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//===- bolt/Passes/FrameAnalysis.h ------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "bolt/Passes/StackPointerTracking.h"
namespace llvm {
namespace bolt {
class BinaryFunctionCallGraph;
/// Alias analysis information attached to each instruction that accesses a
/// frame position. This is called a "frame index" by LLVM Target libs when
/// it is building a MachineFunction frame, and we use the same name here
/// because we are essentially doing the job of frame reconstruction.
struct FrameIndexEntry {
/// If both IsLoad and IsStore are set, it means this is an instruction that
/// reads and updates this frame location.
bool IsLoad;
bool IsStore;
/// If a store, this controls whether the store uses a register os an imm
/// as the source value.
bool IsStoreFromReg;
/// If load, this holds the destination register. If store, this holds
/// either the source register or source immediate.
int32_t RegOrImm;
/// StackOffset and Size are the two aspects that identify this frame access
/// for the purposes of alias analysis.
int64_t StackOffset;
uint8_t Size;
/// If this is false, we will never atempt to remove or optimize this
/// instruction. We just use it to keep track of stores we don't fully
/// understand but we know it may write to a frame position.
bool IsSimple;
uint16_t StackPtrReg;
/// Record an access to an argument in stack. This should be attached to
/// call instructions, so StackOffset and Size are determined in the context
/// of the caller. This information helps the caller understand how the callee
/// may access its private stack.
struct ArgInStackAccess {
int64_t StackOffset;
uint8_t Size;
bool operator<(const ArgInStackAccess &RHS) const {
if (StackOffset != RHS.StackOffset)
return StackOffset < RHS.StackOffset;
return Size < RHS.Size;
/// The set of all args-in-stack accesses for a given instruction. If
/// AssumeEverything is true, then the set should be ignored and the
/// corresponding instruction should be treated as accessing the entire
/// stack for the purposes of analysis and optimization.
struct ArgAccesses {
bool AssumeEverything;
std::set<ArgInStackAccess> Set;
explicit ArgAccesses(bool AssumeEverything)
: AssumeEverything(AssumeEverything) {}
raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const FrameIndexEntry &FIE);
/// This pass attaches stack access information to instructions. If a load/store
/// instruction accesses a stack position, it will identify the CFA offset and
/// size information of this access, where CFA is the Canonical Frame Address
/// (using DWARF terminology).
/// This pass also computes frame usage information obtained by a bottom-up call
/// graph traversal: which registers are clobbered by functions (including their
/// callees as determined by the call graph), whether a function accesses its
/// caller's stack frame and whether a function demands its stack to be aligned
/// due to the use of SSE aligned load/store operations present in itself or any
/// of its direct or indirect callees.
/// Initialization:
/// FrameAnalysis FA(PrintPass);
/// FA.runOnFunctions(BC);
/// Usage (fetching frame access information about a given instruction):
/// auto FIE = FA.getFIEFor(BC, Instruction);
/// if (FIE && FIE->IsSimple) {
/// ... = FIE->StackOffset
/// ... = FIE->Size
/// }
/// Usage (determining the set of stack positions accessed by the target of a
/// call:
/// auto Args = FA.getArgAccessesFor(BC, CallInst);
/// if (Args && Args->AssumeEverything) {
/// ... callee may access any position of our current stack frame
/// }
class FrameAnalysis {
BinaryContext &BC;
/// Map functions to the set of <stack offsets, size> tuples representing
/// accesses to stack positions that belongs to caller
std::map<const BinaryFunction *, std::set<std::pair<int64_t, uint8_t>>>
/// The set of functions we were able to perform the full analysis up to
/// restoring frame indexes for all load/store instructions.
DenseSet<const BinaryFunction *> AnalyzedFunctions;
/// Set of functions that require the stack to be 16B aligned
DenseSet<const BinaryFunction *> FunctionsRequireAlignment;
/// Set of functions that performs computations with stack addresses and
/// complicates our understanding of aliasing of stack spaces.
