blob: 48fb5065f4bd86053ff7ae7b91abda9a37b17432 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Builder.cpp - Builder definitions ----------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/TableGen/Builder.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;
// Builder::Parameter
/// Return a string containing the C++ type of this parameter.
StringRef Builder::Parameter::getCppType() const {
if (const auto *stringInit = dyn_cast<llvm::StringInit>(def))
return stringInit->getValue();
const llvm::Record *record = cast<llvm::DefInit>(def)->getDef();
// Inlining the first part of `Record::getValueAsString` to give better
// error messages.
const llvm::RecordVal *type = record->getValue("type");
if (!type || !type->getValue()) {
llvm::PrintFatalError("Builder DAG arguments must be either strings or "
"defs which inherit from CArg");
return record->getValueAsString("type");
/// Return an optional string containing the default value to use for this
/// parameter.
std::optional<StringRef> Builder::Parameter::getDefaultValue() const {
if (isa<llvm::StringInit>(def))
return std::nullopt;
const llvm::Record *record = cast<llvm::DefInit>(def)->getDef();
std::optional<StringRef> value =
return value && !value->empty() ? value : std::nullopt;
// Builder
Builder::Builder(const llvm::Record *record, ArrayRef<SMLoc> loc)
: def(record) {
// Initialize the parameters of the builder.
const llvm::DagInit *dag = def->getValueAsDag("dagParams");
auto *defInit = dyn_cast<llvm::DefInit>(dag->getOperator());
if (!defInit || !defInit->getDef()->getName().equals("ins"))
PrintFatalError(def->getLoc(), "expected 'ins' in builders");
bool seenDefaultValue = false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = dag->getNumArgs(); i < e; ++i) {
const llvm::StringInit *paramName = dag->getArgName(i);
const llvm::Init *paramValue = dag->getArg(i);
Parameter param(paramName ? paramName->getValue()
: std::optional<StringRef>(),
// Similarly to C++, once an argument with a default value is detected, the
// following arguments must have default values as well.
if (param.getDefaultValue()) {
seenDefaultValue = true;
} else if (seenDefaultValue) {
"expected an argument with default value after other "
"arguments with default values");
/// Return an optional string containing the body of the builder.
std::optional<StringRef> Builder::getBody() const {
std::optional<StringRef> body = def->getValueAsOptionalString("body");
return body && !body->empty() ? body : std::nullopt;