blob: 1a11f9eab511096e903616565d3c7bfe9c5ff305 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- bolt/Passes/Instrumentation.h ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is an instrumentation pass that modifies the input binary to generate
// a profile after execution finishes. It can modify branches and calls to
// increment counters stored in the process memory. A runtime library is linked
// into the final binary to handle writing these counters to an fdata file. See
// runtime/instr.cpp
#include "bolt/Passes/BinaryPasses.h"
#include "bolt/Passes/InstrumentationSummary.h"
#include "llvm/Support/RWMutex.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace bolt {
class Instrumentation : public BinaryFunctionPass {
Instrumentation(const cl::opt<bool> &PrintPass)
: BinaryFunctionPass(PrintPass),
Summary(std::make_unique<InstrumentationSummary>()) {}
/// Modifies all functions by inserting instrumentation code (first step)
void runOnFunctions(BinaryContext &BC) override;
const char *getName() const override { return "instrumentation"; }
void instrumentFunction(BinaryFunction &Function,
MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy = 0);
/// Retrieve the string table index for the name of \p Function. We encode
/// instrumented locations descriptions with the aid of a string table to
/// manage memory of the instrumentation runtime in a more efficient way.
/// If this function name is not represented in the string table yet, it will
/// be inserted and its index returned.
uint32_t getFunctionNameIndex(const BinaryFunction &Function);
/// Metadata creation methods
void createIndCallDescription(const BinaryFunction &FromFunction,
uint32_t From);
void createIndCallTargetDescription(const BinaryFunction &ToFunction,
uint32_t To);
bool createCallDescription(FunctionDescription &FuncDesc,
const BinaryFunction &FromFunction, uint32_t From,
uint32_t FromNodeID,
const BinaryFunction &ToFunction, uint32_t To,
bool IsInvoke);
bool createEdgeDescription(FunctionDescription &FuncDesc,
const BinaryFunction &FromFunction, uint32_t From,
uint32_t FromNodeID,
const BinaryFunction &ToFunction, uint32_t To,
uint32_t ToNodeID, bool Instrumented);
void createLeafNodeDescription(FunctionDescription &FuncDesc, uint32_t Node);
/// Create the sequence of instructions to increment a counter
InstructionListType createInstrumentationSnippet(BinaryContext &BC,
bool IsLeaf);
// Critical edges worklist
// This worklist keeps track of CFG edges <From-To> that needs to be split.
// This task is deferred until we finish processing all BBs because we can't
// modify the CFG while iterating over it. For each edge, \p SplitInstrsTy
// stores the list of instrumentation instructions as a vector of MCInsts.
// instrumentOneTarget() populates this, instrumentFunction() consumes.
using SplitWorklistTy =
std::vector<std::pair<BinaryBasicBlock *, BinaryBasicBlock *>>;
using SplitInstrsTy = std::vector<InstructionListType>;
/// Instrument the branch or call in \p Iter. \p TargetBB should be non-null
/// if this is a local branch and null if it is a call. Return true if the
/// location was instrumented with an explicit counter or false if it just
/// created the description, but no explicit counters were necessary.
bool instrumentOneTarget(SplitWorklistTy &SplitWorklist,
SplitInstrsTy &SplitInstrs,
BinaryBasicBlock::iterator &Iter,
BinaryFunction &FromFunction,
BinaryBasicBlock &FromBB, uint32_t From,
BinaryFunction &ToFunc, BinaryBasicBlock *TargetBB,
uint32_t ToOffset, bool IsLeaf, bool IsInvoke,
FunctionDescription *FuncDesc, uint32_t FromNodeID,
uint32_t ToNodeID = 0);
void instrumentLeafNode(BinaryBasicBlock &BB, BinaryBasicBlock::iterator Iter,
bool IsLeaf, FunctionDescription &FuncDesc,
uint32_t Node);
void instrumentIndirectTarget(BinaryBasicBlock &BB,
BinaryBasicBlock::iterator &Iter,
BinaryFunction &FromFunction, uint32_t From);
void createAuxiliaryFunctions(BinaryContext &BC);
uint32_t getFDSize() const;
/// Create a runtime library, pass the BinData over, and register it
/// under \p BC.
void setupRuntimeLibrary(BinaryContext &BC);
/// strtab indices in StringTable for each function name
std::unordered_map<const BinaryFunction *, uint32_t> FuncToStringIdx;
mutable llvm::sys::RWMutex FDMutex;
/// The data generated during Instrumentation pass that needs to
/// be passed to the Instrument runtime library.
std::unique_ptr<InstrumentationSummary> Summary;
/// Statistics on counters
uint32_t DirectCallCounters{0};
uint32_t BranchCounters{0};
uint32_t LeafNodeCounters{0};
/// Indirect call instrumentation functions
BinaryFunction *IndCallHandlerExitBBFunction;
BinaryFunction *IndTailCallHandlerExitBBFunction;
} // namespace bolt
} // namespace llvm