShrinkWrap-Todo"); }
unsigned getAnnotationIndex() {
if (AnnotationIndex)
return *AnnotationIndex;
AnnotationIndex = BC.MIB->getOrCreateAnnotationIndex(getAnnotationName());
return *AnnotationIndex;
using BBIterTy = BinaryBasicBlock::iterator;
/// Calculate all possible uses/defs of these callee-saved regs
void classifyCSRUses();
// Ensure we don't work on cases where there are no uses of the callee-saved
// register. These unnecessary spills should have been removed by previous
// passes.
void pruneUnwantedCSRs();
// Map regs to their possible save possibilities (at start of these BBs)
void computeSaveLocations();
/// Look into the best save location found for saving callee-saved reg
/// \p CSR and evaluates whether we would benefit by moving the spill to this
/// new save location. Returns true in case it is profitable to perform the
/// move.
bool validateBestSavePos(unsigned CSR, MCInst *&BestPosSave,
uint64_t &TotalEstimatedWin);
/// Populate the Todo map with worklistitems to change the function
template <typename... T> void scheduleChange(ProgramPoint PP, T &&...Item) {
if (PP.isInst()) {
auto &WList = BC.MIB->getOrCreateAnnotationAs<std::vector<WorklistItem>>(
*PP.getInst(), getAnnotationIndex(), AllocatorId);
BinaryBasicBlock *BB = PP.getBB();
// Avoid inserting on BBs with no instructions because we have a dataflow
// analysis that depends on insertions happening before real instructions
// (PredictiveStackPointerTracking)
assert(BB->size() != 0 &&
"doRestorePlacement() should have handled empty BBs");
/// Determine the POP ordering according to which CSR save is the dominator.
void computeDomOrder();
/// Check that the best possible location for a spill save (as determined by
/// computeSaveLocations) is cold enough to be worth moving the save to it.
/// \p CSR is the callee-saved register number, \p BestPosSave returns the
/// pointer to the cold location in case the function returns true, while
/// \p TotalEstimatedWin contains the ins dyn count reduction after moving.
bool isBestSavePosCold(unsigned CSR, MCInst *&BestPosSave,
uint64_t &TotalEstimatedWin);
/// Auxiliary function used to create basic blocks for critical edges and
/// update the dominance frontier with these new locations
void splitFrontierCritEdges(
BinaryFunction *Func, SmallVector<ProgramPoint, 4> &Frontier,
const SmallVector<bool, 4> &IsCritEdge,
const SmallVector<BinaryBasicBlock *, 4> &From,
const SmallVector<SmallVector<BinaryBasicBlock *, 4>, 4> &To);
/// After the best save location for a spill has been established in
/// \p BestPosSave for reg \p CSR, compute adequate locations to restore
/// the spilled value. This will be at the dominance frontier.
/// Returns an empty vector if we failed. In case of success, set
/// \p UsePushPops to true if we can operate in the push/pops mode.
SmallVector<ProgramPoint, 4> doRestorePlacement(MCInst *BestPosSave,
unsigned CSR,
uint64_t TotalEstimatedWin);
/// Checks whether using push and pops (instead of the longer load-store
/// counterparts) is correct for reg \p CSR
bool validatePushPopsMode(unsigned CSR, MCInst *BestPosSave,
int64_t SaveOffset);
/// Adjust restore locations to the correct SP offset if we are using POPs
/// instead of random-access load instructions.
SmallVector<ProgramPoint, 4>
fixPopsPlacements(const SmallVector<ProgramPoint, 4> &RestorePoints,
int64_t SaveOffset, unsigned CSR);
/// When moving spills, mark all old spill locations to be deleted
void scheduleOldSaveRestoresRemoval(unsigned CSR, bool UsePushPops);
/// Return true if \p Inst uses reg \p CSR
bool doesInstUsesCSR(const MCInst &Inst, uint16_t CSR);
/// When moving spills, mark all new spill locations for insertion
scheduleSaveRestoreInsertions(unsigned CSR, MCInst *BestPosSave,
SmallVector<ProgramPoint, 4> &RestorePoints,
bool UsePushPops);
/// Coordinate the replacement of callee-saved spills from their original
/// place (at prologue and epilogues) to colder basic blocks as determined
/// by computeSaveLocations().
void moveSaveRestores();
/// Compare multiple basic blocks created by splitting critical edges. If they
/// have the same contents and successor, fold them into one.
bool foldIdenticalSplitEdges();
/// After the spill locations for reg \p CSR has been moved and all affected
/// CFI has been removed, insert new updated CFI information for these
/// locations.
void insertUpdatedCFI(unsigned CSR, int SPValPush, int SPValPop);
/// In case the function anchors the CFA reg as SP and we inserted pushes/pops
/// insert def_cfa_offsets at appropriate places (and delete old
/// def_cfa_offsets)
void rebuildCFIForSP();
/// Rebuild all CFI for affected Callee-Saved Registers.
void rebuildCFI();
/// Create a load-store instruction (depending on the contents of \p FIE).
/// If \p CreatePushOrPop is true, create a push/pop instead. Current SP/FP
/// values, as determined by StackPointerTracking, should be informed via
/// \p SPVal and \p FPVal in order to emit the correct offset form SP/FP.
MCInst createStackAccess(int SPVal, int FPVal, const FrameIndexEntry &FIE,
bool CreatePushOrPop);
/// Update the CFI referenced by \p Inst with \p NewOffset, if the CFI has
/// an offset.
void updateCFIInstOffset(MCInst &Inst, int64_t NewOffset);
/// Insert any CFI that should be attached to a register spill save/restore.
BBIterTy insertCFIsForPushOrPop(BinaryBasicBlock &BB, BBIterTy Pos,
unsigned Reg, bool IsPush, int Sz,
int64_t NewOffset);
/// Auxiliary function to processInsertionsList, adding a new instruction
/// before \p InsertionPoint as requested by \p Item. Return an updated
/// InsertionPoint for other instructions that need to be inserted at the same
/// original location, since this insertion may have invalidated the previous
/// location.
BBIterTy processInsertion(BBIterTy InsertionPoint, BinaryBasicBlock *CurBB,
const WorklistItem &Item, int64_t SPVal,
int64_t FPVal);
/// Auxiliary function to processInsertions(), helping perform all the
/// insertion tasks in the todo list associated with a single insertion point.
/// Return true if at least one insertion was performed.
BBIterTy processInsertionsList(BBIterTy InsertionPoint,
BinaryBasicBlock *CurBB,
std::vector<WorklistItem> &TodoList,
int64_t SPVal, int64_t FPVal);
/// Apply all insertion todo tasks regarding insertion of new stores/loads or
/// push/pops at annotated points. Return false if the entire function had
/// no todo tasks annotation and this pass has nothing to do.
bool processInsertions();
/// Apply all deletion todo tasks (or tasks to change a push/pop to a memory
/// access no-op)
void processDeletions();
ShrinkWrapping(const FrameAnalysis &FA, BinaryFunction &BF,
DataflowInfoManager &Info,
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy AllocId)
: FA(FA), BC(BF.getBinaryContext()), BF(BF), Info(Info),
AllocatorId(AllocId), SLM(FA, BF, Info, AllocId),
CSA(FA, BF, Info, AllocId) {}
~ShrinkWrapping() {
for (BinaryBasicBlock &BB : BF)
for (MCInst &Inst : BB)
BC.MIB->removeAnnotation(Inst, getAnnotationIndex());
bool perform(bool HotOnly = false);
static void printStats();
} // end namespace bolt
} // end namespace llvm