blob: aeb624e58ba0c1c492cb7d97cb8f9a65439861bf [file] [log] [blame]
//===- IRNumbering.h - MLIR bytecode IR numbering ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file contains various utilities that number IR structures in preparation
// for bytecode emission.
#include "mlir/IR/OpImplementation.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
namespace mlir {
class BytecodeDialectInterface;
class BytecodeWriterConfig;
namespace bytecode {
namespace detail {
struct DialectNumbering;
// Attribute and Type Numbering
/// This class represents a numbering entry for an Attribute or Type.
struct AttrTypeNumbering {
AttrTypeNumbering(PointerUnion<Attribute, Type> value) : value(value) {}
/// The concrete value.
PointerUnion<Attribute, Type> value;
/// The number assigned to this value.
unsigned number = 0;
/// The number of references to this value.
unsigned refCount = 1;
/// The dialect of this value.
DialectNumbering *dialect = nullptr;
struct AttributeNumbering : public AttrTypeNumbering {
AttributeNumbering(Attribute value) : AttrTypeNumbering(value) {}
Attribute getValue() const { return value.get<Attribute>(); }
struct TypeNumbering : public AttrTypeNumbering {
TypeNumbering(Type value) : AttrTypeNumbering(value) {}
Type getValue() const { return value.get<Type>(); }
// OpName Numbering
/// This class represents the numbering entry of an operation name.
struct OpNameNumbering {
OpNameNumbering(DialectNumbering *dialect, OperationName name)
: dialect(dialect), name(name) {}
/// The dialect of this value.
DialectNumbering *dialect;
/// The concrete name.
OperationName name;
/// The number assigned to this name.
unsigned number = 0;
/// The number of references to this name.
unsigned refCount = 1;
// Dialect Resource Numbering
/// This class represents a numbering entry for a dialect resource.
struct DialectResourceNumbering {
DialectResourceNumbering(std::string key) : key(std::move(key)) {}
/// The key used to reference this resource.
std::string key;
/// The number assigned to this resource.
unsigned number = 0;
/// A flag indicating if this resource is only a declaration, not a full
/// definition.
bool isDeclaration = true;
// Dialect Numbering
/// This class represents a numbering entry for an Dialect.
struct DialectNumbering {
DialectNumbering(StringRef name, unsigned number)
: name(name), number(number) {}
/// The namespace of the dialect.
StringRef name;
/// The number assigned to the dialect.
unsigned number;
/// The bytecode dialect interface of the dialect if defined.
const BytecodeDialectInterface *interface = nullptr;
/// The asm dialect interface of the dialect if defined.
const OpAsmDialectInterface *asmInterface = nullptr;
/// The referenced resources of this dialect.
SetVector<AsmDialectResourceHandle> resources;
/// A mapping from resource key to the corresponding resource numbering entry.
llvm::MapVector<StringRef, DialectResourceNumbering *> resourceMap;
// IRNumberingState
/// This class manages numbering IR entities in preparation of bytecode
/// emission.
class IRNumberingState {
IRNumberingState(Operation *op);
/// Return the numbered dialects.
auto getDialects() {
return llvm::make_pointee_range(llvm::make_second_range(dialects));
auto getAttributes() { return llvm::make_pointee_range(orderedAttrs); }
auto getOpNames() { return llvm::make_pointee_range(orderedOpNames); }
auto getTypes() { return llvm::make_pointee_range(orderedTypes); }
/// Return the number for the given IR unit.
unsigned getNumber(Attribute attr) {
assert(attrs.count(attr) && "attribute not numbered");
return attrs[attr]->number;
unsigned getNumber(Block *block) {
assert(blockIDs.count(block) && "block not numbered");
return blockIDs[block];
unsigned getNumber(OperationName opName) {
assert(opNames.count(opName) && "opName not numbered");
return opNames[opName]->number;
unsigned getNumber(Type type) {
assert(types.count(type) && "type not numbered");
return types[type]->number;
unsigned getNumber(Value value) {
assert(valueIDs.count(value) && "value not numbered");
return valueIDs[value];
unsigned getNumber(const AsmDialectResourceHandle &resource) {
assert(dialectResources.count(resource) && "resource not numbered");
return dialectResources[resource]->number;
/// Return the block and value counts of the given region.
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> getBlockValueCount(Region *region) {
assert(regionBlockValueCounts.count(region) && "value not numbered");
return regionBlockValueCounts[region];
/// Return the number of operations in the given block.
unsigned getOperationCount(Block *block) {
assert(blockOperationCounts.count(block) && "block not numbered");
return blockOperationCounts[block];
/// This class is used to provide a fake dialect writer for numbering nested
/// attributes and types.
struct NumberingDialectWriter;
/// Number the given IR unit for bytecode emission.
void number(Attribute attr);
void number(Block &block);
DialectNumbering &numberDialect(Dialect *dialect);
DialectNumbering &numberDialect(StringRef dialect);
void number(Operation &op);
void number(OperationName opName);
void number(Region &region);
void number(Type type);
/// Number the given dialect resources.
void number(Dialect *dialect, ArrayRef<AsmDialectResourceHandle> resources);
/// Finalize the numberings of any dialect resources.
void finalizeDialectResourceNumberings(Operation *rootOp);
/// Mapping from IR to the respective numbering entries.
DenseMap<Attribute, AttributeNumbering *> attrs;
DenseMap<OperationName, OpNameNumbering *> opNames;
DenseMap<Type, TypeNumbering *> types;
DenseMap<Dialect *, DialectNumbering *> registeredDialects;
llvm::MapVector<StringRef, DialectNumbering *> dialects;
std::vector<AttributeNumbering *> orderedAttrs;
std::vector<OpNameNumbering *> orderedOpNames;
std::vector<TypeNumbering *> orderedTypes;
/// A mapping from dialect resource handle to the numbering for the referenced
/// resource.
llvm::DenseMap<AsmDialectResourceHandle, DialectResourceNumbering *>
/// Allocators used for the various numbering entries.
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<AttributeNumbering> attrAllocator;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<DialectNumbering> dialectAllocator;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<OpNameNumbering> opNameAllocator;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<DialectResourceNumbering> resourceAllocator;
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<TypeNumbering> typeAllocator;
/// The value ID for each Block and Value.
DenseMap<Block *, unsigned> blockIDs;
DenseMap<Value, unsigned> valueIDs;
/// The number of operations in each block.
DenseMap<Block *, unsigned> blockOperationCounts;
/// A map from region to the number of blocks and values within that region.
DenseMap<Region *, std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>> regionBlockValueCounts;
/// The next value ID to assign when numbering.
unsigned nextValueID = 0;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace bytecode
} // namespace mlir