blob: c4afd42e91bb335b09748ec0c021510e6830b7fa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s | mlir-opt | FileCheck %s
// RUN: mlir-opt -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics -mlir-print-op-generic %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=GENERIC
// RUN: mlir-opt -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s -mlir-print-debuginfo | mlir-opt -mlir-print-debuginfo | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=LOCINFO
// RUN: mlir-translate -mlir-to-llvmir -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=CHECK-LLVM
module {
// GENERIC: "llvm.func"
// GENERIC: function_type = !llvm.func<void ()>
// GENERIC-SAME: sym_name = "foo"
// GENERIC-SAME: () -> ()
// CHECK: llvm.func @foo()
"llvm.func" () ({
}) {sym_name = "foo", function_type = !llvm.func<void ()>} : () -> ()
// GENERIC: "llvm.func"
// GENERIC: function_type = !llvm.func<i64 (i64, i64)>
// GENERIC-SAME: sym_name = "bar"
// GENERIC-SAME: () -> ()
// CHECK: llvm.func @bar(i64, i64) -> i64
"llvm.func"() ({
}) {sym_name = "bar", function_type = !llvm.func<i64 (i64, i64)>} : () -> ()
// GENERIC: "llvm.func"
// CHECK: llvm.func @baz(%{{.*}}: i64) -> i64
"llvm.func"() ({
// GENERIC: ^bb0
^bb0(%arg0: i64):
// GENERIC: llvm.return
llvm.return %arg0 : i64
// GENERIC: function_type = !llvm.func<i64 (i64)>
// GENERIC-SAME: sym_name = "baz"
// GENERIC-SAME: () -> ()
}) {sym_name = "baz", function_type = !llvm.func<i64 (i64)>} : () -> ()
// CHECK: llvm.func @qux(!llvm.ptr<i64> {llvm.noalias}, i64)
// CHECK: attributes {xxx = {yyy = 42 : i64}}
"llvm.func"() ({
}) {sym_name = "qux", function_type = !llvm.func<void (ptr<i64>, i64)>,
arg_attrs = [{llvm.noalias}, {}], xxx = {yyy = 42}} : () -> ()
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip1()
llvm.func @roundtrip1()
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip2(i64, f32) -> f64
llvm.func @roundtrip2(i64, f32) -> f64
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip3(i32, i1)
llvm.func @roundtrip3(%a: i32, %b: i1)
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip4(%{{.*}}: i32, %{{.*}}: i1) {
llvm.func @roundtrip4(%a: i32, %b: i1) {
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip5()
// CHECK: attributes {baz = 42 : i64, foo = "bar"}
llvm.func @roundtrip5() attributes {foo = "bar", baz = 42}
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip6()
// CHECK: attributes {baz = 42 : i64, foo = "bar"}
llvm.func @roundtrip6() attributes {foo = "bar", baz = 42} {
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip7() {
llvm.func @roundtrip7() attributes {} {
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip8() -> i32
llvm.func @roundtrip8() -> i32 attributes {}
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip9(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias})
llvm.func @roundtrip9(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias})
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip10(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias})
llvm.func @roundtrip10(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias})
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip11(%{{.*}}: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias}) {
llvm.func @roundtrip11(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias}) {
// CHECK: llvm.func @roundtrip12(%{{.*}}: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias})
// CHECK: attributes {foo = 42 : i32}
llvm.func @roundtrip12(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.noalias})
attributes {foo = 42 : i32} {
// CHECK: llvm.func @byvalattr(%{{.*}}: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.byval})
llvm.func @byvalattr(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.byval}) {
// CHECK: llvm.func @sretattr(%{{.*}}: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.sret = i32})
// LOCINFO: llvm.func @sretattr(%{{.*}}: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.sret = i32} loc("some_source_loc"))
llvm.func @sretattr(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.sret = i32} loc("some_source_loc")) {
// CHECK: llvm.func @nestattr(%{{.*}}: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.nest})
llvm.func @nestattr(%arg0: !llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.nest}) {
// CHECK: llvm.func @llvm_noalias_decl(!llvm.ptr<f32> {llvm.noalias})
llvm.func @llvm_noalias_decl(!llvm.ptr<f32> {llvm.noalias})
// CHECK: llvm.func @byrefattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.byref = i32})
llvm.func @byrefattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.byref = i32})
// CHECK: llvm.func @byvalattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.byval = i32})
llvm.func @byvalattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.byval = i32})
// CHECK: llvm.func @sretattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.sret = i32})
llvm.func @sretattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.sret = i32})
// CHECK: llvm.func @nestattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.nest})
llvm.func @nestattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.nest})
// CHECK: llvm.func @noundefattr_decl(i32 {llvm.noundef})
llvm.func @noundefattr_decl(i32 {llvm.noundef})
// CHECK: llvm.func @llvm_align_decl(!llvm.ptr<f32> {llvm.align = 4 : i64})
llvm.func @llvm_align_decl(!llvm.ptr<f32> {llvm.align = 4})
// CHECK: llvm.func @inallocaattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.inalloca = i32})
llvm.func @inallocaattr_decl(!llvm.ptr<i32> {llvm.inalloca = i32})
// CHECK: llvm.func @variadic(...)
llvm.func @variadic(...)
// CHECK: llvm.func @variadic_args(i32, i32, ...)
llvm.func @variadic_args(i32, i32, ...)
// Check that functions can have linkage attributes.
// CHECK: llvm.func internal
llvm.func internal @internal_func() {
// CHECK: llvm.func weak
llvm.func weak @weak_linkage() {
// CHECK-LLVM: define ptx_kernel void @calling_conv
llvm.func ptx_kernelcc @calling_conv() {
// Omit the `external` linkage, which is the default, in the custom format.