DenseSet<const BinaryFunction *> FunctionsWithStackArithmetic;
/// Owns ArgAccesses for all instructions. References to elements are
/// attached to instructions as indexes to this vector, in MCAnnotations.
std::vector<ArgAccesses> ArgAccessesVector;
/// Same for FrameIndexEntries.
std::vector<FrameIndexEntry> FIEVector;
/// Analysis stats counters
uint64_t NumFunctionsNotOptimized{0};
uint64_t NumFunctionsFailedRestoreFI{0};
uint64_t CountFunctionsFailedRestoreFI{0};
uint64_t CountDenominator{0};
/// Convenience functions for appending MCAnnotations to instructions with
/// our specific data
void addArgAccessesFor(MCInst &Inst, ArgAccesses &&AA);
void addArgInStackAccessFor(MCInst &Inst, const ArgInStackAccess &Arg);
void addFIEFor(MCInst &Inst, const FrameIndexEntry &FIE);
/// Perform the step of building the set of registers clobbered by each
/// function execution, populating RegsKilledMap and RegsGenMap.
void traverseCG(BinaryFunctionCallGraph &CG);
/// Analyzes an instruction and if it is a call, checks the called function
/// to record which args in stack are accessed, if any. Returns true if
/// the args data associated with this instruction were updated.
bool updateArgsTouchedFor(const BinaryFunction &BF, MCInst &Inst,
int CurOffset);
/// Performs a pass over \p BF to check for accesses to arguments in stack,
/// flagging those as accessing the caller stack frame. All functions called
/// by \p BF must have been previously analyzed. Returns true if updated
/// args data about this function.
bool computeArgsAccessed(BinaryFunction &BF);
/// Alias analysis to disambiguate which frame position is accessed by each
/// instruction in function \p BF. Add MCAnnotation<FrameIndexEntry> to
/// instructions that access a frame position. Return false if it failed
/// to analyze and this information can't be safely determined for \p BF.
bool restoreFrameIndex(BinaryFunction &BF);
/// A store for SPT info per function
std::unordered_map<const BinaryFunction *,
/// A vector that stores ids of the allocators that are used in SPT
/// computation
std::vector<MCPlusBuilder::AllocatorIdTy> SPTAllocatorsId;
explicit FrameAnalysis(BinaryContext &BC, BinaryFunctionCallGraph &CG);
/// Return true if we could fully analyze \p Func
bool hasFrameInfo(const BinaryFunction &Func) const {
return AnalyzedFunctions.count(&Func);
/// Return true if \p Func cannot operate with a misaligned CFA
bool requiresAlignment(const BinaryFunction &Func) const {
return FunctionsRequireAlignment.count(&Func);
/// Return true if \p Func does computation with the address of any stack
/// position, meaning we have limited alias analysis on this function.
bool hasStackArithmetic(const BinaryFunction &Func) const {
return FunctionsWithStackArithmetic.count(&Func);
/// Functions for retrieving our specific MCAnnotation data from instructions
ErrorOr<ArgAccesses &> getArgAccessesFor(const MCInst &Inst);
ErrorOr<const ArgAccesses &> getArgAccessesFor(const MCInst &Inst) const;
ErrorOr<const FrameIndexEntry &> getFIEFor(const MCInst &Inst) const;
/// Remove all MCAnnotations attached by this pass
void cleanAnnotations();
~FrameAnalysis() { cleanAnnotations(); }
/// Print to standard output statistics about the analysis performed by this
/// pass
void printStats();
/// Get or create an SPT object and run the analysis
StackPointerTracking &getSPT(BinaryFunction &BF) {
if (!SPTMap.count(&BF)) {
SPTMap.emplace(&BF, std::make_unique<StackPointerTracking>(BF));
auto Iter = SPTMap.find(&BF);
assert(Iter != SPTMap.end() && "item should exist");
return *Iter->second;
auto Iter = SPTMap.find(&BF);
assert(Iter != SPTMap.end() && "item should exist");
return *Iter->second;
/// Clean and de-allocate all SPT objects
void clearSPTMap();
/// Perform SPT analysis for all functions in parallel
void preComputeSPT();
} // namespace bolt
} // namespace llvm