blob: 9dff440727ac34bcd93651b40eb9a948a65eeb26 [file] [log] [blame]
# REQUIRES: aarch64
# RUN: rm -rf %t; split-file %s %t
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=arm64-apple-darwin %t/explicit-selrefs-1.s -o %t/explicit-selrefs-1.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=arm64-apple-darwin %t/explicit-selrefs-2.s -o %t/explicit-selrefs-2.o
# RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=arm64-apple-darwin %t/implicit-selrefs.s -o %t/implicit-selrefs.o
# RUN: %lld -dylib -arch arm64 -lSystem -o %t/explicit-only-no-icf \
# RUN: %t/explicit-selrefs-1.o %t/explicit-selrefs-2.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -vs __DATA __objc_selrefs %t/explicit-only-no-icf | \
# RUN: FileCheck %s --check-prefix=EXPLICIT-NO-ICF
## NOTE: ld64 always dedups the selrefs unconditionally, but we only do it when
## ICF is enabled.
# RUN: %lld -dylib -arch arm64 -lSystem -o %t/explicit-only-with-icf \
# RUN: %t/explicit-selrefs-1.o %t/explicit-selrefs-2.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -vs __DATA __objc_selrefs %t/explicit-only-with-icf \
# RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=EXPLICIT-WITH-ICF
# SELREFS: Contents of (__DATA,__objc_selrefs) section
# SELREFS-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# SELREFS-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:bar
# SELREFS-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# SELREFS-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:length
## We don't yet support dedup'ing implicitly-defined selrefs.
# RUN: %lld -dylib -arch arm64 -lSystem --icf=all -o %t/explicit-and-implicit \
# RUN: %t/explicit-selrefs-1.o %t/explicit-selrefs-2.o %t/implicit-selrefs.o
# RUN: llvm-otool -vs __DATA __objc_selrefs %t/explicit-and-implicit \
# RUN: | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=EXPLICIT-AND-IMPLICIT
# EXPLICIT-NO-ICF: Contents of (__DATA,__objc_selrefs) section
# EXPLICIT-NO-ICF-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# EXPLICIT-NO-ICF-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:bar
# EXPLICIT-NO-ICF-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:bar
# EXPLICIT-NO-ICF-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# EXPLICIT-WITH-ICF: Contents of (__DATA,__objc_selrefs) section
# EXPLICIT-WITH-ICF-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# EXPLICIT-WITH-ICF-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:bar
# EXPLICIT-AND-IMPLICIT: Contents of (__DATA,__objc_selrefs) section
# EXPLICIT-AND-IMPLICIT-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# EXPLICIT-AND-IMPLICIT-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:bar
# NOTE: Ideally this wouldn't exist, but while it does it needs to point to the deduplicated string
# EXPLICIT-AND-IMPLICIT-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:foo
# EXPLICIT-AND-IMPLICIT-NEXT: __TEXT:__objc_methname:length
#--- explicit-selrefs-1.s
.section __TEXT,__objc_methname,cstring_literals
.asciz "foo"
.asciz "bar"
.section __DATA,__objc_selrefs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip
.p2align 3
.quad lselref1
.quad lselref2
.quad lselref2
#--- explicit-selrefs-2.s
.section __TEXT,__objc_methname,cstring_literals
.asciz "foo"
.section __DATA,__objc_selrefs,literal_pointers,no_dead_strip
.p2align 3
.quad lselref1
#--- implicit-selrefs.s
.globl _objc_msgSend
.p2align 2
.p2align 2
bl _objc_msgSend$length
bl _objc_msgSend$foo