// Check that it is present in the generic format using its numeric value.
// CHECK: llvm.func @external_func
// GENERIC: linkage = #llvm.linkage<external>
llvm.func external @external_func()
// CHECK-LABEL: llvm.func @arg_struct_attr(
// CHECK-SAME: %{{.*}}: !llvm.struct<(i32)> {llvm.struct_attrs = [{llvm.noalias}]}) {
llvm.func @arg_struct_attr(
%arg0 : !llvm.struct<(i32)> {llvm.struct_attrs = [{llvm.noalias}]}) {
// CHECK-LABEL: llvm.func @res_struct_attr(%{{.*}}: !llvm.struct<(i32)>)
// CHECK-SAME:-> (!llvm.struct<(i32)> {llvm.struct_attrs = [{llvm.noalias}]}) {
llvm.func @res_struct_attr(%arg0 : !llvm.struct<(i32)>)
-> (!llvm.struct<(i32)> {llvm.struct_attrs = [{llvm.noalias}]}) {
llvm.return %arg0 : !llvm.struct<(i32)>
// CHECK: llvm.func @cconv1
llvm.func ccc @cconv1() {
// CHECK: llvm.func weak @cconv2
llvm.func weak ccc @cconv2() {
// CHECK: llvm.func weak fastcc @cconv3
llvm.func weak fastcc @cconv3() {
// CHECK-LABEL: llvm.func @variadic_def
llvm.func @variadic_def(...) {
// CHECK-LABEL: llvm.func @memory_attr
// CHECK-SAME: attributes {memory = #llvm.memory_effects<other = none, argMem = read, inaccessibleMem = readwrite>} {
llvm.func @memory_attr() attributes {memory = #llvm.memory_effects<other = none, argMem = read, inaccessibleMem = readwrite>} {
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{requires one region}}
"llvm.func"() {function_type = !llvm.func<void ()>, sym_name = "no_region"} : () -> ()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{requires attribute 'function_type'}}
"llvm.func"() ({}) {sym_name = "missing_type"} : () -> ()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{attribute 'function_type' failed to satisfy constraint: type attribute of LLVM function type}}
"llvm.func"() ({}) {sym_name = "non_llvm_type", function_type = i64} : () -> ()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{attribute 'function_type' failed to satisfy constraint: type attribute of LLVM function type}}
"llvm.func"() ({}) {sym_name = "non_function_type", function_type = i64} : () -> ()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{entry block must have 0 arguments}}
"llvm.func"() ({
^bb0(%arg0: i64):
}) {function_type = !llvm.func<void ()>, sym_name = "wrong_arg_number"} : () -> ()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{entry block argument #0('tensor<*xf32>') must match the type of the corresponding argument in function signature('i64')}}
"llvm.func"() ({
^bb0(%arg0: tensor<*xf32>):
}) {function_type = !llvm.func<void (i64)>, sym_name = "wrong_arg_number"} : () -> ()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{failed to construct function type: expected LLVM type for function arguments}}
llvm.func @foo(tensor<*xf32>)
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{failed to construct function type: expected LLVM type for function results}}
llvm.func @foo() -> tensor<*xf32>
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{failed to construct function type: expected zero or one function result}}
llvm.func @foo() -> (i64, i64)
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{cannot attach result attributes to functions with a void return}}
llvm.func @variadic_def() -> (!llvm.void {llvm.noundef})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{expected llvm.align result attribute to be an integer attribute}}
llvm.func @alignattr_ret() -> (!llvm.ptr {llvm.align = 1.0 : f32})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{llvm.align attribute attached to non-pointer result}}
llvm.func @alignattr_ret() -> (i32 {llvm.align = 4})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{expected llvm.noalias result attribute to be a unit attribute}}
llvm.func @noaliasattr_ret() -> (!llvm.ptr {llvm.noalias = 1})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{llvm.noalias attribute attached to non-pointer result}}
llvm.func @noaliasattr_ret() -> (i32 {llvm.noalias})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{expected llvm.noundef result attribute to be a unit attribute}}
llvm.func @noundefattr_ret() -> (!llvm.ptr {llvm.noundef = 1})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{expected llvm.signext result attribute to be a unit attribute}}
llvm.func @signextattr_ret() -> (i32 {llvm.signext = 1})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{llvm.signext attribute attached to non-integer result}}
llvm.func @signextattr_ret() -> (f32 {llvm.signext})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{expected llvm.zeroext result attribute to be a unit attribute}}
llvm.func @zeroextattr_ret() -> (i32 {llvm.zeroext = 1})
// -----
// expected-error @below{{llvm.zeroext attribute attached to non-integer result}}
llvm.func @zeroextattr_ret() -> (f32 {llvm.zeroext})
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{variadic arguments must be in the end of the argument list}}
llvm.func @variadic_inside(%arg0: i32, ..., %arg1: i32)
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{external functions must have 'external' or 'extern_weak' linkage}}
llvm.func internal @internal_external_func()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{functions cannot have 'common' linkage}}
llvm.func common @common_linkage_func()
// -----
module {
// expected-error@+1 {{custom op 'llvm.func' expected valid '@'-identifier for symbol name}}
llvm.func cc_12 @unknown_calling_convention()
// -----
module {
"llvm.func"() ({
// expected-error @below {{invalid Calling Conventions specification: cc_12}}
// expected-error @below {{failed to parse CConvAttr parameter 'CallingConv' which is to be a `CConv`}}
}) {sym_name = "generic_unknown_calling_convention", CConv = #llvm.cconv<cc_12>, function_type = !llvm.func<i64 (i64, i64)>} : () -> ()